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My thoughts on reality, the self, awareness

i desperately need a dialog about these thoughts.

the only thing that separates the inside, the self, the only thing that defines it, is the outside, and awareness. without awareness there would be no self. and without and outside there would be no within. but why does this not work the other way around? the inside does not define what is out. maybe in order to have the perception of sensation, of reality as we see it, there must be a blank slate for it to go on. in order to be aware of it, we must have something within us that is not aware, that is empty. maybe that is the way open mindedness works. if we clog our brain with too many concrete things, facts we depend too much on, if we are so certain of our view of reality there is no more room to expand your ideas. maybe that proves how important the seasons are, in creating change, in creating intelligence, by catching you off guard, by forcing you to adapt. "To be technically precise, we do not know so much as we feel." to feel and to know are often presented as opposites, to define each other, when in fact they are the same. / maybe there is a creative void in which consciousness operates, to contrast it's sensations. it's b/c of this creative void we can process our senses, we can evolve. why is it that we stabilize ourselves with the outside, we view the outside as reality, and the inside not as concrete. "The “I” is the universe itself. It feels like me because it is concentrated inside my head."

time exists because of the intervals between events. because of memory, b/c there are events and not event. awareness is what creates time, what manifests it as an idea. the idea of something "happening" is something changing. something must have change in-order for something to have "happened". and the whole idea of perception and awareness revolves around change. b/c without change, the would be no reference point, no way to compare one thing to the other, and awareness would be impossible. therefore awareness is time, and vise versa. change is awareness and change is time. this consciousness is somehow relative to gravity or acceleration. time is relative to speed, but they seem to be connected. the speed of light. heat. energy in it's purest form. light, heat is the first consciousness. b/c it went somewhere, point a to b. and in that created an event. maybe acting a certain way, under certain conditions, is not a law of nature but always a choice, that is what creates randomness. that is why randomness is no important. and i in a million times, light makes a different choice, and reacts in a different way. change is awareness is time.

please tell me of your thoughts.


  • edited March 2010
    I'd tell you my thoughts if I could unravel yours more easily. Equating things is easy enough, but it makes it sound like philosophy. Time is a human concept, the universe knows only change. Our awareness is befuddled by over-thought and not in harmony with reality, or else the 'self' we pose exists would not.
  • edited March 2010
    the inside does not define what is out.

    Sure it does. Everything we are aware of is subjective. We impose color onto a colorless world. We impose texture onto a texturelses color. We impose sound onto a soundless world. We're creating everything. Without you, there is no outside. Without you, there is no me. ITs interdependence. Its really cool.
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