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Major Moral Dilemma



  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited April 2010
    Of course I should thank who made the food, the person that put the ingrediants together, who made the packaging, who grew or raised or caught the food, who drove the car to the supermarker, who ordered the ingredients, who scanned them, who paid for them, who made the car, who bought, who gave us the petrol, who bought the petrol, who made the station, who serviced the car, who approved the petrol station, there teachers who taught them as children etc. etc. etc. And a really beautiful thing it makes you think of is how everyone works together and how so many people are involved in my well being :)

    All the best,
  • edited April 2010
    that's difficult for me too, Love'N'Peace. Nature isn't decisive, by definition, it's life or death.....
  • edited May 2010
    Just a quick note. Several people have suggested feeding defrosted and reheated mice. The problem is that some snakes will not eat dead prey even if capable of doing so. Often they have been accidentally conditioned to develop an aversion - the mouse has been presented clumsily or is not warm enough. From that point on the snake would rather starve than eat reheated dead mouse. The compromise is well cared for mice. In my opinion that has more integrity than giving the snake away. In addition, the frozen mice have been deliberately killed to be used as prey for reptiles, so the carer of the snake is still taking part - as we all are - in the cycle of suffering.
  • edited May 2010
    Thank-You for that idea, Fran45. I may just raise my own mice so I have control of their welfare. :) I think the Middle Way is the Only Way in this difficult situation. I highly doub that Lucifer would be accumulating bad karma by eating the ONLy things he knows how, and is capable of eating.
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited May 2010
  • ValtielValtiel Veteran
    edited May 2010
    when was the last time you got a birthday/Valentine card from your dog or cat (that hadn't actually been signed on their behalf by mum/dad/SO.....? Huh....?

    Omg I thought only my aunt and uncle were insane...
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited May 2010
    But of course dogs can't write cards sillies. Well ectept when my Molly bought me doggie stickers for Christmas :rolleyes:

    All the best
  • edited May 2010
    Thank you all for your heart-felt advice! My peer-practitioner and former roomate Jeff gave me the best response I've heard yet.
    "The feeding of Lucifer: life's moral dilemma #432. If the boy needs to devour fresh souls on a regular basis, then by God, feed him. I do like the idea of raising your own food, however. That way, you can be sure all souls enjoy a pleasant Earthly existence before departing for the certain perdition that awaits them in the belly of the beast. It's not likely that Lucifer will suddenly develop a taste for hummus and tofu in the near future, and you have taken on the responsibility of caring for a carnivore. So to me, there really is no question of what you need to do, morally or otherwise. We are all food for something else anyhow."
    This is a wicked tricky debate for me, and apparently for others, as well. thanks again for your advice. :)
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited May 2010
    This reminds me of a couple of jokes.

    A lonely old woman bought a parrot for company and went to make his dinner but half-way through he started swearing at her. Angrilly she put him in the freezer for a good ten minutes. She takes him out and he continues to swear at her so she puts him in the freezer for a good half-hour. He comes out shivering like crazy and she asked him if he'd learned his lesson. He shivered and said, "y-yes, b-but can I j-just ask one l-last thing?"
    "What th-the heck d-did th-the t-turkey do to y-you?"

    A sweet little girl skips into the petshop with a sweet little shopping list and in a sweet little voice she says, "pwease may I have a wabbit?" the shop assistent went down on one knee and says, "which one would you like? A white wabbit? A bwown wabbit? Or a cute little fluffy bwack wabbit." The girl puts her hand on her hip and says, "I don't think my python gives a fit!'
  • edited May 2010
    cute stories, Love'N'Peace! thanks!
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