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Hotei on my altar?

edited June 2010 in Buddhism Basics
I have set up a small humble altar. I have 2 small figures of Hotei, given to me by my uncle and grandmother who passed away. I am not sure if I should put them on my altar. I would like to. The biggest figure is Gautama in the middle and a picture printed of Bhaisaiyaguru on the right (I still haven't been able to buy a figure). I have a printed Stupa, and printed words of Buddha. Seven bowls and incense coffin and a candle (I still don't know if i should place it between the 4th and 5th bowl or the 3rd and 4th). I aso have one of Dalai Lama's book. I haven't been able to locate a cloth. I will take a picture of everything later. BTW Yangsi Rinpoche is in town and it feels like a very auspicious time!


  • edited May 2010
    It's your altar.

    Maybe if you got proportional-size head-type portraits of your uncle and grandmother and put them in the Hoteis' laps so you could remember them that way?

    But who is going to see this besides you?

    I usually get cloths like that at Family Dollar. Bulk fabric at someplace like WalMart (someplace politically correct, that is) is often a good substitute.
  • edited May 2010
    Thank you for your answer I very much appreciate it.

    I have Hotei in front and soon I will make 2 steps, so to have 3 levels. To Have Gautama above, with the picture of Bhaiṣajyaguru on the right and Amitabha on the left. And Hotei as a representation of Maitreya the Bodhisattva on a lower level. On the lowest level, the offerings. As a Doctor in Medicine I feel very connected to Bhaiṣajyaguru in particular. And as half-chinese I can't help but feel connected to images of Hotei, in particular if they come from my family. I'm still missing a musical instrument. I also put tea everyday.
  • edited May 2010
    Hotei as Maitreya works for me. I think it's a really good idea.

    If you're half-Chinese then of course there's the whole tradition of filial piety so photographs of loved ones who have passed would make sense, whether or not they're in Hotei's lap.

    Seems like you're definitely getting there.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited May 2010
    I have two statuettes of Hotai...
    My elder brother gave me one, and is made of porcelain, coloured in natural brown/green/skin hues and finished with a varying crackle glaze... parts of him are shiny, others are mat... it's very attractive....

    The other is of a similar depiction (both are standing, their sacks on their shoulders) but is only one-and-a-half inches high, and is made of dark bronze - his tummy is polished bright golden, in contrast!

    That's because I keep rubbing it, but not for any superstitious belief. Simply because the little statuette fits so well in the palm, is tactile and ergonomically shaped... it's so.... handleable!

    I keep the two, because of the connections they remind me of.

    The first of my elder brother, whom I see very seldom, and who I feel great affection for. The other, my mother has an identical copy I gave her, so I know each time I look at it, that I am reminded of her.

    In short - I have them for sentimental reasons.
    Which I feel are reasons enough. :)
  • edited June 2010
    There is nothing wrong with putting them on your altar.
    Hotei was a cool dude.
    I kind of want to put a Spock bobble-head on mine but dont know if he goes inside of or outside of the dharmapala's.
    Live long and prosper.
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