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what is your take on fate readings?

edited November 2009 in Buddhism Basics
Hi, I am not a Buddhist but I have had a lot of friends who are. I am also dating a Buddhist and I am struggling with the concept of fate readings. She is Chinese and I am American. She has gotten three fate readings about our future from Buddhists fate readers. Two said we have no destiny together and one said we have destiny together.

Now she wants to end our relationship because of the fate readings saying we cannot be together. Personally, I don't believe that anyone else can control your fate, or tell you what your fate is to be. How do I explain to here that a fate reading is only one possible outcome and people have the ability to chose their own path? She is very traditional so I guess this is very important to her. Can anyone give me some advise? Thanks.


  • ValtielValtiel Veteran
    edited November 2009
    Two said we have no destiny together and one said we have destiny together.

    icon_lol.gif Shouldn't that right there tell her something?
    Now she wants to end our relationship because of the fate readings saying we cannot be together.

    Well that is ridiculous. I thought one said otherwise, anyway? If the reading that you have no destiny together is true then I would ask her why she doesn't allow time to reveal that rather than go down the self-fulfilled prophecy route? Our futures are not predetermined... we always have choices. She alone is ensuring that that will be her future.

    I have never heard of this in Buddhism honestly, and it sounds like more of a cultural thing? Overcoming ingrained superstitious beliefs is very difficult. Maybe someone more familiar with the culture will be able to offer better advice. :(

    Good luck~
  • edited November 2009
    Maybe it is a cultural thing. She is from a Chinese family in Indonesia.
  • edited November 2009
    rx7ames wrote: »
    How do I explain to here that a fate reading is only one possible outcome and people have the ability to chose their own path?

    Well, there are a million ways to explain that to her, but you can't change her mind for her. You might want to consider whether the strength of your differences is greater than the strength of your relationship. Beliefs can be a pretty big deal.
  • RichardHRichardH Veteran
    edited November 2009
    Western Buddhists (like most people on this forum) are in a different space than your friend.
  • SimplifySimplify Veteran
    edited November 2009
    Are you sure that's the only reason she wants to break up with you?
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited November 2009
    Linsey de Paul was told by a palm reader that she should break up with James Cockburn, because they had no future together.
    She subsequently broke up with him, and said that it was the biggest mistake of her life.
    But she said that the palm reader had planted such a seed of uncertainty in her mind, that it became bigger than the relationship.

    She's not breaking up with you, because she doesn't think you have a future together.
    She's breaking up with you because she's been told there isn't.
    And the fear they might be right, is proving the case.....

    Unfortunately, there is little you can do when superstition and such similar issues play such a huge part in somebody's culture, conditioning and upbringing.

    Please let me tell you though:
    This is not typical of any Buddhism I have encountered. I'm sure there are similar practices in Tibetan Buddhism, but I don't think they are as 'magically' rooted....
    However, not all disciplines and schools of Buddhism ascribe to anything remotely like this.
    As she is oriental and living in Indonesia, such things are a mix of different practices, and have a vice-like grip.

    I regret to opine that it seems to be a self-fulfilling prophecy.
  • edited November 2009
    federica, I believe you are right. I may just have to accept this as it is. And, it was a Tibetan Buddhist that read her fate.
  • NamelessRiverNamelessRiver Veteran
    edited November 2009
    Check this out. :D

    <object width="425" height="344">

    <embed src="; type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></object>
  • edited November 2009
    Whoever did his makeup should be fired. That orange line is atrocious.
  • edited November 2009
    Superstition can cause doubt, and a whole other mess of problems. You can fight to fix the problem, but that won't be the end of it. There will be a never ending supply.
  • JasonJason God Emperor Arrakis Moderator
    edited November 2009
    I hate to say this, but if she's willing to leave you simply because of what a fortune teller told her, you might be better off just letting her go.
  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited November 2009
    Jason wrote: »
    I hate to say this, but if she's willing to leave you simply because of what a fortune teller told her, you might be better off just letting her go.
    Hear, hear!!
  • edited November 2009
    oh how the truth hurts. i am really sad though. it is like i don't have closure on the situation because it seems so stupid to me. and then i just get angry because it is so stupid. then i get sad again.
  • JasonJason God Emperor Arrakis Moderator
    edited November 2009
    Sorry, rx7ames. That's completely understandable, though. I'd feel the same way if I were in your shoes. :(
  • ValtielValtiel Veteran
    edited November 2009
    The stupidity of it might make it easier in the end, to be honest. One day, you won't be able to think of it without laughing.
    and then i just get angry because it is so stupid. then i get sad again.

    One of the main concepts of Buddhism is that absolutely everything is impermanent. This includes relationships, one way or another, at one point or another.

    It also includes anger and sadness. :)
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