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New Buddhist in 2008

BrianBrian Detroit, MI Moderator
edited February 2008 in
Welcome to 2008 :)

I know I've been a somewhat "Absentee Owner" for the last two years or so, but trust me when I say that these last two (and a half!) years have been the most trying of my life. I've gone from "having it all" (at least to me) to "losing everything" (well, not really, but sometimes it feels like it)

So hopefully 2007 completes the triumvirate of bad years and 2008-2010 will bring some cheer to me, and this will trickle down to you, my friends and loyal website contributors. I'd dearly love to "come back" to New Buddhist and start getting to know my old friends again as well as make some new ones. There are many new faces here, most of whom probably don't even know who I am, and that is entirely my fault and is inexcusable in a "community" website like this.

I'd like to thank you all for sticking through this with me, and keeping this site interesting, cheerful, fresh, and busy. Believe it or not, I have checked in every single day and I love what you guys have done with the place. :p

Thank you all so much for your patience with me. I need to become a whole person again and where better place to start than here?




  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited January 2008
    Brian wrote: »
    Believe it or not, I have checked in every single day and I love what you guys have done with the place. :p

    You see....??? I TOLE you he'd love the blue and orange stripes.... and the purple and yellow carpet....... together......!!

    Brian - ?

    We know.

    And as you know too...

    What are Buddha-buddies for....?

    Happy, happy 2008 and ever onward, Brian.

    Hugs, to you and everyone.
  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited January 2008
    Hi, Brian.

    We know.

    We also owe you a huge debt of gratitude for even keeping the site up, not to mention keeping it so beautifully moderated, during everything you've been going through. Bless your heart a million fold, Brian.

    All my love to you and here's to a brand new year and a brand new opportunity to grow and to heal and to learn, side by side with our brothers and sisters in the dhamma. Thank you, Brian, from the bottom of my heart.


    You know how much I love and appreciate you so I'll just say thank you for everything you do to make this sangha a safe, respectful and wonderful place to be. All my love to you and Nick and I wish you both a wonderful peace and joy filled new year.
  • JasonJason God Emperor Arrakis Moderator
    edited January 2008
    Brian who... ?
  • BrianBrian Detroit, MI Moderator
    edited January 2008
    Elohim wrote: »
    Brian who... ?

    * smack *
  • JasonJason God Emperor Arrakis Moderator
    edited January 2008
    Ohhh, that Brian... Happy New Year!
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited January 2008
    'Ere, Jase, you ain't 'alf got a gob on you sometimes, ya whelk!


    I read your message out loud to Nick, and without my telling him who it was, he said "Brigid". :winkc:

    So although the testy ol' codger does not frequent the board, he too sends his love and warmest wishes to you, and to all....

    Here's to a really great 2008....
  • edited January 2008
    Happy New Year Brian! Today is a new day. I've been lurking here for a little while and absolutely love this place. Federica, Elohim, Brigid, Simon, BF and many others contribute so much that I always go back to old posts to remind me of things and learn MANY new things. I'm going to try and post more so I can share my experiences with others. I just wanted to Thank You Brian. Your work has helped me beyond words. :wavey:
  • SimonthepilgrimSimonthepilgrim Veteran
    edited January 2008
    Hi Adam,

    As one of those who post rather a lot here, I am always very conscious that there is a far wider membership than the small circle of chatterboxes whom you list. It is good to know that we have been of some use, particularly because I, too, have found this site a favourite oasis, and an invaluable source of both information and support. What is more, it is an example of what a bulletin board can be at best rather than at worst.

    Brian, dear friend, our gratitude knows no bounds.
  • edited January 2008
    Brian wrote: »
    Thank you all so much for your patience with me. I need to become a whole person again and where better place to start than here?

    Not that I'm trying to deter you from hanging out here more often, but I would just like to remind you that you ARE a whole person. Even in pain and suffering. Even in joy. Even in boredom.

    Also, it's very important that you understand that this place is waaaay cooler than that geeky computer forum that you also run. Those guys are so lame compared to us highly enlightened ones. (Do NOT tell my husband I said that.) But we love you whether you hang out more or not.

  • MagwangMagwang Veteran
    edited January 2008
    Brian, part of me almost envies your situation - it sounds almost like the trial of the soul I went through 12 years ago. The pain I never want to have again, but lead me to the Dharma. Bittersweet memories of people and places that changed my life and forced me to grow up.

    You can unload on us you know...

  • MagwangMagwang Veteran
    edited January 2008

    ...this place is waaaay cooler than that geeky computer forum that you also run. ...

    which computer forum is that?

  • edited January 2008
    Magwang wrote: »
    which computer forum is that?

    I'll let Brian answer that. I feel like I'm stepping on his toes a bit.
  • BrianBrian Detroit, MI Moderator
    edited January 2008
    Oh no, my toes are fine.

    I also co-own Icrontic, which is where mrs. clay's husband happens to hang out ;)

    My participation on Icrontic feels "safe" because I'm very comfortable discussing mundane things such as computers, games, technology, internet culture, etc... It's definitely not the place to have personal issues. My personal issues are basically "too big" for the internet - there are too many feelings and words to come out through the medium of brain-to-hand-to-keyboard. I had a great chat with Mr. Mouthfulofclay the other night using this very method, but that is a rare circumstance, maybe the tedium of typing is a hindrance.

    However, sometimes you are much more expressive and more willing to reveal deep thoughts through this medium as opposed to talking with someone (even over the phone). I guess different circumstances demand different means of expression.

    Then on top of that there's also the issue of me being tired of "my problems". I don't want to be defined by my problems, and frankly, I'm kind of sick of them. It's hard to heal while my immediate daily circumstances remain the same (she still lives with me, for example), so until some grossly obvious thing changes (such as her moving out), things will "remain as is".

    Thanks everyone, sometimes I forget how important other websites have been in my life, and I'm very happy to have the opportunity and ability to "pay it forward" :)
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited January 2008
    Brian - Remember this?

    "Mi Fo Lo is the squat, rotund Buddha of infinite joy. He carries a heavy sack tied to a gnarled branch of an ancient peach tree. The peach represents Wisdom and Maturity. In his hand he often carries a gourd filled with the sweet nectar of Knowledge.
    The sack is heavy and cumbersome, but he carries it with patience and fortitude, and the smile of infinite Joy, Serenity and Happiness never leaves his face.

    One day, upon his travels, he is wandering down a stony rugged path, and he chances to meet a disciple. The greet one another, and then the disciple asks, “Master, what is Enlightenment – understanding, acceptance, the True Way?”
    In response, Mi Fo Lo simply places the sack upon the ground.
    Bemused, and a little puzzled, the disciple takes this in, and then ventures to ask, “ Well, if that is so – what next?”
    Mi Fo Lo simply picks up the sack and placing it upon his shoulder once more, smiles his farewell warmly, and continues on his way.

    (It little matters what you carry in Life – more important is the way in which you bear your load.)"

    from here

    We all have a huge amount of crapoola to carry, and nobody can truly say their load is lighter - or heavier - to bear than anyone else's... I have been in a roomful of people 'sharing' their experiences, and after a while, instead of mutual support and comprehension, it almost became a peeing contest to see whose problem could be outdone...

    Luckily, you won't get that here, it doesn't even need saying.... But we do have an understanding that while 'you' (generic) come to terms with what's in the sack, and work on yourself to carry it productively - we'll all take turns to help each other lighten the load.
    Whatever's in there, if it's too heavy, feel free to share.

    But smile - you're on Buddha-camera!!
  • PalzangPalzang Veteran
    edited January 2008
    Let me add my voice to the chorus, dear Brian. No matter what else is going on in your life, this is still the only Buddhist forum I've found that I can stomach, and the quality of the participants is almost always top notch, whether old-time practitioners or newbies. As for your personal difficulties, I would remind you of what one of my teachers said, that adversity is like gold on the path. It can be our most precious teacher. Without it, we go nowhere. I wouldn't be where I am today without some severe adversity along the way. I consider it to be the best thing that ever happened to me.

  • comicallyinsanecomicallyinsane Veteran
    edited January 2008
    I feel your pain Brian. I hope things work out for you.
  • NirvanaNirvana aka BUBBA   `     `   South Carolina, USA Veteran
    edited January 2008
    Good to see you again, Comic. I have really missed your posts.

    Sorry that 2007 was such a bad year for you. Janus will certainly shut out any woeful emanations from last year, so let it go as far as you can.

    And, Brian, thanks for all you do. Whether you're silent or verbally articulate, it's OK. I often see your name listed under Currently Active Users, and know that you are still watching your baby and its family.

    It's OK if you don't see it as your job to be provocative, informative, clever, fun, diplomatic, presidential, or what-have-you. I think that you have made a very special place here and ought to be congratulated.

    I certainly commend your efforts and give you my hearty vote of thanks.

  • buddhafootbuddhafoot Veteran
    edited January 2008
    Well, Brian...

    I think that just keeping the site up for everyone to enjoy is one of the most supportive things you could do for us. So, even though you might not have been here on a personal level - your generosity has allowed a lot of people to continue to share on a personal level.



    P.S. Oh yeah... I saw there is a new PainKiller out.
  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited February 2008
    As for your personal difficulties, I would remind you of what one of my teachers said, that adversity is like gold on the path. It can be our most precious teacher. Without it, we go nowhere. I wouldn't be where I am today without some severe adversity along the way. I consider it to be the best thing that ever happened to me.

    Hear, hear!! The truth, and beautifully said!
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