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Before mediating, I was in a very good mood. After meditating though, I had an extremely wonderful experience. I was laying down on my bed, and I had just put on a Simon and Garfunkel record, and for some reason at that moment I felt more alive then I've ever felt before. What is this feeling that I'm describing? Has anyone felt anything similar?
Haha. In all seriousness though, I feel like I've come a long way with my meditation. My goal was to become a happier person and although I'm not sure how long this feeling will last, it feels like this is a positive step.
Hmm. . .am I supposed to construe that as positive or negative?
Edit: NM. I saw your edit.
And my teacher (a buddhist monk born in Tibet) keeps on telling us that the states from meditation don't mean anything. But we are to keep on meditating, because the goal of meditation is not bliss, but training and disciplining the mind.
Sounds so dull!
(One day I'll get the hang of writing these myself.)