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Woke room mate with singing

edited November 2009 in Buddhism Basics
Room mate slept until 9 00 PM
I started singing
Didn't think he'd wake up
(He had no work
(Choose to stay up
(Didn't know when he finally got to bed
I thought I wouldn't wake him
Because I thought he was a heavy sleeper
And I thought I was being soft

When he woke up, he asked if I could stop singing
Turned defensive
Said 'no'
Got into argument / discussion
Later in which I admitted my fault
Of waking him and keeping him up

I think we needed to communicate that his wacky schedule is interfering
But I should've chosen a better time.
Should have said 'Yes I will stop'
Then had the discussion later.



  • FoibleFullFoibleFull Canada Veteran
    edited November 2009
    I hear you! I can't sing in my home either! Having been married a long time to someone who has sleep apnea (untreated, by choice) and who sleeps off and on whenever they can, I am well aware of the challenge of sharing living space with someone who is asleep when I wish to be awake!

    If you want to know what to do, and if you are serious about Buddhism, ask yourself, "What would the Buddha do in this situation"? Because growth along the spiritual path of Buddhism does not come in the form of bolts out of heaven, but in every little nudging we give ourselves every moment along the way ... both on and off the meditation cushion. Your roommate, like my husband, is a "precious teacher", presenting us with the opportunity to observe our emotions and to see our attachments for what they are.
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