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Do you think cats are enlightened beings?

edited December 2009 in General Banter
I seriously believe that cats (felines) are bodhisattvas. Cats have perfect posture, they are incredible graceful. They never let their desire get the best of them.

Look at them:





  • SimonthepilgrimSimonthepilgrim Veteran
    edited October 2009
    Having shared my life with cats for all of my 66 years, I know that, as a T-shirt given to me by my daughter says: "For thousands of years, cats were worshipped as gods. They have never forgotten this."

  • fivebellsfivebells Veteran
    edited October 2009
    Depends on what you mean by enlightenment.
  • edited October 2009
    I'd love to adopt a kitten, but my living situation won't allow it :(
    When I was younger, my family had two wonderful cats, but one of them was deaf; would a boddhisatva be born deaf?
    My aunt's cat was pretty violent, though, so he probably wasn't a boddhisatva...
    And I love the pictures!
  • edited October 2009
    mel2643 wrote: »
    would a boddhisatva be born deaf?!
    Perhaps. :) It just means that his/her other 4 senses would be heightened...
  • StaticToyboxStaticToybox Veteran
    edited October 2009
    My cat chases her own tail. That doesn't strike me as particularly enlightened.
  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited October 2009
    I don't know if all cats are Bodhisattvas. Maybe some cats are.

    I love cats. I mean, I really, really love cats. I'm a cat person through and through. I have a 'potentially life threatening asthmatic allergy' to them according to my allergist and I still came back home to live with my folks after being away for over 20 years...and they have 4 cats.

    So I say this with all the love in my heart: When it comes to problem solving, cats are dumb. Since problem solving is one of the fundamental components of measuring intelligence, cats are dumb. According to this way of measuring intelligence, even rats are smarter than cats.

    But cats are extremely intelligent at training humans to do things for them. In fact, in a recent study it was shown that the meow of a cat has a similar affect on humans as the cry of a human infant.

    Rats can't deliberately manipulate humans, even if their lives depend on it. Cats can manipulate humans just for fun. (Not that they do, just that they could if they wanted to...).

    I don't think anyone says a Bodhisattva has to be intelligent in the traditional sense so who knows? I'm just saying...
  • RenGalskapRenGalskap Veteran
    edited October 2009
    Brigid wrote: »
    So I say this with all the love in my heart: When it comes to problem solving, cats are dumb.
    I love cats also, and I agree. I was going to say something about the practice of vomiting in the corners, so that you have to move the furniture to clean it up, and it ruins the finish on the wooden floors, but your post says everything necessary. :-)

    When Mom was dying, Dad got a Siamese cat who was small enough to curl up in Mom's lap without causing her pain. She seemed to find this comforting. Dad got a second Siamese to keep the first one company, and after Mom died they kept Dad company. It wasn't until more than a year later that I discovered how depressed Dad had been, so I'm very grateful to the cats for taking care of him while the idiot son was blithely occupied with other things.

    So like Brigid says, bodhisattva maybe, smart no.

    As for the intelligence of a son who doesn't notice how depressed his Dad is, all I can say is "meow".
  • fivebellsfivebells Veteran
    edited October 2009
  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited October 2009
  • edited October 2009
    That's one epic lolcat, fivebells!
  • edited October 2009
    Recently a young woodpigeon landed in my garden and my next door neighbour's well-fed cat darted out from somewhere and badly wounded the bird. Luckily I was able to get the cat away from the shocked and bleeding bird, whilst my neighbour caught the bird and took it to the vet.

    Not exactly an act of a bodhisattva on the part of the cat. I really love cats (and all animals) and have had several as pets, but they can be extremely cruel to smaller creatures, even if they've just had a large meal. One needs to avoid getting too sentimental and romantic about them, however cute and cuddly they are!

  • SimonthepilgrimSimonthepilgrim Veteran
    edited October 2009
    Dazzle wrote: »
    Recently a young woodpigeon landed in my garden and my next door neighbour's well-fed cat darted out from somewhere and badly wounded the bird. Luckily I was able to get the cat away from the shocked and bleeding bird, whilst my neighbour caught the bird and took it to the vet.

    Not exactly an act of a bodhisattva on the part of the cat. I really love cats (and all animals) and have had several as pets, but they can be extremely cruel to smaller creatures, even if they've just had a large meal. One needs to avoid getting too sentimental and romantic about them, however cute and cuddly they are!


    I don't think you can attribute "cruelty" to cats any more than you can to any other animal. This is simply the way that humans ascribe human feelings where there are none. Cats act, in general, according to their nature.
  • SimonthepilgrimSimonthepilgrim Veteran
    edited October 2009
    They may not be bodhisatvas but they do keep me warm:

  • StaticToyboxStaticToybox Veteran
    edited October 2009
    Also my cat likes to stare at the ceiling light a lot. Who knows, maybe that's her attempt at reaching enlightenment.
  • edited October 2009

    I don't think you can attribute "cruelty" to cats any more than you can to any other animal. This is simply the way that humans ascribe human feelings where there are none. Cats act, in general, according to their nature.

    A good point Simon -- but with regard to the OP #1 it can still hardly be described as the action of a Bodhisatta when they're wounding another creature.

    Nice kitties by the way ! (sorry about the different font sizes I couldn't seem to do anything about it)

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited October 2009
    ...and if anyone ever tries to tell me animals are incapable of compassion....
  • edited October 2009
    Cats are enlightened!!! Everyone watch this video... It may make you misty-eyed....

    <object width="445" height="364"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="; type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="445" height="364"></embed></object>
  • edited October 2009
    Enlightened, I dont know, but I'd love to be one of my cats.
  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited October 2009
    Hey, Sambodhi.

    My sister was shocked that I'd never seen that video. It made me cry like a baby. She says there's more footage of it so I'm going to have a look on YouTube to see if I can find it. Oh god, I love that video. It just kills me.
  • fivebellsfivebells Veteran
    edited October 2009
    Thanks, Sambodhi. That was beautiful.
  • edited December 2009
    The other day I was walking on a road that goes up a mountain to a fire look out station. I was alone with my scarf.

    Suddenly a full grown mountain lion stepped up onto the road from the woods....
    not 20 feet ahead of me.

    Wow! It was magnificent....
    SO magnificent....I forgot to panic.

    I froze.

    He/she pretended not to see me.....crossed in front of me and vanished into the woods again.

    I went home and gave the cats extra treats and thanked the Cat God/Goddess.

    I told a friend it would have been okay if it ate me.....that would be a better epitaph than being crushed on the freeway.....but another friend said:
    "I've seen the results of such an encounter and you really don't want to go there."

    Now I worry about walking there again.
    I think I should carry 10 pounds of cat chow as an offering.
    Then I think the cat will smell the cat chow and attack me by mistake.
    It's a conundrum.

    Now I'm just Lazy Vinyl
  • PalzangPalzang Veteran
    edited December 2009
    Cats are natural born killers (just like humans). They've got the karma for killing. You may attribute that to their nature, but their nature is a result of their karma. Ever seen one stare out the window at all the little flying cheeseburgers fluttering around? Pure desire. Now how is that a bodhisattva again? :confused:

  • My cat brings lights from other dimension I'm not making it up it's true
    He also is a healer and knows how to fly through the astral
    He is going to have a litter of kittens and needs a girl who is up for it does anyone know a cat? I'm in new england or LA (310) 431-9047
    would love to hear from anyone if you find this I don't know how to match him with another cat, if I didn't have him he'd be great in nursing homes to heal the sick
    I am seriously true he's a healer and an angel of light
    He's training to be a lion in his next life in Africa in the wild!!
  • edited December 2010
    They are little souls embodied in this physical universe which we also occupy. They are sentient creatures just like us.

    I betcha their deep meditative state can accomplish the same "oneness" as ours. Perhaps ultimate awareness does not mean a bigger brain is necessary.

    Our large brains mean we have language skills, abstraction, logic and rational thinking. Even so, we're easily impressed so we're thinking that's a major difference.

    I bet we're equals as far as meditation abilities are concerned. Perhaps language, abstraction, and rationality makes meditation more difficult and not as great as a cat's ability to concentrate on meditation. :D

    Cats have many millions of years of evolution, many more years than we have. They are better than we are at certain things, who said we are better at meditation than they are?!

  • Cats are just cats - why are we even discussing this?
  • B5CB5C Veteran
    Cats are just cats - why are we even discussing this?
    Is it Caturday?
  • Are cats enlightened beings? this one might be:

  • I have a cat that is more likely to scratch and bite you than my bearded dragon..
  • @Shotuko
    Cats can't be vegetarians, they would die of malnutrition and starvation within just a few weeks...
  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    My cat is an evil, vile being to anyone other than me or my parents. It'll chase them around and attack them for no reason at all other than boredom. Doesn't seem very enlightened to me. :scratch:
  • I forgot to make my bed so my cat isn't in my room. She likes the soft blanket. Mindgate, did you ever play bite the hand games with your cat? I just wondered, but I cat can be that way automatically.

    My cat has become part of my meditation because it always wants to go out. I can't decide if its bodhicitta to let it out or if my medition doesn't matter if I let a cat out.
  • If cats are enlightened they wouldn't be cats. Bodhisattvas can assume the form of cats to liberate them or even people if it suits their conditions.

    The animal realm is one of the lower realms. As cute as cats, our biase and discrimination tend to miss out their predatory instinct. We'd soon forgive a cat for torturing a bird than a fly gets on our food.
  • Exactly. I could have made almost any argument here about my dogs as well. They're animals. They don't have the intellectual capacity for reflection and self-assessment necessary for enlightenment. It's just a matter of the size and structure of their brains.
    If cats are enlightened they wouldn't be cats. Bodhisattvas can assume the form of cats to liberate them or even people if it suits their conditions.

    The animal realm is one of the lower realms. As cute as cats, our biase and discrimination tend to miss out their predatory instinct. We'd soon forgive a cat for torturing a bird than a fly gets on our food.
  • Cats are just cats - why are we even discussing this?
    Because people are just people.

  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran

    Well, yeah, but this cat hisses and raises its back and tail when anyone else is around, mainly kids.
  • Why worry about catz n wateva when u homeboys need ta worry about ya own practicez know wat im sayin?!!! How many of u can turn da othah cheek know wat im sayin?
  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    Why worry about catz n wateva when u homeboys need ta worry about ya own practicez know wat im sayin?!!! How many of u can turn da othah cheek know wat im sayin?
    Too much eggnog, Ch'an_noob?
  • lol, naw dawg! Just thuggin it out buddhist style know wat im sayin? 5th precept know wat im sayin?
  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    lol, naw dawg! Just thuggin it out buddhist style know wat im sayin? 5th precept know wat im sayin?
    Not killing... so... you are a non-violent Buddhist thug now?
  • The 5th is intoxicating substances.
  • Cats are bodhisattvas because people are insane to need a cat. Therefore they have found a home (relative bodhicitta in a catly way. It is a belief I carry that ultimate bodhicitta is shared by all beings. Even though there aren't any beings to fix. And no cats to fix. In need of interpretation and a bad saying by me, because it makes conditional reality and suchness activity seem unrelated. Suchness activity is when cause and effect is like a magicians trick.
  • I seriously believe that cats (felines) are bodhisattvas. ....
    Yes... they exhaust eight lives on earth carrying on with their "bodhisattava" activities; and only consider final buddhahood on the ninth life. ;););)
  • IronRabbitIronRabbit Veteran
    edited December 2010
    Commendable to all ailurophiles that this discussion is relegated to general banter - "where it belongs" - however.....probably descended from weasel like carnivores, kitties in forms great and small were domesticated nearly 5000 years ago for one reason - to kill. Surprise. Really. Dogs too - for nearly 50,000 years of our history. Cats and dogs were domesticated and bread to hunt and rid domiciles and granaries of vermin. It is our human compassion - our natural instinct to nurture human babies that is responsible for the love we lavish on the little cutesie wutesie fuzzie kitty/puppy in our life.Do they return it? Sure, I suppose - along with their absolute dependency on us for shelter and food..... I have had cats and now dogs and loved and cared for them - but Bodhisattva's? Please. Best I can do is acknowledging the karma accrued for nurturing these beasts compassionately.
  • When a cat is a bodhisattva they are a bodhisattva. They can't learn the dharma so we really have no control.
  • Mu-eow.
  • edited December 2010
    I won't try to assign any qualities to my cats, other than the ones they possess.
    We have saved multiple cats over the years and love them all. Some were with us longer than others but we got used to having a small cat colony and have observed their personalities.

    We've had near feral cats who, over time, responded to our love and seemed to heal from their past traumas. We rescued a kitten from a drain pipe and he is very devoted to us. Whenever a member of the family was sick, he would sleep with them as if guarding them. He would also try to bring me LIVE wild canaries as a gift. They would fly away as soon as he opened his mouth. The "old lady" of the group would come to the defense of a weaker cat if it was being picked on by one of the others. The last addition to our cat family was a two day old kitten, left to die by the mother cat's owners. I asked permission to take the tiny thing and I did. She only weighed 37 grams and was the size of a mouse. We all took turns feeding her, keeping her warm with a water bottle, and my husband babysat her while he was on vacation for two weeks. As a result, the little girl cat adores him and is very devoted to him. She follows him like a puppy and showers him with affection. She likes the rest of us well enough but has truly bonded with my hubby.

    They must have some degree of consciousness to posses such strong personalities- good or bad. I dare say many animals are more capable of love than many people are.
  • @Shotuko
    Cats can't be vegetarians, they would die of malnutrition and starvation within just a few weeks...
    Hey I just posted it. I cannot say anything about it's authenticity.

    I think that cats, and most other animals do a much better job at just being then us. I suspect they don't have as big a problem with conceptual thoughts getting in the way of the direct perception of reality as it is.

    However, can a cat help us along the path? Without question! So can a mosquito.

  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    The 5th is intoxicating substances.
    Oh, woops. Heh, sorry, I was up late last night. :dunce:

    My bad. :D
  • edited December 2010
    I've been asking my cat this question "Do you think cats are enlightened beings?" since this post started.

    He's doing all sorts of things to avoid giving me an answer. He gets all cute, ignores me, begs for food, sleeps, His avoidance techniques are so obvious! I conclude he knows a lot more about this question than he's willing to share.

    Now? I'm sure I'm phrasing the question wrongly, or I'm asking it improperly and he's trying to teach me something. I'll keep working on it.

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