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The cliff - jump, or turn around

BrianBrian Detroit, MI Moderator
edited November 2010 in Arts & Writings
I'm a serial entrepreneur. I've been self-employed for over half of my working life. I've started three businesses, and learned a lot along the way.

... Continue reading


  • edited October 2009
    I'm a bit inspired, but I must point out. Being an entrepreneur and being self employed are two very different things. Working for your own business is not what an entrepreneur does, instead an entrepreneur puts his business to work for him/her.

    Example: A Pizzaria in my hometown. Great pizza and it could be a big deal, but the owner has to work every day. He doesn't get to step away and let the pizza place earn him money, he has to work for it and take home an hourly salary. In reality he just owns his own job.

    I do like the analogy of jumping off the cliff, see when an entrepreneur jumps he starts building a parachute or a glider. If he has done a good job and created a good business the glider will sail to safety and eventually sprout an engine and start working its way back up to pay out. Inversely if the entrepreneur fails he hits the ground, and it can hurt!
    In the United States many small business owners fail because they are just "self-employed" not true entrepreneurs. These unlucky folks work and work on their own business finally giving up due to exhaustion.

    Thanks for hearing me out, and even if you hit the ground hard. Remember it is not the fall, nor the impact that matter. But instead the manner in which you pick yourself back up.
  • edited November 2009
    I'm going to need some coaching in order to do the same in a year or two.
  • edited January 2010
    Thanks for sharing, interesting read!
  • edited February 2010
    Definitely interesting.

    "But behind me is a life of unhappiness and misery. Behind me is a life that I cannot lead. I have accepted and resigned myself to the fact that I am not cut out for that life. I’ve tried; believe me, I’ve tried, to be a member of that world, to live that lifestyle, to play that game. I do not have it in me."

    I hope we all reach a point in our lives that we say that. I suppose I think we all need to. It's part of growing up and doing what you believe is right and honorable. I respect that determination. Like Inji said, it's how you pick yourself up.
  • edited November 2010
    This was very inspiring, Brian. I see you wrote it quite a while ago. How did it all turn out?

    I think I can relate, though not business wise... But being at the edge of a cliff. I find myself here over and over again but I haven't jumped yet. Instead I think...I sometimes pull out a beach chair and just sit at the edge of it, terrified, for some time until real life calls me into action and I fold up the chair and walk away from the cliff for a while. But I always come back. In the evenings sometimes, always on the weekends, for weeks now, maybe even months. I feel like you, I think, except I'm so scared. I don't even really mind the life I'm leading right now--rather it's this "me" that I'm trying so hard to be...I think... And I'm so afraid that if I jump, all my worst fears will come true and I'll be completely unacceptable and unlovable.

    Anyway, like I said, I'd love to know how it all turned out. :)

  • edited November 2010
    "Jump...Jump Now !

    Kosh B - 5
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