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Sitting in a hospital, time to spare

My father in a law had open heart surgery yesterday, it's a crazy scary time for us, but things seem to be looking up now.

I have had 2 things happen that I really want to share though.

1st, was a random act of compassion that I was so pleased to be able to do. I was walking down a hallway this morning going to get a cup of coffee on the main floor. There was a guy on crutches a little bit ahead of me who was moving kinda slow. I walked with him, on my way to get my coffee, it took a few moments longer but the change it made to my mindset was very large. From now on, whenever I feel down or frustrated, random acts of compassion and kindness will be my solution.

2nd. I have been giving a lot of thought about life cycles. It is the life cycle of a fly to be born and die in a set amount of time, generally. We, as humans, have an average life expectancy as well. I think that there may be something too that to. I'm eating less and less meat but I still eat it. My readings have thought me that it's the thought of the killing that gives it karma. I kill bugs by walking in the yard, but I don't kill them out of anger, I just step on them >.<
It's the life cycle of the bug though. Would it not be the life cycle of chicken, cow, pig, ect to become food of something higher on the food chain? Not necessarily me, or us, but anything. A wolf eats a rabbit, and that is part of the cycle of being a rabbit and a wolf.

I don't think being too hung up on any one issue moves anyone forward but I hae had some time to sit and reflect. 8 hours of surgery is a long time to sit.

I'm interested in the discussion that this may or may not start.


  • edited January 2010
    Thinking on the life cycle thing, I guess everything gets eaten eventually, either as a hunters prey or as carrion after a natural death. The problem is how long would that chicken, cow or pig have lived if we hadn't killed it for food?
    I am slowly turning Veggie (trying to get out of the habit of eating meat, it's just too easy to cook up a meat & 2 veg meal :o ) because I recently realized I quite like the animals my favorite cuts of meat come from, and I would not be prepared to kill them myself, therefore I feel I shouldn't get someone to do the 'dirty work' for me. Hope this makes sense.

    As for the random acts of kindness, just started doing this too and had nothing but good experiences so far.:)

    Best of luck & health to your father in law.
  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited January 2010
    Hi, Rabbit.

    I'm sending deep wishes of peace and comfort to you and CassieDoodle and hoping your father-in-law's recovery goes very well.
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