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Self??, Personality?? , Buddha mind????

edited October 2009 in Buddhism Basics
It occurred to me in meditation. That I could be someone else.
All of us interface with reality through a personality, it's like a filter.

I refuse to try sushi... Why? my personality, my programming.
I'm absolutely sure my hardware can eat the sushi...

I keep asking myself in meditation "what am I ?"
and I keep coming up with, the question is invalid.

my 'self' is a program created by my hardware and environment for 24 years
It must be a survival mechanism..

So I try to drop my self, my personality, and underneath is what I'm trying to uncover.. there is something there!!

It's like a blank page with eyes....
Is this buddha mind?


  • edited October 2009
    TheFound wrote: »
    It occurred to me in meditation. That I could be someone else.

    You already are somebody else. :)
    TheFound wrote: »
    I keep asking myself in meditation "what am I ?"
    and I keep coming up with, the question is invalid.

    my 'self' is a program created by my hardware and environment for 24 years
    It must be a survival mechanism..

    So I try to drop my self, my personality, and underneath is what I'm trying to uncover.. there is something there!!

    It's like a blank page with eyes....
    Is this buddha mind?

    I keep hitting these ideas too, but I know deep down, it's just intellectual right now. I haven't really seen the world and what I call myself in that context, it might make sense, but right now its just as idea. I did at one point get the spontaneous (I was watching tv at the time) sense that everything I thought I saw was actually the same as the what was seeing, no thought about it.

    It didn't stop the grapsing at the idea that I had to do something to make things the way the "should" be though, so if im looking for it (which i am) that wasn't the it I/we look for. Of course the it we look for isn't there, getting that now.

    Maybe we should stop looking for it or for something to happen to make things like that. After all, we can't find something that isn't already there right?

    Found, me + you = Same boat
  • edited October 2009
    You admit you could be someone else, and yet enslave yourself with thoughts of programming.

    Can't... because.... have you created something to stop you or is it something else?

    When you can there is no question. You do, with effort, or with seeming effortlessness.

    I find it's a case of building up behaviours. A training effect occurs with consistent effort. You would never imagine that one hamster could pull a wall down, could you? Well, each hamster is a tiny effort. As the days pass you collect more hamsters until there's 10 million of them, and suddenly the wall comes down.

    Anyway, the self seems to happen when you're busy, and it disappears when you're looking for it under a pillow.
  • jinzangjinzang Veteran
    edited October 2009
    What is it that drops the self? What is it that sees the mind as programmed? Keep practicing.
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