Alright, this is a little off the Buddhist subject..but I feel like I could discuss this sort of thing with you guys.
I always think about things, and break them down into tiny little pieces. Its weird.
Today I was at work, and I was thinking about my daily routine. I get up and I get ready and I go to work. I wait on customers, and they say the same thing everyday.
"Wow its hot" or "Wow its cold"
The thing is, they know its going to get hot during the summer, and they know its going to get cold in the winter. They know that we need rain, we need sunshine. But they have to proceed to tell me everyday.
Maybe I just need to lighten up and this really makes me sound like a grump. But I'm not trying to potray like that at all.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, life is a routine, and I remember reading a thread on here that YogaMama wrote about about settling with what we have. And I agree with that to a certain extent, I mean I love me life right now. But if we didn't try to move ahead, or strive for new things, then our life would just be routine...the same thing everyday. The same sayings, the same movements. And it would just be a long long life of waiting and the same thing over and over again..
Am I being to anal about this? LoL Does anyone get what I'm saying? Or am I making absolutely no sense whats so ever? I'm having a hard time explaining myself, my mind is thinking quicker than my fingers and I can't get it out.
Anyways, sorry guys, just wanted to express myself a little.. ^_^
What you are saying is true, but you must strive in a skillful manner for it to have a positive affect. Who knows how many lives people must live before they "wake-up" and change their routines. Maybe you have a little Dhamma alarm clock going off in your head?
When a man is resolute and recollected, pure of deed and persevering, when he is attentive and self-controlled and lives according to the Teaching, his reputation is bound to grow. 24
By resolution and attention, by discipline and self-control, a clever man may build himself an island that no flood can overthrow. 25
From Chapter 2 of the Dhammapada translated by John Richards.
It sounds like they are just trying to be polite by saying something, rather than just standing there quietly (and perhaps feeling awkward). Not know what else to say, they make a comment about the weather thinking it's a safe topic. It's sort of cliché, but its something we all experience and few people are likely to be offended by it. If talking about the weather is that annoying, try starting a different routine with customers. For instance, you could make comments on what they are wearing (What a gorgeous pin!) or what they have bought. Be careful, though, since some people are sensitive to certain comments.
...yet the same...
There is enlightenment in comments about the weather.