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Dalai Lama: Very Insightful Speech

edited April 2010 in Buddhism Basics
[Conflicting Philosophies of World Religions]<object height="385" width="480">

<embed src="; type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" height="385" width="480"></object>

Enjoy. :]

(I used to be a very rigid anti-theist and this video sort of lightened me up a bit towards religion.)



  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    edited April 2010
    Thats a great message and example. I hope I can remember that next time before I get in argument.
  • DhammaDhatuDhammaDhatu Veteran
    edited April 2010
    (I used to be a very rigid anti-theist and this video sort of lightened me up a bit towards religion.).
    the "same practise" HHDL is referring to is just on the level of morality

    once you see the positve side of other religions and can 'talk the talk', get over it

    be careful to not let other religions obscure the seeing of what the buddha-dhamma really is

    in terms of core essence, C & B have little in common

    HHDL is just talking about 'faith', 'hope' and 'inspiration'

    his audience is generally secular

  • edited April 2010
    the "same practise" HHDL is referring to is just on the level of morality

    Eh, I'm not sure about that one. Even on a moral level, Buddhism differs from other religions. What HH DL is saying is that they all practice peace and kindness. However, on a moral level, they do it for different reasons.
    once you see the positve side of other religions and can 'talk the talk', get over it

    I don't know what you're referring to here.

    be careful to not let other religions obscure the seeing of what the buddha-dhamma really is

    Other religions have no influence on me whatsoever except my opposition to them.
    in terms of core essence, C & B have little in common

    I completely agree. That's why I made the thread showing why C & B aren't compatible. Also, if you watched the whole video, you'd see that Dalai Lama made the same point and said that he would argue with Jesus, but still appreciate his practice of compassion.

    What I'm saying the video did for me was that I used have extreme hatred of religion, but now I rather just respectfully disagree.
    HHDL is just talking about 'faith', 'hope' and 'inspiration'

    his audience is generally secular

    Yeah, I don't think that was his message. I think the main message was to be respectful of all religions, despite the philosophical differences.


  • aMattaMatt Veteran
    edited April 2010
    Other religions have no influence on me whatsoever except my opposition to them.

    Sounds like influence to me! Without influence there would be no opposition.

  • edited April 2010
    aMatt wrote: »
    Sounds like influence to me! Without influence there would be no opposition.


    That's why I said "Other religions have no influence on me whatsoever except my opposition to them."

    I clarified the one exception.
  • shanyinshanyin Novice Yogin Sault Ontario Veteran
    edited April 2010
    HH. is an excellent person.
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