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Taste of Suffering.

edited November 2009 in Buddhism Basics
Hmmm, what's up guys...

I had a really funny day today.
I wrote a long post but decided to delete it, to sum it up..
I had a bunch of little anti-miracles happen to me today..

Humiliating, Frustrating,Tiresome.Unbelievable!!! (1/10,000 odds),things..

it was as if my day was orchestrated
by little nasty gremlins or bad luck faeries...:lol:

Anyway at first I was furious about it..Tired and Furious...
Then it continued still!!!
:wtf:"hmmmm" I thought, this is where my Buddhist self-training comes in...

I started to realize I was having very non-Buddhist reactions to 'Duhkka',
I started to laugh at myself, like how a grown-up would laugh at a child crying over something insignificant....
I ended up wasting about 4 hours of time today, by freak accidents and co-incidences,

but I got something very valuable I think.
Buddha was on to something I think he realized,

"there's something about Duhkka.."

that's what I realized...we have such an easy to obtain CLUE or key that can unravel perhaps many mysteries of our lives...

however we tend to have aversion to suffering or uneasiness...but I think now...instead..., it's a rare jewel
and human rebirth is precious because of the ability to truly know suffering...or samsara,

"nirvana", might me be.....
samsara.. fully understood, :eek::eek:


  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited November 2009
    You're really coming along, aren't you, TF?

    Well done.

    (Man, I sound like a patronizing ass! Like I already know everything...)
  • edited November 2009
    Hi TF,

    On days like those, reciting the following verse keeps me from wandering off the Path and into states of woe, agitation, uncertainty, fear and anger:

    I am the owner of my kamma.
    I inherit my kamma.
    I am born of my kamma.
    I am related to my kamma.
    I live supported by my kamma.
    Whatever kamma I create, whether good or evil,
    That I shall inherit.
    Anguttara Nikaya (23)

    May sound a bit grim .... but it works for me.
    It's nice to know you have also found a way to deal with such moments.

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