Hi All,
I hope it is okay to post here. My dear friend of 30 years, an Italian theoretical physicist, and I want to do a youtube series/channel on science and religion with special focus on Zen/Buddhism themes, the universe and life. Think Neil Tyson's 'Star Talk,' but with a Buddhist flavor.
The episodes will be serious, but we also joke around (not unlike my old 'Zen of Everything' Podcast).
If you know such a person, with experience and a track record in producing/editing youtube videos and promoting a channel, please put them in touch with me. A large foundation with an interest in science and religion may help support the project, although we are starting on a shoestring. Thank you.
Gassho, Jundo Cohen
email jundotreeleaf[a]gmail.com
Thank you all. We seem to have located several good candidates as producer, so I will remove this posting in a few hours.