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What do we need to draw in traffic? In my experience at short-media, articles and features bring in new viewers far more than just having active forums.
Any ideas for articles or content that fit our site's mission?
What is our site's mission, anyways?
Mission? Aren't missions those things that the spanish conquistadors put up all over california...? I dunno... something involving helping those who are searching for answers to questions that they don't know how to answer yet.
It's funny how many people I've met online who have laid out their philosophy, only for me to read it and discover that, hey, they're buddhists and don't even know it
Maybe thats the kind of thing we should try to gear our articles for then... I'm sure if someone read an article detailing a system of beliefs that just so happened to overlap with their own maybe it would help them to realize the plethora of others out there just like them
Chalk me up as one of them, isn't that right? Saw this site in your sig, thought I would check it out, personally I think having a series of articles on basic things having to do with buddhism would be helpful, because I really don't know anything at all about it other than what you told me in one of our long convos, personally content like that would interest me.
Going back to my initial point, maybe traffic could be driven here based on search key words that reference many different types of religion, mythology, spirituallity, or even councelling web sites. To that extent, my wife's brother killed himself a few years ago after he realized that life is simply dukkha and he just gave up. He never went all the way to reach an understanding and acceptance. Maybe we can help people like him among others.
BTW, very glad to see the site up and running!!!