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Help the people of Haiti

edited May 2010 in Buddhism Basics
Greetings fellow travelers

Just received an email about one million being homeless in Haiti.

If you wanted 2 help, just plug food for poor Haiti into Google and you'll find the site.



  • GlowGlow Veteran
    edited May 2010
    *thumbs up* My son is currently interning with an organization that funnels resources and volunteers into Haiti (and other countries affected by natural disaster). It's confounding the magnitude of disasters like this.
  • edited May 2010
    Hi Glow!

    Yes, we see these stories on the news for a night or two then move onto something else.

    Makes you grateful for the "basics" - food, shelter, a nice internet forum etc

  • edited May 2010
    FFP Jamaica has partnered with over 5,000 churches, plus NGO’s, private sector organizations, children’s homes and service organiz ations throughout the island. FFP’s method of helping the poor is simple. By asking the pastors and missionaries working with the poor: “What do you need?” FFP then supplies the requested items. In this way, it is assured that the goods are delivered to those who need them the most. Our goal is to improve the health, economic, social and spiritual conditions of the men, women and children we serve through emergency relief aid and programmes in the areas of housing, food, medical, water, sanitation, education, agriculture, outreach and micro-enterprise.
    I think that for a start FFP should not think too far away like developing countries, probably build several common lodging place, common food hall, medical hall, basic civil education, crops&farming URL="]"][SIZE=2][B]International Vegetarian Union[/B][/SIZE[/URL] URL=""][B]Christian Vegetarian Asso[/B][/URL and a common prayer hall [Message from Water -]at various location in Haiti.
    The civil education should have the aim of achieving a peaceful nurturing mind for the Haiti people. They should teach them farming, general cleaniliness and cooking skills etc.

    Urgent Message from Dr. Masaru Emoto regarding Haiti Quake
    Best wishes to the future of all Haiti people.
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