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Buddhism: The Great Evil?

edited June 2007 in Buddhism Today
Found this on Youtube. I'd be interested to see what you guys think......


  • edited May 2007
    At least the guy has a sense of humor ...

    I found this one .. it's even more scarry ... in fact I flagged it as kooky.

    Chill ... don't take it too serious .. or you will end up taking the fat guys place. Stay on the middle path. Just chill baby.

    Good Day ...
  • bushinokibushinoki Veteran
    edited May 2007
    Wow. Just, wow.
  • edited May 2007
    I think he needs to put the cheeseburgers down and chill the heck out. But that's my 2 cents. I don't know where he got his info but he has NO IDEA what he's talking about.

    I almost feel like puking it made me sick.
  • MagwangMagwang Veteran
    edited May 2007
    Knight of Buddha, what do YOU think? Why do you bring this to our attention? Are you bothered by it? Think they have a point? Just for entertainment?

    I used to watch and read stuff like this too, until I realized that I was enjoying my reaction to it.

    Let it go, dude.
  • edited May 2007
    Magwang wrote:
    Knight of Buddha, what do YOU think? Why do you bring this to our attention? Are you bothered by it? Think they have a point? Just for entertainment?

    I used to watch and read stuff like this too, until I realized that I was enjoying my reaction to it.

    Let it go, dude.

    I was troubled by it as well. Buddhism is rarely the target of criticism and I think it is important that Buddhists are able to deal with it and make responses to such criticisms. On all of Youtube, I think there are maybe 2 videos like this in total.

    I believe that the Amazing Atheist here was severely misinformed about Buddhism and displayed a lack of education on his part. While I have expressed my own disagreements with Buddhism here and elsewhere, I do not go nearly as far as he did and probably hold a viewpoint of Buddhism similar to Sam Harris.
  • edited May 2007
    Who is a bigger fool .. the fool or the one that argues with one ?

    It's just wind ... if you don't stand against it .. it can't blow you over.

    Good Day ..
  • edited May 2007
    It's just wind ... if you don't stand against it .. it can't blow you over.

    But if the wind (ignorance, hatred, evil) can be stopped or at the least confronted, we need not be afraid to be blown over.

    Who is a bigger fool .. the fool or the one that argues with one ?

    The fool. The one who argues with one might be stuck in futility, but he has noble intentions.

    People like AmazingAtheist or other 'shock jock' atheists are just that; shock jocks. They are very confrontational in their stances and of course controversial. Some of them can be right on the money of exposing lunacy while in this particular case, I think the arguement was a little less than stellar. Ranting just doesn't work as well as carefully constructed logic and reason.

    On the other hand, people like Richard Dawkins or Sam Harris, who tend to have a strong rhetoric are very scientific and careful in their approach to critcism. While they may come across very confrontational in writing, if you were to listen to them on video or audio interviews, they are probably the two most polite people you can find.
  • edited May 2007
    But if the wind (ignorance, hatred, evil) can be stopped or at the least confronted, we need not be afraid to be blown over.

    The only place to confront these things is withihin ourselves.

    Good Day ...
  • bushinokibushinoki Veteran
    edited May 2007
    I'm not worried about his viewpoint, it is only valid to those who are into hearing 1000 F-bombs dropped into 16 minutes.

    Oh, and don't forget the saying " never argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience".
  • edited May 2007
    Who is a bigger fool .. the fool or the one that argues with one ?

    It's just wind ... if you don't stand against it .. it can't blow you over.

    Good Day ..

    Are you arguing that we shouldnt argue?
  • edited May 2007
    Lets say advising ...

    In short .. if you stay on your path and tap into your own innate wisdom that comes from being on center and use that wisdom to live a happier life and help others live a happier life then what the world will gain is far greater then what this fellow will take.

    Always stay on your path.

    Good Day ...
  • buddhafootbuddhafoot Veteran
    edited May 2007

    I couldn't get through the whole thing.

    I have a hard time panning to someone's egotistical attempt at sounding deep, sagacious and logical.

    This is just someone taking a jab at something other than themselves.

    I mean, I really had to chuckle when this YouTube Shrek was telling me that he doesn't mine "wrongful sex" or however it was termed.

    I mean... this dude and sex in the same sentence?


  • bushinokibushinoki Veteran
    edited May 2007
    bf, I made myself sit through the whole thing. I thought soldiers (myself included) had some foul mouths, but this guy, just wow. I don't even know what he was talking about other than his thesis was that Buddhism is evil. But, at least I can say that I sat through someone's viewpoint and listened with an open mind.
  • edited May 2007
    Are you arguing that we shouldnt argue?

    Lets say advising ...

    I fail to see the positives of this logic. This is the same school of thought that suggests there not be two divided political parties (or more) and that arguing never solves anything.

    Well it does. There are conversations in our culture that demand attention, debate, and arguement. Religion I think is high on a list of priorities when it comes to debate. Or at the very least, it should be. We can talk euphemisms and convince ourselves that we accomplish nothing by arguing or confronting controversial material. But the problem will not go away

    For instance, for centuries blacks in America were denied even the most basic of human privelages. Slavery, the most horrific among the wrongs committed was surely a divisive issue. Undoubtedly it presented people with uncomfortable feelings and the threat of intense debates and the most vicious of arguements. (Dred Scott anyone)

    But wasn't it at the very least noble to have such a discussion about the matters of human rights. Or since the slave owners were bigoted 'idiots,' they would have only "brought us down to there level and beaten us with experience" had we argued with them.
  • edited May 2007

    I fail to see the positives of this logic. This is the same school of thought that suggests there not be two divided political parties (or more) and that arguing never solves anything.

    Well it does. QUOTE]

    If you feel it does then go get um slugger ... I won't stand in your way.

    It's not logic .. it's experience.

    The "Dark Side" is very seductive. We might be posting your you tube someday.

    So be careful.

    Good Day ...
  • edited May 2007
    If you feel it does then go get um slugger ... I won't stand in your way.

    The "Dark Side" is very seductive.

    You still leave me perplexed. I think I have cited sufficient reasons as to why arguement is a healthy and necessary thing in a free society. How is my example of the arguement for basic human rights the "dark side" by any standard?

    I can see where experience may point to the often lack of positive results stemming from arguement, but discussions about religion, gay rights, civil rights, and ethics are essential for the survival of a society.
  • edited May 2007
    Perplexed is a good place to be ... if that is your state of mind then that is a good thing.

    No ... it is not to be assumed that we must argue in order for society to survive. We have indeed argued and have done so for a long time this does not mean it is essential or that it will ensure our survival.

    It is an understatement to say arguement has had short comings .. more like two world wars just to use round numbers.

    "The wise man does not contend .. therefore there is no one to contend against him .. yield and overcome."

    Take action when one must take action .. avoid blowing wind.

    Good Day ...
  • bushinokibushinoki Veteran
    edited May 2007
    "The "Dark Side" is very seductive. We might be posting your you tube someday"

    Maybe we should consider doing such a thing? I don't know enough about Buddhism to do it myself, but posting a counter to his video couldn't hurt.
  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited May 2007
    Maybe we should consider doing such a thing? I don't know enough about Buddhism to do it myself, but posting a counter to his video couldn't hurt.
    Being on slow dial up I've been gratefully spared but I have an idea of what this video is probably like. Hasn't he already received enough attention? Why don't we let it die a natural death and leave him to his pain?
    I don't even know what he was talking about other than his thesis was that Buddhism is evil. But, at least I can say that I sat through someone's viewpoint and listened with an open mind.
    This exercise is probably the best that can come of this video. It was a good exercise, wasn't it Bushi?
  • edited May 2007
    Where does it end ???

    Good intentions can go astray very fast .. that's what the "Darkside" is about. Keep still and stay on your path.

    Good Day ...
  • NirvanaNirvana aka BUBBA   `     `   South Carolina, USA Veteran
    edited May 2007
    Thought the guy most enlightened about being insensitive to others!

    BUT, on the other hand, after listening to his rant for about 9 minutes, I scrolled down and found a Krishnamurti link! AWESOME!
  • bushinokibushinoki Veteran
    edited May 2007
    It was a good exercise, Brigid. At least I did gain something of value from it. I am not a patient man by nature, but every chance I get to exercise patience is of benefit to me. And you're right, maybe letting this die a natural death is a good idea.
  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited May 2007
    That's good, Bushi. As for me, I can always use practice in patience because it's never come easy to me. The happy thing about it is that I have noticed a change, slight though it is, in my levels of patience from the practicing I've been doing. But I have to laugh at myself quite often because some days it doesn't take much to toss me right back to the old patterns. *sigh* lol!
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited May 2007
    "Dear God bring me patience - but fer chrissakes, hurry up!"
  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited May 2007
  • bushinokibushinoki Veteran
    edited May 2007
    That's great, fede
  • edited June 2007
    hey guys

    Practice leads to freedom. Freedom of mind, content with our souls and get spritual awareness. These all I learn from practicing Vipasanna meditations. Buddism is not new, was never new, and never will be. Its all there, we have to figure out ourseleves the buddha inside us.

    I think it that way because I am practicing meditations for quite a while. Have you guys ever tried it ??

    Charlene Lewis
  • SimonthepilgrimSimonthepilgrim Veteran
    edited June 2007
    Welcome, Charlene. Syria, eh? Is this the Syria of Damascus?

    Meditation? Yes, some - perhaps many - of us have done a bit.
  • NirvanaNirvana aka BUBBA   `     `   South Carolina, USA Veteran
    edited June 2007
    Buddhism as The Great Evil. Hey, that's funny.

    I LOVED the movie Away From Her. Beautiful, Wonderful Julie Christie. This movie's just gotta be nominated.

    Anyway, you know Julie Christie plays a woman with increasing Alzheimer's who know she's losing it.

    At one point in some public place she sees this pefectly gorgeous baby and says in a voice loud enough to be heard by its dear parents, "What an Ugly Baby!" (Really losing it, here!!!) HINT HINT

    I JUST HOLLERED. Don't think I broke a rib, though.

    People climb Mt. Everest because it is there. People hate others because they are there. Somebody's gotta turn around and make a wrong call from time to time, because there are all sorts of emotions twirling about this frenzied world.

    The man looks at Love Itself and says, "What an Ugly Baby!"
  • buddhafootbuddhafoot Veteran
    edited June 2007
    bushinoki wrote:
    bf, I made myself sit through the whole thing. I thought soldiers (myself included) had some foul mouths, but this guy, just wow. I don't even know what he was talking about other than his thesis was that Buddhism is evil. But, at least I can say that I sat through someone's viewpoint and listened with an open mind.


    I can appreciate the ability to sit and listen to someone with an open mind... but...

    Unfortunately (or fortunately, however you look at it) when someone starts talking in stupidity and ignorance and hatred - my mind slowly starts closing...

    I can't help it.

    Talk like does not fall in line with the 8fold Path. Nor does it truly have any value. These people are just putting youtube vids out there because of their puffed up ego and the ability to spout something off like they're actually sharing valuable information.

    It's all ego.

    Or... maybe this dude's mom grounded him and he couldn't leave his room in the basement.

  • bushinokibushinoki Veteran
    edited June 2007
    LOL bf. Hey, I gave him a chance to voice his opinion. That's actually one of the reasons I am a soldier. My main heritage, Portuguese, would have seen me stoned to death, or burned at the stake for forsaking Christianity. I have excercised my right to freedom of religion, he has excercised his.

    Still, you're right, he did nothing more than bad mouth a religion for no other reason than he wants to live without rules altogether. I can't claim to live right, but I can claim that I believe in something greater than myself, and have dedicated my life to achieving a higher moral standard, someday.
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