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The Buddha's Teaching in Five Words - Compilation

edited April 2010 in Philosophy
The following is a compilation of 5 word attempts to guess the Buddha's Teachings in Five Words. The original thread can be found here.

*Note: I made my best effort to compile this for everyone. If I missed someone's guess please excuse me. Let me know, and I will edit this post!

federica wrote: »
Cause and Cessation of suffering.
This is how it is now.
Nios wrote: »
"What? How should I know?"
pegembara wrote: »
Sabbe dhamma nalam abhinivesaya
Nothing should be clung to
sabbe dhamma anatta
All phenomena are not-self
sabbe sankhara anicca
all formations are impermanent
"Nothing is worth clinging to"
Stephen wrote: »
"All mental suffering is Self."

Jeffrey wrote: »
Nothing to grasp. Nothing needed.
porpoise wrote: »
"Everything's impermanent, stroll on mindfully"
pegembara wrote: »
Liberation is end of craving.
Nibbana is the supreme emptiness.
Jeffrey wrote: »
free from grasping. spontaneous compassion
Stephen wrote: »
Abandoning tanha leads to Nibbana.
sukhita wrote: »
Forsake ego to attain liberation.
Japhy wrote: »
Abandon evil, Do good, Meditate.
porpoise wrote: »
"Sh*t happens, get used to it"
pegembara wrote: »
Seeing and realizing Dependent Origination
Nios wrote: »
"Suffering and end of suffering"
Nios wrote: »
"Wisdom and practice equals enlightenment"
sukhita wrote: »
Practice sila, samadhi and panna.
Practice dana, sila and bhavana.
Stephen wrote: »
Attain wisdom through direct experience.
Mani wrote: »
"purify your mind, develop wisdom."
urinating on mara for peace
Deshy wrote: »
Don't take the blue pill
The heedful do not die
sukhita wrote: »
Know and practice the Path.
Stephen wrote: »
Know truth through insight meditation.
consummate in knowledge & conduct
knowledge & conduct is consummate
Stephen wrote: »
"Know the Four Noble Truths."
know and be not known
know or be eaten alive
know or die i say
know this, don't know that
know what yer mamma knows
knowing knowers nullifies the nose
sukhita wrote: »
Know things as they are.
Know reality as it is.
Dazzle wrote: »
Practice mindfulness instead of papanca.
kammānaṃ vipāko veditabbo
'Know actions and their results'
sukhita wrote: »
Know what actions are wholesome
Stephen wrote: »
"Know what conditions mental suffering."
Nirvana wrote: »
Know what path to take.
Know what path is best.
Know what path is right.
sukhita wrote: »
Know what the wise sanction.
Know what the wise praise.
Know what the wise censure.
Know what is, do wisely
Magwang wrote: »
know what skhandas are impermanent
Friend wrote: »
"Know what actions are right."
"Know what thoughts are skillful."
sukhita wrote: »
Know what things are praiseworthy.
Know how to be happy.
Nirvana wrote: »
Know what anguish [unfettered] desires bring!
Stephen wrote: »
"Know what you are not."
know what know are know
Nirvana wrote: »
Know what actions are useful.
Know what tools are beneficial.
Know what situations are avoidable.
Know what vices are acceptable...
Stephen wrote: »
"Know what attachments are supporting."
Dazzle wrote: »
Knowing when to let go
iikii wrote: »
Know yourself, know the teachings
sukhita wrote: »
Know what you are doing. {mindfulness - the key to liberation}
Know what you are thinking.
Know what you are feeling.
sukhita wrote: »
Know what you are now.


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