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Want to learn to be grateful

edited October 2009 in Buddhism Basics
This is my biggest challenge and my biggest problem. I dont fee grateful for what I have, I feel I always want more, feel that I deserve more and I should have had more..
My life seems ok: i have good job (money is not great, but more than many people do), good husband, just bough a house..Of course we cant afford many things now because of house we bought, but I should be grateful for what I have, but I am not. I always feel miserable and as if I am not getting enought from life.
How can i change it?


  • fivebellsfivebells Veteran
    edited October 2009
    amalis wrote: »
    How can i change it?
    Metta meditation.
  • pegembarapegembara Veteran
    edited October 2009
    Hi amalis

    Read this book

    A Life of Inner Quality
  • SimonthepilgrimSimonthepilgrim Veteran
    edited October 2009
    Hello Amalis,

    Reading books or going to websites like may help - a bit! What helped me a lotwas practising a grateful attitude.

    Back when I was a child, my grandmother (a pious Methodist) would get us to "count our blessings" at our prayers at night, a habit that I gave up whenever she wasn't around. I took it up again a couple of decades ago. It grew out of a year spent, with a group of other poets who met each month, writing "praise poetry". Rilke set me alight.

    And, as I practised a grateful mind, I found more and more to engage it. Now, even a torrential downpour like the one that caught me this afternoon contains elements I can praise. This is not "Pollyanna" gratitude, it is a genuine feeling of thankfulness that I can actually be here in this moment and experience this.
  • jinzangjinzang Veteran
    edited October 2009
    Gratefulness grows as your sense of self-importance shrinks.
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