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Islam Forum

edited March 2007 in Faith & Religion
I started a friendship thread on an Islamic forum, simply to try and build bridges and mend karma, by and large, they have been very good to me.

Spiritual Friend

Thank you.


  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited March 2007
    Ven. HengYu,

    I read through it with great interest and am mulling over the possibility of joining in the spirit of friendship.

    One thing that caught my eye was your DNA report. I've never heard of someone getting a DNA report for themselves and wondered if you could tell me a bit more about it. For example, is the Y chromosome report the mother's side? And how much can a report tell you about your genetic history? And would I ask my doctor about getting the report done or do you go to a private lab? I find this idea to be extremely interesting.
  • edited March 2007
    Dear Brigid

    Thank you for your kind words of encouragement.

    Due to my links with Oxford (I was born there), and my links with the University (I studied Philosophy of Mind - which is not what it might seem!), I had my Y chromosome decoded by Oxford Ancestors. Professor Brian Sykes has written two very good books on the subject; The Daughters of Eve, and the Curse of Adam - dealing the with X and y chromosomes respectively.

    I turned out to be E3B.

    Generally speaking, one approaches a company who specialises in DNA analysis. Men pass-on their father's Y chromsome and their mother's x chromosome. Girls on the other hand, only pass-on their mother's x chromosome and not their father's Y chromosome.

    As a woman, you will have to have the mDNA test, which analysises your mother's ancestry back to about 50,000 years.

    All interesting stuff, but it can appear abit confusing at first. Remember that DNA tests only show your physical ancestry, or rather the history of the physical matter of your body. Spiritual ancestry is another matter!


    Thank you
  • PalzangPalzang Veteran
    edited March 2007
    Maybe we can devise a KNA (karmic-nucleic acid) test!

  • NirvanaNirvana aka BUBBA   `     `   South Carolina, USA Veteran
    edited March 2007
    Ven.HengYu wrote:
    I started a friendship thread on an Islamic forum, simply to try and build bridges and mend karma, by and large, they have been very good to me.

    I, too, good sir, am engaging in ecumenical dialogue on another islamic board. I must say there are some very interesting and good people coming there. But, on the other hand, there are the mischievous youngsters with all sorts of pranks, too. The trouble is that the owners allow then to continue and people keep responding to them. It can get kinda sickening.

    However, I'm learning a lot of ahadith and am really enjoying the experience. I've even recently incorporated one of Muhammed's sayings into my NB signature. I believe that the only way to win the hearts of other peoples is to learn more about them and, to a certain extent, get "sucked into" some aspects of their systems.

    Of particular interest to me is how so many nonbuddhists are so stuck in their own "boxes" that seemingly "objective" concepts as "the NEED to be Right" cannot even be contemplated. "NO, WE'RE RIGHT AND ALWAYS HAVE BEEN," would be a very typical answer to a question about the psychology of being right. Even though one is not questioning FACTS, the person who is asked about the psychology of the need to be right, cannot see the question as truly objective.

    Well, perhaps I have not made myself very clear here. But the fact remains that there is a real pigheadedness in the Abrahamic religious traditions. Therefore, even if only for the sake of the Christians and Muslims and some Jews, some illumination by nonjudgmental Eastern thought is essential.

    Therefore, good sir, interreligious dialogue is of utmost importance.


  • edited March 2007
    Very true. I find the following link very helpful in my dialogue with the White Robed Monks of St. Benedict;

    Thank you for your work in this area.

  • SimonthepilgrimSimonthepilgrim Veteran
    edited March 2007
    Ven.HengYu wrote:
    Very true. I find the following link very helpful in my dialogue with the White Robed Monks of St. Benedict;

    Thank you for your work in this area.


    Thanks for the link. Some wonderful reading. I particularly enjoy Brother Steindl-Rath on 'Gratitude'.
  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited March 2007
    Ven.HengYu wrote:
    Dear Brigid

    Thank you for your kind words of encouragement.

    Due to my links with Oxford (I was born there), and my links with the University (I studied Philosophy of Mind - which is not what it might seem!), I had my Y chromosome decoded by Oxford Ancestors. Professor Brian Sykes has written two very good books on the subject; The Daughters of Eve, and the Curse of Adam - dealing the with X and y chromosomes respectively.

    I turned out to be E3B.

    Generally speaking, one approaches a company who specialises in DNA analysis. Men pass-on their father's Y chromsome and their mother's x chromosome. Girls on the other hand, only pass-on their mother's x chromosome and not their father's Y chromosome.

    As a woman, you will have to have the mDNA test, which analysises your mother's ancestry back to about 50,000 years.

    All interesting stuff, but it can appear abit confusing at first. Remember that DNA tests only show your physical ancestry, or rather the history of the physical matter of your body. Spiritual ancestry is another matter!


    Thank you

    50,000 years!! Wow! That's amazing!
    Thank you for all of that info, Ven. HengYu. It's so interesting. I'd like to look into it some day.

    Thank you as well for the link to the MID which I'm enjoying immensely. I think I'll look up similar pages for the Jesuits and see what's available.


    I agree 100% with you that inter-religious discussion is essential, especially in this day and age and I'm inspired by both you and Ven. HengYu to learn more about Islam. Message boards are ideal for those who wish to introduce themselves and open their hearts and minds to Muslims around the world in a respectful way and with the open hand of friendship. Although I feel woefully ignorant when I read through the threads on the Muslim board I know that with a little time I'll learn enough to be able to join the discussion without embarrassing myself too badly. :buck:
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