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A Modern Dzogchen Master

edited April 2010 in Philosophy
“In general in Vajrayana, and most of all in Ati yoga and Dzogchen, it is said that without the teacher there is nothing, in the sense of nothing opposite of something else. It means if there is no teacher, there is samsara. When there is a teacher there is samsara and nirvana and we start to understand there is not only one aspect of ourselves. If there is samsara and nirvana, automatically awareness of this exists and we understand that both exist as places in our mind. Then we have a better opportunity to understand what our real condition is.”
-Yeshi Silvano Namkhai

“The only siddhi we need is the one we already have, which is recognizing and discovering our real nature, discovering our real teacher in every moment in life and discovering our real nature instantly….The highest siddhi is when we talk about rainbow body, when our condition integrates totally into the nature or elements. This does not happen everyday. “

-Yeshi Silvano Namkhai

“What we do say is that not all people have the opportunity to meet a teaching like Ati yoga or Dzogchen. And the principle is to open your eyes and observe your condition. When you see your condition you understand all your limitations. Then you release your tension. You work with your limitations and then you develop through this awareness and you become freer. When this freedom or relaxed state manifests then there is opportunity to develop. So it means there is nothing to judge or to fabricate with mind.”

-Yeshi Silvano Namkhai

Yeshi Silvano Namkhai, son and student of Chögyal Namkhai Norbu, was born in Italy in 1970. He received Christian and Buddhist education, studied (philosophy and computer science) and worked in the field of modern technologies. H.H. Sakya Trizin recognized Yeshi Namkhai as the reincarnation of Chögyal Namkhai Norbu's maternal uncle (Khyentse Rinpoche Chökyi Wangchug) and was given the name Jamyang Chökyi Nyima. In 2007 he went to Tibet and accepted his duty to help and support monastery in central Tibet. Recently he has dedicated his life to the future of the Dzogchen Community founded by Chögyal Namkhai Norbu, following his teachers instructions and fulfilling students wishes. Yeshi Namkhai's style is open and simple. He promotes fresh and spontaneous interest, talking directly and helps one enter the essence of buddhist teachings and discover one's real nature. During last two years Yeshi Namkhai gave more then 60 talks and teaching sessions in Europe, Russia, USA, South America and Australia.
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