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Buddha's Discourses On God and the Absolute?



  • ValtielValtiel Veteran
    edited May 2010
    I just want to understand on what basis did Buddha assert that he has attained Nirvana? Is there some kind of proof besides his claim like everyone else who has an encounter. If there is such a state as Nirvana, using your line of reasoning how do we know it is Nirvana, and not Xanadu or Krypton? Have you been there? Even if you have been there, how do you know that you and Buddha are talking about the same thing?

    Again, it would be beneficial for the productivity of this conversation if you took the time to educate yourself on these Buddhist terms rather than assuming your preconceived notions are at all accurate.

    Nirvana/nibbana is not a place, for starters. Nibbana is the quenching of dukkha, the mental dis-ease and -satisfaction we attach to our experience.

    We can never know for certain what another person experiences. The proof of his claim then relies on us taking the time to explore his teachings and see for ourselves if they truly cut to the core of dukkha and if they can remedy it.
  • edited May 2010
    Sariputra, the dharma body of the Tathagata is cool because it is the dharma of non-duality and the dharma of no differentiation. Sariputra, the dharma body of the Tathagata never changes because it is the dharma without cessation and the dharma without formation.
    "Sariputra, it is this dharma body that, fettered by boundless afflictions more numerous than the sands of the Ganges, has been following along with the world since time without a beginning. When it is drifting to and fro in the ocean waves of life and death, it is called sentient beings. :wow:
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