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Dear chat site,
As a newcomer here, I wish to say this is a lovely looking chatsite.
For me, it has been quite skilfully and thoughtfully designed.
With metta & best wishes
Hi Dhamma Dhatu,
Are you one of the 'casualties' of the E.S. split?
I personally think we should just put that issue to bed now......
The forums have an intelligent use friendly simplicity.
I was split from E.S. around 18 months ago.
Great forum due to its traffic however unusual views for me regarding 'beginners'.
When I was a 'beginner', I was taught about how suffering arises & ceases.
In my view, with a focus on certain doctines, one can spend one's whole life as a 'beginner'.
With metta
Hi Dhamma Dhatu,
Yes, I think we are always beginners, as any kind of progress is always new territory and we should always be willing to test what we think we know.
In hindsight the ES incident was not a bad thing. Rather like expanding shock waves from a supernova explosion, it has triggered the formation of new "stars".
I found this little 'refuge' in Dec. 2007. I love the fact that it's non-sectarian. Nobody gets bashed for not following orthodoxy of one sort or another.
A great place to air ones papañca and impose it on everyone else, I find;)