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What have you realized?



  • Just what have you actually realized beyond theories and Sutras? What have you come to SEE, in your own words?

    Here and now I have realised that its well past my dinnertime.... :buck:

  • In my practice, there's nothing to get, but there's much to get rid of. Like all those mental defilements that gives rise to dukkha.
  • I personally have realised that the vast majority of the modern societies contain conditioned and ignorant people. Of course this is not their fault.

    I have realised that the natural, untamed mind is destructive and races around like a hyperactive dog going nowhere apart from getting tired.

    I have realised how my actions affect others, and how we are in fact interconnected.

    I have realised that in the past 2 years of meditating, I have made little progress due to my laziness and lack of motivation, probably also due to my side of my personality I have had since I was 13 which is one of self destruction.

    I have realised it takes a lot of effort to exercise the mind, more time, than to exercise the body and probably more difficult. BUT, all you need is the mind.

    I have realised that I am delusional at times and in denial.

    I also have realised that monks seem to live long long peaceful lives for he majority and live on 1-2 meals a day before midday, have little sleep and own very little, if nothing.

    Lastly, I have realised I have been a jerk for most of my life and compassion is a universal language. Those little hellos, opening doors, sparking coversations with strangers and compliments go a long long way
  • @Twilly I like that :)
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    I personally have realised that the vast majority of the modern societies contain conditioned and ignorant people. Of course this is not their fault.

    I have realised that the natural, untamed mind is destructive and races around like a hyperactive dog going nowhere apart from getting tired.

    I have realised how my actions affect others, and how we are in fact interconnected.

    I have realised that in the past 2 years of meditating, I have made little progress due to my laziness and lack of motivation, probably also due to my side of my personality I have had since I was 13 which is one of self destruction.

    I have realised it takes a lot of effort to exercise the mind, more time, than to exercise the body and probably more difficult. BUT, all you need is the mind.

    I have realised that I am delusional at times and in denial.

    I also have realised that monks seem to live long long peaceful lives for he majority and live on 1-2 meals a day before midday, have little sleep and own very little, if nothing.

    Lastly, I have realised I have been a jerk for most of my life and compassion is a universal language. Those little hellos, opening doors, sparking coversations with strangers and compliments go a long long way
    Love it!
  • that reality is mostly a flow (of mind, energy or matter).
    that if you never smile during or after meditation, you are doing it wrong.
    that non-buddhists can enrich your buddhist path.
    that nirvana may be, in the end, the first step.
  • WhoknowsWhoknows Australia Veteran
    In the space of the mind
    Can be found the four noble truths and interdependent origination,
    Yet the space is not the answer itself,
    And neither is the flow,
    Yet I know nothing.
  • aMattaMatt Veteran
    I have realized that people's interaction with their karma is like the rhythm of a drum. Large groups appear to be one pounding chaos, but its really just many vibrations overlaid. When we cultivate true, patient listening, we can hear the individual beats and put down our stick (or help others put down their's), one at a time, breath by breath, thought by thought, word by word, paragraph by paragraph.
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