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A Christian is Here: He Is Me :p



  • DhammaDhatuDhammaDhatu Veteran
    edited April 2010
    aMatt wrote: »
    I agree that Jesus and Buddha had a similar energy...
    Buddha taught nature & emptiness. Jesus taught clinging to the bossom of the Father.

  • edited April 2010
    upekka wrote: »
    Do you know the Truth for sure?

    I know Truth. I do not know all truth. But none can verify whether they know truth for sure. That is why faith is important. And don't say you do not have faith. If you believe Buddha even existed historically, you have faith.
    It is you friend who sound gravely mistaken. Buddha found complete truth. But Jesus was not a unique philosopher. Jesus only taught partial truth.

    Jesus WAS truth. How could Buddha have known all truth? Didn't he say "believe those who claim they seek truth, believe not nthose who say they've found it?" And "Do not believe anything ..... (I forget some of it) .... Even if I have said it?"
    Also, the Buddha was a man at peace (unlike yourself). The Buddha found inner contentment.

    Why do you accuse me of not being a man of peace? Wouldn't accusing me of such simply because I do not agree with you mean YOU are not at peace?
    I would say you have many fears. If you have not spent 40 days in the wilderness like Jesus did, how would you be certain that you have no fears?

    I don't have any fears because Jesus is my Savior and nothing I discover in this world will ever push me far enough to stop loving Him. And being afraid of new information would mean I lack faith.

    I have to say Jared, that you may very well feel like this because some of us (and I'm really only speaking for myself when I say this to be honest), would very much like OUR home on the web to be an evangelical free zone. You say you're not here to evangelise YET. Let me assure you, I am happy to discuss things with you as I come from a Christian background and had members of my family who taught the Scripture. But the minute you start evangelising, I assure you I will not be interacting with you and hope the mods stop you. Christians absolutely do NOT have the God given right they have misinterpreted from the words of Yeshua to go forth and ear bash anyone, anywhere at anytime. If you, as a guest here, will not respect the rules, then I, as a member here, will not respect you as either a guest or a Christian.

    A good book IMO is "Living Buddha, Living Christ" by Thich Nhat Hahn, a Vietnamese Zen monk. This will show you the similarities between the teachings of the Buddha and Jesus.


    I don't tend to "bash your ears" merely to share. God bless.

    The word 'spirit' means 'breath' or 'to breathe'. The English word spirit (from Latin spiritus "breath")

    The Buddha instructed his disciples in a meditation that leads to enlightenment called Anapanasati or Mindfulness With Breathing. This is certainly a 'holy' or 'pure spirit'.

    Yes, I know. But we are talking about the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit.
    Please bear in mind the Buddha taught about the 'Holy Life'. The Buddha taught the unshakeable freedom of mind (which you yourself do not possess) is the one goal of the Holy Life.

    So... I don't possess it, because YOU claim I don't?
    You are still like a child collecting toys and other play things in a toy shop.

    Hm..... I believe Jesus taught something like "Do not Judge, or you'll be judged."

    But you friend, MrZetterlund666, create iniquity. Of someone like your yourself, Jesus made it clear he will say to you: "I never knew you".


    I create iniquity? I can't tell if your culture is simply different from mine or if you put 666 after my name to make me look like I'm from satan.

    It sounds like your mind is brainwashed, drunk and intoxicated on words.

    I personally have lived a celibate life.

    So have I!
    Unlike you are not the same as the Buddha, being free from fear, I am the same as Jesus in that I have created no new human beings via sexual activity.

    Om.... What? I've NEVER had a child!
    Thus John appears to be saying God is lust.

    How!?!?! God is LOVE not LUST or SEX! What on EARTH gives you the idea that anything I have said, or John has written advocates adultery?

    matt wrote:
    A good first step would be to quit assigning a sex organ to your God.

    What are you talking about!?!
    matt wrote:
    But you make some kind of assumption that a little man doing magic tricks passed along a secret to Gautama Siddhartha making him the Buddha. This is a root concern into why you feel you have to pray to something for truth. You are the truth, it is all around you. You sound like a child with his eyes closed praying to Jesus for the lights to come on. If you learn to open them, you'll see, and then you will see why the notions of 'savior' are so deeply flawed.

    So when I was depressed and lost and wore all black and hated everyone, the idea that Jesus saved from all that is wrong? You are a terrible judge.
  • edited April 2010

    In countries like the USA and Australia, Christians have immense political power.

    In one state of Australia, Christians blocked Hate Crimes legislation so they would not be prosecuted in court for publically condemning other religions, gay people and the like.


    Something tells me you are not very sound of mind. It is very recent that persecution towards us is uprising. In my generation, particularly. Christians gravely LOST their political power in the USA because of liberal President Obama and the Atheist movement. In the UK, Christians are getting fired from their jobs for wearing crosses. Get that chip off your shoulder and please treat me with rescpect.

    God Bless you my friend.
  • edited April 2010
    Get over it, hyper sensitive.

    Our new friend has declared his fearlessness.


    That is Dhamma Dhatu. That is why I stand my ground. It is amazing what you Buddhists occuse me of. :mad:
  • DhammaDhatuDhammaDhatu Veteran
    edited April 2010
    I know Truth. I do not know all truth. But none can verify whether they know truth for sure. That is why faith is important. And don't say you do not have faith. If you believe Buddha even existed historically, you have faith.

    The Buddha taught Noble Truth rather than subjective truth.

    He taught truth that each person verifies within.

    Buddhists do not worship Buddha like Christians worship Christ.

    Buddhists verify the mode of mind that is the cessation of suffering.

    Jesus WAS truth.
    Jesus was not truth. Jesus was subjective love.

    He taught the truth of love but not the truth of reality and the truth of suffering & Nirvana.

    In Buddhism, the truth of Jesus is called mundane or relative truth.

    It is the same truth that my mother loves me.

    My mother's love can make me feel good but it cannot save me.
    How could Buddha have known all truth?
    The Buddha knew all essential truth, namely, truth that absolutely can bring freedom from suffering.

    Jesus on the other hand shared his love. This is different.
    Didn't he say "believe those who claim they seek truth, believe not nthose who say they've found it?" And "Do not believe anything ..... (I forget some of it) .... Even if I have said it?"
    No, Buddha did not say such a thing.

    Buddha taught to believe something if it lead to benefit & non-harming; if it leads to peace & the end of suffering.

    Therefore, for many people, believing in the love of Jesus brings them some peace.
    Why do you accuse me of not being a man of peace? Wouldn't accusing me of such simply because I do not agree with you mean YOU are not at peace?
    Why? Because you wish to convert people to your religion and use sneaky, underhanded methods. This is the same as being like a liar, deceiver & trickster. This is witchcraft.
    I don't have any fears because Jesus is my Savior and nothing I discover in this world will ever push me far enough to stop loving Him. And being afraid of new information would mean I lack faith.
    I am not sure if you are free from fear but I will not disagree with your second point.
    I don't tend to "bash your ears" merely to share. God bless.
    You came here asking for something and now say you are here to share something. least speak honestly.
    Yes, I know. But we are talking about the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit.
    What is this God you are referring to?
    Hm..... I believe Jesus taught something like "Do not Judge, or you'll be judged."
    I am a Buddhist. What Jesus states has no relevance to me.
    I create iniquity? I can't tell if your culture is simply different from mine or if you put 666 after my name to make me look like I'm from satan.
    Indeed friend, the impression you give is you are from Satan. You wish to use Buddhist teachings to trick Buddhists into converting to Christianty. This is very Satanic.

    In Buddhism, Satan is greed,hatred & delusion. Covetousness is greed. Self-cherishing is delusion. The impression is your mind has these satanic defilements.

    If your mind has love, you would accept the Buddhists how they are.

    You need to understand it is impossible for you to convert a practising Buddhist.

    You can only convert non-practising "Buddhists".
    How!?!?! God is LOVE not LUST or SEX! What on EARTH gives you the idea that anything I have said, or John has written advocates adultery?
    John Chapter 1 was quoted where it is said "God creates all things".

    Now the Buddha taught craving or lust creates most things.

    So naturally, the Buddha was correct and John was completely deluded & confused.
    So when I was depressed and lost and wore all black and hated everyone, the idea that Jesus saved from all that is wrong?
    Jesus can certainly help you. I am very pleased and happy to hear Jesus helped you be free from unwholesome things. Try to remain in his love and guidence.

    But it is his love that helped you.

    Love is the same whoever gives it.

    May your life be free from unwholesome & harmful things.

    But in Buddhism, there is more to do than this.
  • DhammaDhatuDhammaDhatu Veteran
    edited April 2010
    God Bless you my friend.

    Friend, if I do not work and earn a living, "God" will not bless me with food unless I beg.

    That begging is also my own action.

    James 2:17
    In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.

    James 2:26
    As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead.

    James 2:20
    You foolish man, do you want evidence that faith without deeds is useless ?

    Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to him, "Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed," but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it?
  • DhammaDhatuDhammaDhatu Veteran
    edited April 2010
    That is Dhamma Dhatu. That is why I stand my ground. It is amazing what you Buddhists occuse me of. :mad:
    I speak what is true.

    I asked you but you did not reply. Have you spent 40 days in the wilderness to test your fear?

    The Buddha spent much of his life living in forests and you said you were the same as the Buddha.

    You said the Buddha spoke from the Holy Spirit of the Father.

    You said many other false things.

    The impression you give is your intention appears underhanded & deceiptful.

    Are you spiritually blind? Can you not see learning some Buddhist teachings in order to convert others is deceiptful?

    Buddha said:
    "Let him not deceive another".

    Titus 3:11
    Warn a divisive person once, and then warn him a second time. After that, have nothing to do with him. You may be sure that such a man is warped and sinful; he is self-condemned.


  • edited April 2010

    1.)The Buddha taught Noble Truth rather than subjective truth.

    2.)He taught truth that each person verifies within.

    3.)Buddhists do not worship Buddha like Christians worship Christ.

    4.)Buddhists verify the mode of mind that is the cessation of suffering.

    1.) You have it completely backwards. Buddha claimed to be a man and a philosopher -that is subjective truth. Jesus preached with authority and claimed authority of God. (such as the ability to forgive sins.) That is Noble truth. After Jesus' sermon on the Mount the multitude asked, "Who is this man? He speaks as one having authority, unlike the Scribes or Pharessies!"

    2.) I'm not sure what you mean by this. So do you mean he taught faith? The messege of the gospel is "verified within" through the Holy Spirit, which allows you to discern it's messege.

    3.) I know.

    4.) I'm not sure whaat you mean by this, either.
    He taught the truth of love but not the truth of reality and the truth of suffering & Nirvana.

    He taught very much on suffering, and He Himself suffered a great deal.

    In Buddhism, the truth of Jesus is called mundane or relative truth.

    It is the same truth that my mother loves me.

    The Buddha knew all essential truth, namely, truth that absolutely can bring freedom from suffering.

    Yes, that hatred cannot estinguish out hatred, but only love can estinguish out hatred. On of Jesus' most popular messeges.

    Therefore, for many people, believing in the love of Jesus brings them peace. But this peace is very shakey.

    Why? Because you wish to convert people to your religion and use sneaky, underhanded methods. This is the same as being like a liar, deceiver & rapist.

    Well, you are lying about my methods. That's for sure. -_- I convert people because God wants to know them, and loves them.

    I am not sure if you are free from fear but I will not disagree with your second point.

    You came here asking for something and now say you are here to share something.

    Why can't I do both? least speak honestly. I warned you the Buddha has little tolerance for those who speak deliberate lies.

    Look, buddy. I have no idea what you're talking about.
    What is this God you are referring to?

    He goes by many names. King of Kings, Lord of Lords, God of all creation, Jehovah, Yahweh, Almighty God, ect.
    Fool. I am a Buddhist. What Jesus states has no relevance to me.

    Indeed friend, the impression you give is you are from Satan. You wish to use Buddhist teachings to trick them into converting to Christianty. This si very Satanic.

    So..... It is satanic, to convert people to Christianity? I do not know Buddha's teachings well, anyway. -_- I've only heard people quote him.
    In Buddhism, Satan is greed,hatred & delusion. Covetousness is greed. Self-cherishing is delusion. The impression is your mind has these satanic defilements.

    So...... I assume you have this special telescope that allows you to look inside my mind and judge me? You do not know piece. "Do not judge, or you will be judged. And the measurement you judge with, it will be measured to you."
    If your mind has love, you would accept the Buddhists how they are.

    I do accept them as they are. I have no problem with anyone practicing Buddhism. I am simply a messenger of Jesus Christ. And if YOUR MIND is love, then you should know how much He loves you.
    You need to understand it is impossible for you to convert a practising Buddhist.

    You can only convert non-practising "Buddhists".

    I certainly hope you're not what they consider a "practicing Buddhist" because you are very non-peaceful. Infact, I'm sort of questioning your sanity.
    John Chapter 1 was quoted where it is said "God creates all things".

    Indeed. God did create all things. Including sex. But that's so we can reproduce and subue the earth. And God hates sexual immorality. But God does not reproduce sexually. He creates as a designer creates fabric.
  • edited April 2010

    Friend, if I do not work and earn a living, "God" will not bless me with food unless I beg.

    That begging is also my own action.

    James 2:17
    In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.

    James 2:26
    As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead.

    James 2:20
    You foolish man, do you want evidence that faith without deeds is useless ?

    Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to him, "Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed," but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it?

    What do blessings have to do with faith? God watches over you, and is in control of what happens to you. I mean "God Bless you" that you may live a non-trouble filled life.
  • DhammaDhatuDhammaDhatu Veteran
    edited April 2010
    God watches over you, and is in control of what happens to you.
    i told you already, God does not help anyone.

    just as God does not create all things, God does not watch over me and control my life.

    for example, if I decide to murder someone, is God controlling what happens to me?

    You have denied what James said and also deny what I said.

    I watch over myself and whatever control there is in my life is from my mind.

    Have you not observed the world?

    Have you not seen the war, murder, rape, abuse, hatred, slavery, environmental abuse & destruction?

    Are you saying God is in control of this?


  • edited April 2010
    I speak what is true.

    I asked you but you did not reply. Have you spent 40 days in the wilderness to test your fear?

    The Buddha spent much of his life living in forests and you said you were the same as the Buddha.

    You said the Buddha spoke from the Holy Spirit of the Father.

    You said many other false things.

    The impression you give is your intention appears underhanded & deceiptful.

    Are you spiritually blind? Can you not see learning some Buddhist teachings in order to convert others is deceiptful?

    Titus 3:11
    Warn a divisive person once, and then warn him a second time. After that, have nothing to do with him. You may be sure that such a man is warped and sinful; he is self-condemned.



    How have I been deceitful? By suggesting that God had loved Buddha and gave him a gift he did not understand? How do you know God didn't use Buddha? And I never said I was "the same" as Buddha. But I consider preaching the gospel wherever I go fearless. Since I run into much persecution. You only occuse me of lying because you have not understood what I've said.
  • edited April 2010
    i told you already, God does not help anyone.

    just as God does not create all things, God does not watch over me and control my life.

    for example, if I decide to murder someone, is God controlling what happens to me?

    You have denied what James said and not you deny what I said.

    I watch over myself and whatever control there is in my life is from my mind.

    Have you not observed the world?

    Have you not seen the war, murder, rape, abuse, hatred, slavery, environmental abuse & destruction?

    Are you saying God is in control of this?


    God created mankind with free will. And by the disobediece of God's laws sin is brought into the world. We are independent creatures.

    But God DOES help people. My Mom was sick, and He healed her immediately after her prayer. I was lost, and He gave me guidence. He gave me a Father, even though my birth father was a drunkard. But when you deny Gods law and balance you bring death into the world.
  • DhammaDhatuDhammaDhatu Veteran
    edited April 2010
    By suggesting that God had loved Buddha and gave him a gift he did not understand?
    I have asked you already. What is this 'God' you are referring to?
    But I consider preaching the gospel wherever I go fearless. Since I run into much persecution. You only accuse me of lying because you have not understood what I've said.
    You can preach endlessly and have your preaching endlessly fall upon deaf ears.

    Brother. Who is persecuting you?

    Generally, people will try to defend themselves from the psychological rape you wish to impart or perform.

    For example, when missionaries come to my door, I ask them to leave. I am certainly not persecuting them.

    What you have said comes from your faith. That is all.

  • DhammaDhatuDhammaDhatu Veteran
    edited April 2010
    God created mankind with free will.
    That is an usual statement.

    Are you saying when a baby is born into the world and it deficates & urinates uncontrollably, it has free will?

    Are you saying when a teenager enters puberity & starts to have sexual & wet dreams, that is free will?

    Are you saying when your mind suffered from depression, that was free will?

    If you had free will, why did you need the love, support & guidence of Jesus to help you?

    If God created mankind with free will, why would anyone need Jesus at all?

    If God created mankind with free will, each person would make their mind happy at will (like the Buddhas do) and mankind would not require any external objects of pleasure or refuge.

  • fivebellsfivebells Veteran
    edited April 2010
    Unlike you are not the same as the Buddha, being free from fear, I am the same as Jesus in that I have created no new human beings via sexual activity.
    Man, you're funny when you get angry. :lol:

    Celibacy doesn't count if it's involuntary, you know. :)
  • DhammaDhatuDhammaDhatu Veteran
    edited April 2010
    But God DOES help people. My Mom was sick, and He healed her immediately after her prayer. I was lost, and He gave me guidence. He gave me a Father, even though my birth father was a drunkard. But when you deny Gods law and balance you bring death into the world.

    As Jesus said: "Your faith has made you well".

    Indeed. Your birth father was a drunkard but now you have a spiritual father.

    Amen. omfy9.gif

    But the laws of the Buddha are more refined & reliable than the laws in the Bible.

    Where in the Bible does it say to avoid alcohol and not become like your drunken father?
    The Buddha said:

    (a) "There are, young householder, these six evil consequences in indulging in intoxicants which cause infatuation and heedlessness:

    (i) loss of wealth,
    (ii) increase of quarrels,
    (iii) susceptibility to disease,
    (iv) earning an evil reputation,
    (v) shameless exposure of body,
    (vi) weakening of intellect.

    (b) "There are, young householder, these six evil consequences in sauntering in streets at unseemly hours:

    (i) he himself is unprotected and unguarded,
    (ii) his wife and children are unprotected and unguarded,
    (iii) his property is unprotected and unguarded,
    (iv) he is suspected of evil deeds,
    (v) he is subject to false rumours,
    (vi) he meets with many troubles.
    If your earthly father followed the Buddha's teachings, you would not have had your struggles.

    However, I am pleased you have found your heavenly father. I encourage you to keep your mind focused in that direction.

    James 1:25 says:
    But the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it—he will be blessed in what he does.

    The Buddha said:
    Neither mother, father, nor any other relative can do one greater good than one's own well-directed mind.

  • DhammaDhatuDhammaDhatu Veteran
    edited April 2010
    fivebells wrote: »
    Man, you're funny when you get angry. :lol:

    Celibacy doesn't count if it's involuntary, you know. :)

    I will sort you out later Five Bells.

  • NewOneNewOne Explorer
    edited April 2010
    Can I say something Zetterlund? How old are you and how long have you been in the faith of Christianity? Of what you have typed I would say young. I was like you when I first "found Christ". However when you start to growup and "see" Reality you begin to question things? IF God was loving and peacful why do bad things happen? Also how can there be good with no evil. If there was only good how would you know it? You have nothing to compare it to. What could be good/bad to one person is the opposite for the other. Go save the world if you want, but please be more informed then what I seems that you are. Also what your actions take place in this forum will carry over to all Christians. It shouldn't work that way but it does. The same for all Buddhist. We are all connected there is no "I". Also there is no beginning or end. There is no proof that can without doubt proof a beginning or end. Look at water, Snow in the mtns, melt into a river, river to ocean, sun raises water into air, clouds rain/snow. And so the cycle continues. EVERYTHING around us is like this. There is no diffent beginning or ending. If you want a good book to read about Buddhism, read Buddhism Plain And Simple. It leaves out alot of traditions and the different sects of Buddhism. Hint: its just plain and simple. The book is like ten dollars at our local bookstore.
  • DhammaDhatuDhammaDhatu Veteran
    edited April 2010
    Something tells me you are not very sound of mind. It is very recent that persecution towards us is uprising. In my generation, particularly. Christians gravely LOST their political power in the USA because of liberal President Obama and the Atheist movement. In the UK, Christians are getting fired from their jobs for wearing crosses. Get that chip off your shoulder and please treat me with rescpect.
    In the USA, in how many states is the teaching of evolution banned or stifled?

    Creation and evolution in public education.

    two Australian states have both recently dropped plans for religious vilification legislation: South Australia and Western Australia.

    You must be very careful to identify your religion with the world. Jesus said: "My kingdom is not of this world".

    To condemn the world is to not follow the way of true religion.

    To fight for the world leads to sin, such as war, etc.

    The Islamic fundamentalists are fighting violently for what they regard as a moral and Godly world and many Christian fundamentalists would do the same thing if they had the chance.

    Christianity teaches people are inherently sinners. Please do not be over-zealous regarding that which cannot be changed. St Paul has instructed you 'The Law' leads to sin.

    Instead, rejoice in your salvation.

  • DhammaDhatuDhammaDhatu Veteran
    edited April 2010
    1.) You have it completely backwards.
    I am never backwards.
    Buddha claimed to be a man and a philosopher -that is subjective truth.
    The Buddha claimed to be awakened or enlightened. The Buddha was like a medical researcher or spiritual doctor, who found the cure for the spiritual disease of suffering.
    Jesus preached with authority and claimed authority of God.
    I once had a Bible but one day I threw it in the garbage bin. There are religious people with very vivid and fertile imaginations.
    (such as the ability to forgive sins.)
    Many spiritual beings have the power of love to forgive sins. For example, the Buddha forgave the sins of a mass murderer, who went on to purify his mind completely.
    After Jesus' sermon on the Mount the multitude asked, "Who is this man? He speaks as one having authority, unlike the Scribes or Pharessies!"
    The multitude are often very impressionable. Like, the multitude worship all kinds of people, like Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan, etc. Do you think the Buddha had no authority? His religion spread to the ends of the known earth. I trust Jesus had a similar authority than others. The Dalai Lama has authority (to impressionable people).
    I'm not sure what you mean by this. So do you mean he taught faith? The messege of the gospel is "verified within" through the Holy Spirit, which allows you to discern it's messege.
    What is the Holy Spirit? It means something different to different people. Some Christians even call it the Holy Ghost. The Buddha taught that which is 'holy' is free from suffering; free from mental troubles; at peace.
    4.) I'm not sure whaat you mean by this, either.
    Suffering is mental troubles, like when you had depression. But to be free from such mental trouble is the cessation of suffering. The Buddha taught ways for people to be free from mental suffering.
    He taught very much on suffering, and He Himself suffered a great deal.
    Yes. But the Buddha taught the way to be free from suffering.
    Yes, that hatred cannot estinguish out hatred, but only love can estinguish out hatred. On of Jesus' most popular messeges.
    This was the Buddha's teaching (although Buddha was happy to share it).

    The Buddha said:
    3. "He abused me, he struck me, he overpowered me, he robbed me." Those who harbor such thoughts do not still their hatred.

    4. "He abused me, he struck me, he overpowered me, he robbed me." Those who do not harbor such thoughts still their hatred.

    5. Hatred is never appeased by hatred in this world. By non-hatred alone is hatred appeased. This is a law eternal.

  • DhammaDhatuDhammaDhatu Veteran
    edited April 2010
    Well, you are lying about my methods. That's for sure. -_- I convert people because God wants to know them, and loves them.
    If God wanted to know and love people, you would find them himself. He would not need you to do his work.
    Why can't I do both?
    You can. But that was not what you said when you visited us. In the world of the Buddha, one must be overt & open.
    He goes by many names. King of Kings, Lord of Lords, God of all creation, Jehovah, Yahweh, Almighty God, ect.
    You need to describe it rather than name it.

    What exactly is it? Where is it?
    So...... I assume you have this special telescope that allows you to look inside my mind and judge me? You do not know piece. "Do not judge, or you will be judged. And the measurement you judge with, it will be measured to you."
    I told you already, what Jesus said is irrelevant to me.
    I do accept them as they are. I have no problem with anyone practicing Buddhism. I am simply a messenger of Jesus Christ. And if YOUR MIND is love, then you should know how much He loves you.
    If my mind had love, it would not need Jesus.

    Jesus advised he came for sinners and the sick not for the respectible.
    I certainly hope you're not what they consider a "practicing Buddhist" because you are very non-peaceful. Infact, I'm sort of questioning your sanity.
    You have posted enough illogical thought. You opinion is simply that.
    Indeed. God did create all things. Including sex. But that's so we can reproduce and subue the earth. And God hates sexual immorality.
    But your logic is God created all things, which must include sexual immorality.

    The Buddha was free from hate. Possibly, God needs to practise some Buddhism.

    The Buddha taught so people can be free from suffering.

    He did not teach so people could reproduce and subue the earth.


  • DhammaDhatuDhammaDhatu Veteran
    edited April 2010
    And God hates sexual immorality.
    This attitude is very dangerous.

    Hate is something that creates tension.

    When there is tension, this affects the sexual functions.

    This is why so many Christian evangelical teachers are later found to be having sexual affairs.

    Be very careful here.

  • JasonJason God Emperor Arrakis Moderator
    edited April 2010
    I know Truth. I do not know all truth. But none can verify whether they know truth for sure.

    If, as you assert, "none can verify whether they know truth for sure," then how can you be so sure that you know truth? Besides being two logically inconsistent statements, you're inadvertently admitting that what you think know may very well not be truth at all. You may want to think about brushing up on some basic logic and epistemology before trying to convert more people. I don't think you're going to be all that successful, otherwise.
  • aMattaMatt Veteran
    edited April 2010
    Get over it, hyper sensitive.

    Our new friend has declared his fearlessness.

    I consider you inappropriately insensitive in this conversation. Our new friend might have declared himself an aardvark, would you see him as such?

    Your lack of subjective consideration is overwhelming.

    As Buddha said, you should not use these things to win arguments... do you not see how it is you toss stones? Do you consider the words a skillful use of dhamma? I wonder how solid your mind must be to react in such a way to children!

    This is my twice, I shall speak no more of it. :p

    Good luck and much kindness,

  • DhammaDhatuDhammaDhatu Veteran
    edited April 2010
    aMatt wrote: »
    I consider you inappropriately insensitive in this conversation. Our new friend might have declared himself an aardvark, would you see him as such?

    You are projecting hypersensitiveness, now calling our friend an aardvark.

    They are brave. Let them fight their own mind made battles.

    When I was 14, my Catholic Brother teacher had no mercy on me during debates. He sized me up and delivered what I delivered in return.

    When I was 16, I played body contact sport against young men, some already professional sportsmen.
    As Buddha said, you should not use these things to win arguments... do you not see how it is you toss stones?
    Who is seeking to win? Certain blows are part of the training. St Paul said:
    Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. <SUP id=en-NIV-28551 class=versenum>26</SUP>Therefore I do not run like a man running aimlessly; I do not fight like a man beating the air. <SUP id=en-NIV-28552 class=versenum>27</SUP>No, I beat my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.
    This is my twice, I shall speak no more of it.
    Well spoken.

    Jesus said: "Let the dead bury the dead".

    The Buddha said: "I won't hover over you like a potter over damp, unbaked clay goods. Whatever is of essential worth will remain."

  • aMattaMatt Veteran
    edited April 2010
    1.) You have it completely backwards. Buddha claimed to be a man and a philosopher

    He did no such thing. If you're interested in understanding what Buddha was actually about, try The things you've been saying clearly show a lack of understanding.

    Matt: A good first step would be to quit assigning a sex organ to your God.
    Jared: What are you talking about!?!

    You continue to assign God a gender. He, His and so forth. Do you insist that God is male?
    So when I was depressed and lost and wore all black and hated everyone, the idea that Jesus saved from all that is wrong? You are a terrible judge.

    It is not wrong, but I wonder if some of the anxiety that guided you into wearing black and feeling lost is completely gone from you.

    Good luck in these parts, sounds like you have your work cut out for you :)

    With warmth,

  • JasonJason God Emperor Arrakis Moderator
    edited April 2010
    NewOne wrote: »
    IF God was loving and peacful why do bad things happen?

    This is a question that's plagued Christianity for centuries, one that I’ve yet to hear a convincing answer to.

    There are many ways to go about taking a critical approach to philosophy and theology. One of those ways is to examine the internal consistency of a specific philosophy or theology. By finding flaws or contradictions within a specific philosophy or theology, it's possible to disprove or, at the very least, show the intellectual weakness of that particular system of thought or belief. Christian theology is no exception. Christian theology is full contradictions, but let’s start with my personal favourite: the problem of good and evil, God vs. Satan.

    Laying aside the fact that Satan originally appears in the Book of Job (part of the Old Testament that has its origins in the Hebrew Bible) as a servant of God who basically acts as a divine prosecutor, and assuming that these two entities literally exist more or less as how they are presented within Christianity as a whole, lets look at the the relationship between God and Satan from a more critical standpoint.

    If, as Genesis asserts, God created all things, God also created evil in the act of creating everything, including Satan; in fact, at one point God even proclaims, "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these [things]" (Isa 45:7, KJV). God is also said to be omniscient, to have knowledge of all things, so God should have been well aware of the consequences of creating Satan regardless of which story of Satan's creation and fall is true (of which there are many). So logically speaking:

    A. God created everything — including Satan — purposefully, and brought evil, pain and suffering into the world

    B. God made a mistake in creating Satan, not knowing that he would eventually stage an epic rebellion

    C. God isn't the true God or creator, but a lesser being — as per Gnosticism — who created the "material" world

    D. There's no such thing as God or Satan, i.e., these aren't existent beings, merely mythological figures

    A suggests that God isn't wholly good if God knowingly introduced evil, pain and suffering into the world. And while Christian apologists often suggest that we simply don’t understand God's divine plan — that these blights are either Satan's (or, as some believe, Eve's) fault or that they aren't blights at all but serve some divine, unknown purpose — this line of reasoning seems to be the equivalent of defending a father's abuse of his child out of "love." From this perspective, Satan is more of an anti-hero for rebelling and rejecting God than a villain.

    (As a side note, this is one of the oldest arguments against a belief in God. The skeptic philosopher Aenesidemus, for example, ended his Arguments Against Belief in a God with the conclusion that, "Those who affirm positively that God exists cannot avoid falling into an impiety. For if they say that God controls everything, they make Him the author of evil things; if, on the other hand, they say that He controls some things only, or that He controls nothing, they are compelled to make God either grudging or impotent, and to do that is quite obviously an impiety.")

    B suggests that God isn’t perfect, and therefore, fallible. Satan himself accuses God of this flaw in certain accounts of his fall. In this case, Satan appears to be the more truthful of the two, and again, not a villain.

    C suggest a few tantalizing but more complicated scenarios, one being that Satan, also known as Lucifer (which itself is most likely a misunderstanding of Isaiah 14:12), is truly the bringer of [the] light [of knowledge] (assuming, of course, that he's the serpent in the Garden of Eden who tempts Eve to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil), while God is responsible for the creation of an inherently flawed, material world. It's also interesting to note God's exclamation in Genesis 3:22: "And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever…"

    D suggests that both God and Satan are simply human constructs (e.g., ancient myths used to describe the workings of the human mind and universe, etc.).

    I was always partial to C myself; although, I find D the most probable. What do you think, MrZetterlund777?
  • aMattaMatt Veteran
    edited April 2010
    Who is seeking to win?

    Who in deed :)

    As far as your declaration that Jesus taught to cling to daddy, that seems less than skillful. Jesus seemed to say that love is a path toward clarity, redefining the covenant with the jews... no?

    Good luck in your 'battles',

  • DhammaDhatuDhammaDhatu Veteran
    edited April 2010
    Jason wrote: »
    This is a question that's plaque Christianity for centuries, one that I’ve yet to hear a convincing answer to.
    Christianity took itself rather seriously, after the Buddha displayed what human potential can amount to.

    Christianity is a little like Mahayana, trying to save all sentient beings.

    But the Old Testament itself, whilst beginning seriously, merely evolves into a parable and parody about the human condition.

    When the Old Testament describes two daughters getting their father drunk and then having sex with him so they could bear children, this is a story about human possiblities.

    The same with Satan and God. It is just a parable or story, ridiculing itself.

    It is a black comedy so to speak.

    Christians have spoken for 2,000 years about so called righteousness and the world falls into deeper rot.

    Jesus provides little salvation of tangible benefit; just like the Mahayana is mere rhetoric about saving sentient beings.

    Salvation comes from within and not from without.

    Our dear friend MrZetterlund777 does not realise this.

    One can take a horse to water but cannot make it drink.

    MrZetterlund777 believes 'God' saved him rather than his own internal aspiration to be free.

  • DhammaDhatuDhammaDhatu Veteran
    edited April 2010
    aMatt wrote: »
    As far as your declaration that Jesus taught to cling to daddy, that seems less than skillful. Jesus seemed to say that love is a path toward clarity, redefining the covenant with the jews... no?
    You broke your promise.

    Plus imo, your opinion is a Buddhist projection upon Christianity.

    Christianity is salvation via Christ's blood. It is not the Buddha's doctrine of self-salvation.

    If you say it as redefining the covenant with the jews, then this did not occur. It was a failure.

    It followed Paul established Christianity amongst Europeans and in his success, the apostles followed.

    The Jews were not interested in Jesus just like many Buddhists are not interested in Jesus.

    The Jewish teachers understood the doctrine of Christ would descend into lawlessness as history has shown.

    Most Christians believe what ever they will do is forgiven. Thus there respect for the law of karma diminishes.

    Similarly, American Buddhism is dominated by Jewish teachers?


    Because the emphasis in the spiritual aspects of both religions is temporal and about skilful means.

    Both Judaism and Buddhism reject the dangerous notion of a personal saviour & reject a heavenly afterlife based in faith.

    We must be careful reading the Bible with a consciousness obscured by Buddhism.

  • aMattaMatt Veteran
    edited April 2010
    Who is seeking to win? Certain blows are part of the training. St Paul said:

    Lol, you keep editing!!!

    So, you declare yourself the forge-man, clear enough of mind to see that your words are well placed blows? I have had teachers speak difficult truths to me, but never have I seen what appears to be such self-centric aggression from someone who was a master with the hammer. Maybe I'm projecting it, sure... I admit I am not crystal clear in my visions of the universe.

    From how off you've been in seeing into my world, telling me how I am and am not, I sit with question marks awaiting the next chapter.

    Anyway, I'm gonna scoot out the second it seems appropriate (hehe)... this seems like it is between you and your mirrors. :)

    Much warmth,

  • aMattaMatt Veteran
    edited April 2010
    You broke your promise.


    Maybe you misunderstood what 'it' I was referring to :)

    I didn't say I would never speak again... sheesh!

    With warmth,

  • aMattaMatt Veteran
    edited April 2010
    You broke your promise.

    Plus imo, your opinion is a Buddhist projection upon Christianity.

    Christianity is salvation via Christ's blood. It is not the Buddha's doctrine of self-salvation.


    I admit, I'm not much into Christianity. We were talking about Jesus, not the religion... much like sometimes its better to speak of Buddha's words than Buddhism... they can be quite different. Maybe I am projecting too much insight into Jesus, it doesn't feel like it.

    Maybe you're denying the possibility of Jesus' wisdom because of past Catholic issues?
  • JasonJason God Emperor Arrakis Moderator
    edited April 2010
    Something tells me you are not very sound of mind. It is very recent that persecution towards us is uprising. In my generation, particularly. Christians gravely LOST their political power in the USA because of liberal President Obama and the Atheist movement. In the UK, Christians are getting fired from their jobs for wearing crosses. Get that chip off your shoulder and please treat me with rescpect.

    I'm sorry to be so blunt, MrZetterlund777, but I think you need to get your facts straight.

    A. Obama is a Christian and has nothing to do with any "atheist movement." For example, while many Christian groups are outraged and wrongly accusing Obama of cancelling the National Day of Prayer service, the fact is, he's the defendant in this case and his administration has confirmed that he still plans to recognize the National Day of Prayer as he did last year.

    B. If anyone has been persecuted in the U.S., it's been atheists (consider George H. W. Bush's statement, "No, I don't know that atheists should be considered as citizens, nor should they be considered patriots. This is one nation under God") and communists (just do some research on "red baiting," "red scare" and "McCarthyism" to see what I mean). Hell, declaring yourself either is practically political suicide in the U.S.

    And just to help you along with your research, the bill that legally establishes the National Day of Prayer was a blatant attack on atheists and political free speech, as evidenced by Sen. Absalom Robertson's (Pat Robertson's father) comment when introducing the bill in the Senate in 1952 as a measure against "the corrosive forces of communism which seek simultaneously to destroy our democratic way of life and the faith in an Almighty God on which it is based."

    C. Although the U.S. government is a secular institution, Christianity has dominated American politics for decades. It's no surprise that the Fellowship, also known as the Family, is one of the most well-connected and politically powerful organizations in the U.S. And then there's the Christian Coalition, Focus on the Family, Moral Majority and a host of other influential Christian organizations that are also involved in national politics.
  • DhammaDhatuDhammaDhatu Veteran
    edited April 2010
    aMatt wrote: »
    Maybe you're denying the possibility of Jesus' wisdom because of past Catholic issues?
    I have no Catholic issues. I never believed in God or Jesus once in my life, even as a child, but greatly appreciated the Catholic school that educated me. The Brothers there were awesome.

    Whatever is valuable in the teachings of Jesus can be found in Buddhism.

    Seeing clearly cause & effect is part of Buddhist practise.

    If we still think Jesus arose sponteously in the world and has a similar reality to the self-enlightened Buddha, so be it.

    Often, inherent in our reasoning, is Jesus was the "Only Son of God", just like Buddha was "Sammasambuddha".

    Buddha advised there can only be the arising of one self-enlightened Buddha in the one world system and this is right view.

    However, this is to investigated by reason rather than by faith.

    It is clear seeing to acknowledge the source rather than the messenger.

    Jesus brought a message of love to Israel and alot of ambition.

    This message of love is found completely in Buddhism but not the ambition.

    Buddha taught it is a sin to display supernormal powers in front of ordinary people to generate faith.

    I do not regard Jesus as having any particular wisdom. Personally, I regard his mission as rather foolish.

  • DhammaDhatuDhammaDhatu Veteran
    edited April 2010
    aMatt wrote: »
    I didn't say I would never speak again... sheesh!
    Speak all you wish. I am not 'God'.

  • DhammaDhatuDhammaDhatu Veteran
    edited April 2010
    aMatt wrote: »
    So, you declare yourself the forge-man, clear enough of mind to see that your words are well placed blows? I have had teachers speak difficult truths to me, but never have I seen what appears to be such self-centric aggression from someone who was a master with the hammer.

    All I can say is you have really lost the spirit of debate.

    Once you enter with a personal comment, imo, you fail.

    IMO, either be part of the debate & discussion I think is the best but not the self appointed policeman.

  • JasonJason God Emperor Arrakis Moderator
    edited April 2010
    Jesus provides little salvation of tangible benefit; just like the Mahayana is mere rhetoric about saving sentient beings.

    Yeah, I never understood the whole Easter thing, for example. Easter traditionally celebrates the resurrection of Jesus and commemorates his sacrifice upon the cross.

    Many Christians and non-Christians alike are awed by the magnitude of such a sacrifice, but to be honest, I find it rather grotesque and barbaric. I fail to see what the purpose of being nailed to a cross to die serves. How exactly are souls supposed to be saved that way? And if God was truly loving, why couldn't he just be cool and forgive people without setting up a scenario where his son/himself gets executed?

    Of course, I can sort of appreciate the symbolic significance of the story, but to take it literally — i.e., God, who is three distinction persons, yet a single all-powerful, all-knowing being, has to appear in the flesh to be murdered so that all of humanity can be saved and get into heaven because God got angry and threw them out of paradise way back when for some faux pas — well, it's a little too insane for me to appreciate. Not to mention the rest of the story: rising from the dead, ascending to heaven, waiting for some random time in the distant future to come charging back down to Earth to do battle with the forces of evil that have been free to run amok all this time, etc.

    I mean, don't get me wrong, I think some of the things Jesus supposedly said were pretty cool — I especially like, "Let him who is without sin cast the first stone" (John 8:7) — but the Bible is too damn bloodthirsty (e.g., Deut 20:16-17) and Christian theology too contradictory for my tastes.
  • aMattaMatt Veteran
    edited April 2010
    Whatever is valuable in the teachings of Jesus can be found in Buddhism.

    I would even go so far as to say that because Buddhism works to see reality as it is, anything, (even if you stop attributing value to transient objects people, and ideas) can be seen/found through practicing Buddhism.
    Seeing clearly cause & effect is part of Buddhist practise.

    I don't disagree, but I'm actually wondering how this compares with the sutta that says not to contemplate kamma... though that might be better suited in a different thread.
    Buddha advised there can only be the arising of one self-enlightened Buddha in the one world system and this is right view.

    However, this is to investigated by reason rather than by faith.

    It is clear seeing to acknowledge the source rather than the messenger.

    Jesus brought a message of love to Israel and alot of ambition.

    This message of love is found completely in Buddhism but not the ambition.

    Buddha taught it is a sin to display supernormal powers in front of ordinary people to generate faith.

    I would like to be clear on your line of reasoning... it is a sin to display supernormal powers. How does that differ than supermundane powers such as he did himself... ie turn invisible in front of people?

    Jesus brought ambition to Israel? Paul was the ambitious initiator, and came around long after Jesus had moved on to wherever... as far as I know, they never even met. Do you continue to equate Jesus to Christianity?

    I have no desire to police anything. I do have a resonant love for both you and Jared, and when I see a slight (of what now appears to be deeply rooted hypocrisy), I move to cradle the situation like I would my own hand if I pressed it into a tack. I find it ironic that you talk of "Once you enter with a personal comment, imo, you fail." when you have and continue to speak ripely with such fruits.

    I'm sorry that Jesus' words and life is so devoid of any wisdom for you. I accept that some words or moments are easier for minds to pierce and see rightly, but even a blooming flower or a pile of bat dung has deep and resonant wisdom... if you are clear enough to see it.

    I find your mind to be fascinating. Is that your picture in your avatar?

    With warmth,

  • DhammaDhatuDhammaDhatu Veteran
    edited April 2010
    aMatt wrote: »
    I would like to be clear on your line of reasoning... it is a sin to display supernormal powers. How does that differ than supermundane powers such as he did himself... ie turn invisible in front of people?
    I recall the story is in front of some Brahma gods.
    Jesus brought ambition to Israel? Paul was the ambitious initiator, and came around long after Jesus had moved on to wherever... as far as I know, they never even met. Do you continue to equate Jesus to Christianity?
    Well...Jesus performed the publicity stunt of rising from the 'dead' (although declared dead after only a few hours whilst the other two beside him were still alive).

    Jesus directly attacked the establishment by constantly challenging for control of the temple.

    The Buddha did not do this. The Buddha merely sought disciples who he knew could follow his teachings. The Buddha merely formed his own religion rather than challenge for power and reform another.

    The Buddha's influence on the world was by 'scent' (a little like is expressed of the sage in the Tao Te Ching).

    If one lives in a Buddhist country like Thailand, one can see the effect upon society by non-overly instrusive means. It is quite powerful & very skilful.
    I have no desire to police anything. I do have a resonant love for both you and Jared, and when I see a slight (of what now appears to be deeply rooted hypocrisy), I move to cradle the situation like I would my own hand if I pressed it into a tack.
    Your love has certainly failed. 'Cradling' (like love) is for children.
    I find it ironic that you talk of "Once you enter with a personal comment, imo, you fail." when you have and continue to speak ripely with such fruits.
    You started it.
    I'm sorry that Jesus' words and life is so devoid of any wisdom for you.
    Why sorry? You make it sound like I have cancer.

    I once took an interest in Jesus as a Buddhist (until discovering the real Buddha).

    That is why I can recall alot of the Bible.

    Been there, done that.

    You sound like a child saying to an adult: "But why don't you see any wisdom playing in the sand building sand castles".
    I accept that some words or moments are easier for minds to pierce and see rightly, but even a blooming flower or a pile of bat dung has deep and resonant wisdom... if you are clear enough to see it.
    I prefer straight debates and discussion.
    I find your mind to be fascinating. Is that your picture in your avatar?
    Why? I am just expressing my opinions and challenging another's views.

    To challenge another's views and have one's view challenged is beneficial, especially towards another who is seeking a challenge.

    You seem to wish to gather chicks under your wing.

    The picture is not me.

    Have you ever travelled outside of America?

    Kind regards

  • DhammaDhatuDhammaDhatu Veteran
    edited April 2010
    aMatt wrote: »
    I find your mind to be fascinating.
    Are you a psychologist or psychotherapist?

  • DhammaDhatuDhammaDhatu Veteran
    edited April 2010
    Jason wrote: »
    Of course, I can sort of appreciate the symbolic significance of the story, but to take it literally — i.e., God, who is three distinction persons, yet a single all-powerful, all-knowing being, has to appear in the flesh to be murdered so that all of humanity can be saved and get into heaven because God got angry and threw them out of paradise way back when for some faux pas — well, it's a little too insane for me to appreciate. Not to mention the rest of the story: rising from the dead, ascending to heaven, waiting for some random time in the distant future to come charging back down to Earth to do battle with the forces of evil that have been free to run amok all this time, etc.
  • edited April 2010
    aMatt wrote: »

    I find your mind to be fascinating.

    How can you know someone's mind from a few posts on an internet forum ? Do you have special powers? Please tell! :)

  • DhammaDhatuDhammaDhatu Veteran
    edited April 2010
    aMatt wrote: »
    Jesus brought ambition to Israel? Paul was the ambitious initiator, and came around long after Jesus had moved on to wherever... as far as I know, they never even met. Do you continue to equate Jesus to Christianity?

    I see your reasoning as a little illogical.

    This is because Christianity is equated with Paul.

    If we were to rely on Jesus then we can only say his mission was a failure.

    Jesus failed in his mission but Paul carried it on in other part of the world.

    Most of the disciples of Jesus that remained in Israel were killed.
    I have heard that on one occasion the Blessed One was staying near Rajagaha, on Vulture Peak Mountain. And on that occasion Ven. Sona was staying near Rajagaha in the Cool Wood.

    Then, as Ven. Sona was meditating in seclusion [after doing walking meditation until the skin of his soles was split & bleeding], this train of thought arose in his awareness: "Of the Blessed One's disciples who have aroused their persistence, I am one, but my mind is not released from the fermentations through lack of clinging/sustenance. Now, my family has enough wealth that it would be possible to enjoy wealth & make merit. What if I were to disavow the training, return to the lower life, enjoy wealth, & make merit?"

    Then the Blessed One, as soon as he perceived with his awareness the train of thought in Ven. Sona's awareness — as a strong man might stretch out his bent arm or bend his outstretched arm — disappeared from Vulture Peak Mountain, appeared in the Cool Wood right in front of Ven. Sona, and sat down on a prepared seat.

    Ven. Sona, after bowing down to the Blessed One, sat to one side. As he was sitting there, the Blessed One said to him, "Just now, as you were meditating in seclusion, didn't this train of thought appear to your awareness: 'Of the Blessed One's disciples who have aroused their persistence, I am one, but my mind is not released from the fermentations... What if I were to disavow the training, return to the lower life, enjoy wealth, & make merit?'"

  • KundoKundo Sydney, Australia Veteran
    edited April 2010

    In countries like the USA and Australia, Christians have immense political power.

    In one state of Australia, Christians blocked Hate Crimes legislation so they would not be prosecuted in court for publically condemning other religions, gay people and the like.


    Dhamma Dhatu is right in this statement. As an Australian living in our country's capital, the Christian movement have enough people in the government to throw a spanner in the works of day to day politics if they want to influence policies.

    One can't say Christians are oppressed in this country at all. One only needs to look at Hill$ong for example (Pentecostal church and offshoot of Assemblies of God from the USA). They even control who gets to stay on Australian Idol :/

  • TheswingisyellowTheswingisyellow Trying to be open to existence Samsara Veteran
    edited April 2010
    Something tells me you are not very sound of mind. It is very recent that persecution towards us is uprising. In my generation, particularly. Christians gravely LOST their political power in the USA because of liberal President Obama and the Atheist movement. In the UK, Christians are getting fired from their jobs for wearing crosses. Get that chip off your shoulder and please treat me with rescpect.

    God Bless you my friend.
    With all due respect to you Dhamma Datu's responses here and in other threads are reasoned, well thought out, and have a depth I could only hope to achieve. I don't know what you expected. You are on a BUDDHIST forum and are dealing with many folks here who have invested years of thought and introspection into their views. Sir you are way in over your head. I am glad you found some sort of redemption in your beliefs but quite frankly modern Christianity strikes me as some canned fast food religion. Profess that the Lord Jesus Christ is your savior and BAM! that's it! Done! No work required, no deep introspection, no challenging what you hold dear. You practice and profess a delusion. And you guys are perscuted too.....:rolleyes: by sheer numbers yours is the largest religion going. Your need to have political power for your religion makes me retch. How does this have ANYTHING with finding the truth about who you are, your existence, reality and lastly GOD?
    Yours in the Dharma,
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited April 2010
    Mr Z is banned.

    Everything I warned against has actually come to pass.
    He was woefully outnumbered and I did try to prevent this,.

    So there you go.
This discussion has been closed.