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Love and hypocrisy



  • edited September 2009
    What of this "cycle of violence?" Why have France and Germany not been fighting for the past 60 years? Is it because Germany was finally humiliated and conquered, and not left alone at the end of WWI?

    You're understanding of history, particularly German history, is deeply lacking if you actually believe that the Nazis came to power because people would not, "leave Germany alone".

    Let us not forget that under the Kaiser the German Empire and the other Central Powers (Austria & Hungary) waged a relentless war in Europe that ended with the deaths of nearly 10 million people. The Battle of the Somme alone resulted in the death of a million men. Also, no foreign power ever set foot on German soil after the Great War, so Germany was left whole and her infra-structure was untouched.

    As for the cycle of violence you seem to misunderstand...all cycles of violence eventually end in one of two outcomes: either both sides keep fighting until someone loses...or both sides see wisdom and peace is acheived. Most of the time it's the former...humans are stubborn and often stupid.
  • edited September 2009
    The battle stopped because the Allied forces were kind and caring enough to stop fighting.

    Are you serious? Only after Germany was for all intents and purposes annihilated. There was hardly any Germany army left to destroy.

    You're understanding of history, particularly German history, is deeply lacking if you actually believe that the Nazis came to power because people would not, "leave Germany alone".

    As you state, Germany's infrastructure was "left alone" at least in comparison to the rest of the Western Front. It was practically untouched physically.

    Nazis rode popular waves into power partly because of the "stabbed in the back" theory; that Germany had not really been defeated in WWI, but instead had been sold out by the government. Had the Allies occupied Germany and shown it to be beaten as they did following WWII, it's very possible that the Nazis would have never risen to power.
    I fail to see any examples where violence has ended violence. Please feel free to quote me some however! :-D

    Easy. General George Patton's romp through Europe; the faster he proceeded across Axis lines and the more armies he ruined, the fewer Jews were gassed in the death camps. He liberated untold numbers of them.
  • edited September 2009
    Non-violence can be hard for many to grasp. While it may have been violence that overthrew the Nazis, it was compassion and wisdom that kept them from coming back not further violence. Look at USA and Japan. They are now allies, not because The United States have conquered the Japanese people, but because both parties work skillfully for peace with each other. Peace can not be sustained by violence anymore than a wet tissue can hold a brick.
    General Patton's campaign through Europe, though liberating to Jews in concentration camps, was still responsible for the murder of many soldiers. I think we can all agree murder is not good.

    KoB, it is clear you feel strongly about this issue. If you think about it, with as much passion as you speak about it, you may find you change your mind! :D
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