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my worst enemy and rival

edited November 2009 in Buddhism Basics
here's a little story I want to share,

When i started highschool about a decade ago, I had a circle of friends.
My BEST friends from elementary school..we were living it up as you can imagine and then we integrated into a highschool which basically fused together about 10 other elementary schools.

one day while we were playing soccer in year 1, 'MY' group and an 'ENEMY' group started arguing, about a soccer .
An enemy soccer pro had tripped and hurt OUR soccer hero, lets call him "john". who was also my best friend since we were babies at a daycare,

So I immediately came to 'john's' defense, I cussed out the other soccer pro who was obviously dirty and use a cheap move to take down our pro, who was superior..

out of no where some jackass from their team started cussing me out and getting in my face.
He was a big ass I could tell ,a tough-guy and the look in his eyes was disgusting, I wanted him to die immediately, He was cussing ME out now....
then finally I said.. "Hey SUCK MY" etc etc,
And he said ..."okay!!! COME HERE mother etc etc"
I backed off

now about 12 years later this ass who cussed me out..
is my best friend in the world.

who i look up to as a brother and a mentor,
at the time he was just defending his friends,
(who DID turn out to be devious-we haven't spoken to them in years)
but I think even though he knew they were wrong he had to defend them, he's that type of guy....Also highly intelligent, but that's another story..

anyway nowadays I know he has my back, and I look up to him like my own biological brothers,

The lesson is , at first glance I seriously swore this guy to be my worst enemy EVER encountered..I HATE HIM and everything that he stood for..

but now I couldn't ever imagine not being on his team.
He was wrong in that case, because there was foul play, but he was right to defend his friends, and I respect him still for it..

he is my best friend , my worst enemy, and my greatest rival.:cool:


  • edited November 2009
    So I immediately came to 'john's' defense, I cussed out the other soccer pro

    meanwhile the other soccer pro is thinking

    "some jackass from their team started cussing me out and getting in my face"

    There was a lesson to be learned here.
  • edited November 2009
    I KNOW :crazy:
    there are a few lessons here,
    thus why I posteth the memoryeth :D
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