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Glenn Beck must be insane...

edited September 2009 in General Banter
Politics, a topic that can turn even an entire group of friendly people into competing werewolves. For me this isn't really about Left vs. Right or Democrat vs. Conservative. Gleen Beck isn't really talking about issus in a way that is meaningful...he's a hatemonger plain and simple. I've been catching clips of Glenn Beck's specific brand of punditry for awhile on The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, and Youtube. Lately though I decided to watch his show from start to finish a couple of times and I can only say that I find the man deeply troubling.

His hatred for the President and his cabinet is so viceral that it drips from his every hateful glance. He weaves these ridiculous conspiracy theories that always amount to the same thing- that America is being secretly controlled by Marxists who want nothing more then to annihilate this country from within and someone needs to do something about it!!!

He has gone so far as to call President Obama a "racist who hates white people" (Gleen Beck actually said that on Fox & Friends and even the co-hosts balked at such an absurd claim) and that anyone who disagrees with him isn't really an American at all.

Now- the fringe has always had its fair share of lunatics on both sides, though admittedly I think the conservatives pretty much always corner the market.* But Glenn Beck seems to me to goading the tin-foil heads with his words and I personally have little doubt that should someone try to assassnate the President, it will be someone who loves Glenn Beck. I'm wondering if anyone else has noticed any of this and if prhaps they share my concerns.

*For every Michael Moore that we have, they have Ann Coultier, Michael Savage, Rush Limbaugh, and so forth.


  • LincLinc Site owner Detroit Moderator
    edited September 2009
    I read an article in TIME about him this month. They made the point that in the late '80s his current ratings would've gotten him cancelled in a heartbeat. :p The media is fixating on him, but don't overestimate his reach. In the land of satellite TV, the man with 1% of the US watching is king.
  • fivebellsfivebells Veteran
    edited September 2009
    1% is kind of scary. That's 3 million nuts! On the other hand, I guess that's approximately the same prevalence as schizophrenia...
  • edited September 2009
    Validus wrote: »
    n The Daily Show, The Colbert Report,

    I sincerely hope those aren't the only two shows you get your news from. I've come across many college aged kids (adults too) that list their main source of news from Comedy Central. I always tell them watching Comedy Central for news is like watching Dr. Phil for psychiatric help.

    John Stewart on Crossfire.

    ^John Stewart has a few good points here.

    That all being said, I don't really worry much about Glen Beck. He is entitled to his opinion, it is unfortunate that his opinions (because of their severe nature) get extra "playing time" by the media and people making a large fuss over it. I would reckon on average for ever person who agree's with Glen watching his show there is a person watching it just to disagree and get upset with him.
  • SimonthepilgrimSimonthepilgrim Veteran
    edited September 2009
    Who is Glen Beck and why pay him any attention?
  • PalzangPalzang Veteran
    edited September 2009
    Glen Beck is a wanna-be Rush Limbaugh (who is a wanna-be Hitler). In other words, 50 cent demagogues who don't have a brain in their head but do have the motivation to grow rich and famous by feeding people's hatred and insecurity to the max. They're pathetic.

  • SimonthepilgrimSimonthepilgrim Veteran
    edited September 2009
    Palzang wrote: »
    Glen Beck is a wanna-be Rush Limbaugh (who is a wanna-be Hitler). In other words, 50 cent demagogues who don't have a brain in their head but do have the motivation to grow rich and famous by feeding people's hatred and insecurity to the max. They're pathetic.


    Not worth wasting time on then.
  • edited September 2009
    Who is Glen Beck and why pay him any attention?

    I'm not even certain that the British have an equivalent to Glenn Beck. Frankly I don't think either the BBC or ITV would ever tolerate him...but as it was stated earlier, he has a passionate audience (and by passionate I mean "dangerous to the point of needing medication".

    @Inji-gyo- I actually get my news from three sources: MSNBC, CNN, and Newsweek magazine. Once in awhile I'll read Time, The Nation, or the local paper. I certainly don't consider Stephen Colbert or John Stuart "news" outlets as such.:winkc:
  • edited September 2009
    What a relief to learn that Validus!

    but I agree with Simon and what I said earlier. Making a fuss over him just gives his words extra playing time.
  • PalzangPalzang Veteran
    edited September 2009
    You're certainly right about that, Simon, but there are a lot of sickies out there who eat that stuff up. Reminds me of the book "It Can't Happen Here."

    I don't consider Time, Newsweek, CNN, or MSNBC news organizations. They're entertainment organizations, or worse. Then there's Fox (Faux) News. They're so biased that they're not worth discussing. I trust the NYT somewhat more, but I like to get a broad spectrum of news, like Reuters, BBC, Russian newspapers, Al-Jazeera, that kind of thing. Otherwise you're getting filtered "news" that doesn't tell you anywhere near the whole story.

  • fivebellsfivebells Veteran
    edited September 2009
    Validus wrote: »
    I'm not even certain that the British have an equivalent to Glenn Beck.

    The British had a Glen Beck, back when Britain had a lot of wealth to steal through demagogery and war-mongering. His name was Winston Churchill. To me, the rise of successful manipulators like Limbaugh are a sign of the impending end of US world dominance, just as Churchill was a sign of the impending end of British dominance.
  • edited September 2009
    fivebells wrote: »
    The British had a Glenn Beck, back when Britain had a lot of wealth to steal through demagogery and war-mongering. His name was Winston Churchill. To me, the rise of successful manipulators like Limbaugh are a sign of the impending end of US world dominance, just as Churchill was a sign of the impending end of British dominance.


    I don't think I can agree with that statement at all, Fivebells. Churchill was the man who lead the British against the Nazis and even went so far as to put himself at personel risk by staying in London during the Blitz. True, some of his policies were one is perfect. But I can't even begin to compare him to the likes of a lunatic demogogue like Glenn Beck. I think a far more apt comparison might be Oswald Mosley, the one time leader of the British Facist party.
  • SimonthepilgrimSimonthepilgrim Veteran
    edited September 2009
    Once again we are back to "one person's terrorist is another's hero for freedom". I have often wondered what would have been the verdict if Churchill had ever been tried for war crimes, for example Coventry and Dresden.
  • StaticToyboxStaticToybox Veteran
    edited September 2009
    I find it troubling that someone like Glenn Beck has such an audience. Personally speaking I don't have television (well, I own a TV set, but I have nothing apart from a PS3 hooked into it), but I've caught his show a couple of times at other's houses, and I've seen plenty of clips. It amazes me that a man who harbors such paranoid delusions is given air time on a purported "news" network, but such is the sad state of the news media and political discourse in America.

    That said I get my news from The Onion.
  • LincLinc Site owner Detroit Moderator
    edited September 2009
    Validus wrote: »
    I'm not even certain that the British have an equivalent to Glenn Beck.
    Sure they do, like that commentator in V for Vendetta... ;)
  • JasonJason God Emperor Arrakis Moderator
    edited September 2009
    Palzang wrote: »
    I don't consider Time, Newsweek, CNN, or MSNBC news organizations. They're entertainment organizations, or worse. Then there's Fox (Faux) News. They're so biased that they're not worth discussing. I trust the NYT somewhat more, but I like to get a broad spectrum of news, like Reuters, BBC, Russian newspapers, Al-Jazeera, that kind of thing. Otherwise you're getting filtered "news" that doesn't tell you anywhere near the whole story.

    Just to get a picture of how bad news organizations can actually be, especially Fox, check out the appeals court ruling in New World Communs. of Tampa, Inc. v. Akre. The bottom line? The media can legally lie! From Project Censored:
    FOX appealed the case, and on February 14, 2003 the Florida Second District Court of Appeals unanimously overturned the settlement awarded to Akre. The Court held that Akre’s threat to report the station’s actions to the FCC did not deserve protection under Florida’s whistle blower statute, because Florida’s whistle blower law states that an employer must violate an adopted “law, rule, or regulation.” In a stunningly narrow interpretation of FCC rules, the Florida Appeals court claimed that the FCC policy against falsification of the news does not rise to the level of a “law, rule, or regulation,” it was simply a “policy.” Therefore, it is up to the station whether or not it wants to report honestly.

    To be honest, I used to laugh at these people, but not anymore. It's actually quite frightening once you stop to think about it. It's getting to the point where some people turn on the TV or radio and believe whatever they're told.

    Thanks to "news" organizations such as FOX News and hosts like Glenn Beck, people on the right honestly think that Obama is some kind of racist Marxist.

    Thanks to "news" organizations such as FOX News and guests like Michele Bachmann, people on the right honestly believe that information collected by the Census Bureau might be used to put Americans in concentration camps.

    Sadly, a census worker was recently found hanging from a tree with the word "fed" on his chest, and while they haven't said whether the possible murder (suicide hasn't been ruled out yet) was motivated by his census work, I don't think it's hard to make that connection.

    This has stopped being funny because now we need to ask ourselves what won't these people believe?
  • edited September 2009
    Frankly I'm shocked.

    They killed a census worker because he was just doing his job in Kentucky?
    There will be more like this before its over...and it gives me no pleasure to say such things.:(
  • edited September 2009
    I think you're all over-reacting. I personally don't watch TV, though I have seen Glenn's program a few times. A bit too bombastic for me.

    But to say say that he or Rush are 'fascists' or 'wanna-be-Hitlers?' Please. You can disagree with someone like Glenn Beck all day, but the guy is a libertarian and seems to believe that the only legitimate functions of government are defense and road construction. Hardly the characteristics of a crypto-fascist. He wants government to be just powerful enough not to be an anarchy. Again, Hitler would disapprove. 30s Fascists worshiped the State - Beck hates almost everything about the State.

    I don't care for him much myself, but he's not a hate-monger either. Cite examples please.
  • StaticToyboxStaticToybox Veteran
    edited September 2009
    I don't care for him much myself, but he's not a hate-monger either. Cite examples please.

    How about the time when he commanded Keith Ellison, a Muslim Congressman from Minnesota, to "prove you're not a terrorist"? Or that he has accused our President of having "a deep-seeded hatred of white people"?
  • JasonJason God Emperor Arrakis Moderator
    edited September 2009
    Validus wrote: »
    Frankly I'm shocked.

    They killed a census worker because he was just doing his job in Kentucky?
    There will be more like this before its over...and it gives me no pleasure to say such things.:(

    They haven't said whether the possible murder (suicide hasn't been ruled out yet) has anything to do with him being a census worker, but I don't think it's hard to make that connection. (Edited my initial post for clarity).
  • edited September 2009
    I don't care for him much myself, but he's not a hate-monger either. Cite examples please.

    Well, in just the little I've seen he has slandered President Obama as a Marxist and a racist, he has joked about murdering Nancy Palosi, and he keeps saying things like "when is someone going to do something?" That sounds like code for "when is someone going to shoot Obama" to me. His attacks are not about policy disagreements...he constantly tries to associate anyone who's a democrat with the worst of the worst for the purpose of getting his audience to hate them.
  • edited September 2009
    The following quote seems altogether harmless, even inspiring....till you reach the end. Then, IMHO, you can't help but wonder if this man is inspiring or inciting?

    On the recent anniversary of 9/11 Glenn Beck said, "Let me tell you something. I believe that if it were up to you or me
    , just regular schmoes in America, the Freedom Tower would have been done years ago. And it wouldn't have been the Freedom Tower; it would have been the Freedom Towers - because we would have built both of these towers back the way they were before! Except we would have built them stronger!
    We would have built them in a way that they would have resisted attack. And you know what? My guess is that they would have been 25 stories taller, with a big, fat COME AND TRY THAT AGAIN sign on top."
  • fivebellsfivebells Veteran
    edited September 2009
    Validus wrote: »
    Churchill was the man who lead the British against the Nazis...

    He was instrumental in the abuse of Germany which allowed a jingoistic party like the Nazis to come to power in the first place. He started the war against Germany (Britain was bombing and blockading Germany for six months prior to Germany declaring war.) He administered the blockade which was a prime cause for the holocaust. (It was population pressure and starvation which led to the final solution. Previously, the Nazis had intended to repatriate the Jews elsewhere. Madagascar came up a lot.)

    None of this excuses what the Nazis did, or reduces the merit in bringing them down. But celebrating Churchill's role in it is roughly similar to celebrating a fireman who's put out a fire he started himself.
  • edited September 2009
    fivebells wrote: »
    He was instrumental in the abuse of Germany which allowed a jingoistic party like the Nazis to come to power in the first place. He started the war against Germany (Britain was bombing and blockading Germany for six months prior to Germany declaring war.) He administered the blockade which was a prime cause for the holocaust. (It was population pressure and starvation which led to the final solution. Previously, the Nazis had intended to repatriate the Jews elsewhere. Madagascar came up a lot.)

    None of this excuses what the Nazis did, or reduces the merit in bringing them down. But celebrating Churchill's role in it is roughly similar to celebrating a fireman who's put out a fire he started himself.

    The holocaust was caused for many reasons, but over-population certainly had nothing to do with it, Fivebells.

    I thought we were talking about Glenn Beck?
  • JasonJason God Emperor Arrakis Moderator
    edited September 2009
    What the fuck is with all the Nazi references lately? (And I don't mean just here.)
  • fivebellsfivebells Veteran
    edited September 2009
    Validus wrote: »
    The holocaust was caused for many reasons, but over-population certainly had nothing to do with it, Fivebells.

    I didn't say over-population, I said population pressure. Part of it was the blockade, which caused starvation throughout Europe (Churchill couldn't effectively blockade Germany without blockading all of Europe) and part of it was the bombing, which destroyed homes throughout Germany and led to the Nazis moving the Jews and others out of urban areas so that "Aryans" could take over their as-yet-unbombed homes.
    I thought we were talking about Glenn Beck?

    We were, and as I said above, Churchill was an example of the same phenomenon, from the twilight days of the last international superpower to critically weaken itself through nationalistic exceptionalism and warmongering.
  • edited September 2009
    That sounds like code for "when is someone going to shoot Obama" to me.

    I think the phrase "code-word" is code-word for taking what someone says and making it have nothing to do with what was intended.
  • StaticToyboxStaticToybox Veteran
    edited September 2009
    I think the phrase "code-word" is code-word for taking what someone says and making it have nothing to do with what was intended.

    And you know what Beck intended with that statement?
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