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Time for a quick mantra

SimonthepilgrimSimonthepilgrim Veteran
edited November 2007 in
Until I can manage to pay my phone bill and get back online at home, I am using the free library service. This means that I log in every time I come here. It strikes me that the page that displays telling me that I am being transferred could do with "pimping".

Perhaps it could read: "While you are waiting for us to tranfer you, here is a quick mantra for you and all beings: OM MANE PADME HUM".


  • edited November 2007
    What about this for a page not found error?

    You step in the stream,
    but the water has moved on.
    This page is not here.

    I got this from

    LOL I like this one:

    The Tao that is seen
    is not the true Tao, until
    you bring fresh toner.
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