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women only

edited June 2010 in General Banter
Okay guys but I warned you!

PMS. For real. Do any of you seem to forget all the peace you've made towards yourself and life and just become a raging b****? Okay that is an exaggeration, haha. That's what used to happen to me, and I even embraced it and had fun with it, like "haha look at how angry I am, oh silly body, totally not my fault," but now I just become irritated more quickly, less positive and friendly. And I guess most of the anger just goes towards myself. I get really intense physical symptoms though too. Cramps, almost always, very painful. I take an advil and lay on the heating pads and take a nap. It ends up being a neat experience of intense pain followed by intense relief and calm, so I don't mind it so much. Anyway, last time I made an effort to stay with the pain and watch it instead of wanting it to go away, and that was kind if interesting. But I also get really tired, and my anxiety increases and I feel scared for no reason, disconnected from reality, well I guess my anxiety symptomns just get worse. Haha I just realized that anxiety pretty much sums up most of my physical symptoms as well, dizziness, loss of appetite, etc, though they of course feed on each other. Sigh. And it's like I know there is nothing to worry about really--this happens every month and it will come and go, "this too shall pass," oh crikey I know it's all about the attitude. I guess that's what I have a hard time with.

Anyway I was wondering how other women relate to hormonal changes. I'd like to make peace with it...but conveniently enough this is the hardest time of the month to do so, lol. But also, I'm starting to see each period as an opportunity for growth rather than just a time of increased suffering.

Men will never understand. Okay, MAYBE if you are enlightened. But only maybe... :D


  • edited June 2010
    Yes. It is an opportunity for growth. I also see it as another opportunity to spend time not doing anything else. Just as most animals go and seek a cave or burrow to 'hide' in when sick or injured, so, as women we can retreat to our safe place and practise.
  • TreeLuvr87TreeLuvr87 Veteran
    edited June 2010
    Yes, completely!! Every month I go through this. "What the... why am I so irritable and unable to deal with this pain right now and... ohhhhh."

    The good thing is that my meditation practice has lessened my reactivity in all facets of life, physical, emotional, mental, spiritual. So I've definitely noticed that in the past three months or so, my symptoms have all started to lessen too, a little bit with each month.

    Just keep staying focused. You're doing a LOT of great stuff with trying to accept the pain rather than resist it or react to it. It's frustrating! But it's inevitable, and only the suffering is optional.

    p.s. I was diagnosed as having PMDD six months ago and a doctor tried to get me to take a prescription for it. I didn't have the money at the time and did suffer for a few more months before I got into my meditation practice. Now I'm so glad I didn't pay for that expensive script!
  • johnathanjohnathan Canada Veteran
    edited June 2010
    Awe man... why do I never listen... :)
  • edited June 2010
    Just had a wonderful experience earlier today. I had really painful cramps, and I didn't do anything differently--I still took advil, still put on heating pads, but when I laid down, instead of squirming around and tensing up with the waves of pain, I simply let them be and allowed them to help me tune into life. And I noticed that I could hear the sound of rain against the awning outside, and how nice and cool it was due to the air conditioning, and really how peaceful everything was. I felt more at peace than I have in a while. And if I can feel that at peace, that relaxed with that much pain, gosh, what's stopping me the rest of the time! I almost look forward to the pain coming back later, as it usually does. Anyway, just wanted to share the experience. :)

    Never thought I'd say this, but maybe it's a perk of being a woman instead of a curse...hahahhahaha.
  • TreeLuvr87TreeLuvr87 Veteran
    edited June 2010
    Cristina, that's awesome!! I'm so glad that you had such a great experience. It's amazing when we can let go and accept pain as part of life, and thus something to be treasured. Learning to be with the pain without sufferring has been instrumental to how great I've been feeling lately.
  • edited June 2010
    Altho those days are behind me for years now, I do remember. I would go totally bananas, throwing the furniture, the insanity would leave when the blood first got there but it was replaced by cramps and after birthing 3 children, I can say, these
    cramps were worse than labor pains...but they only went on the first 36 hours or so and after that it was regular cramps. Some of the things I learned were to take really good care of myself re:this. I cut caffeine about a week before I was due, I learned to basically stay home during the pms time, If I went out, I usually ended up having to make amends to one person or another, I was careful with what I was eating, I painted the pms, found good books, remembered it was only temporary, "this too, shall pass" as we say in 12 step rooms, learned to make a peace with it, I didn't really know about meditation then. But I used similar things I had learned thru my 12 step recovery, a big one was not to take it so seriously... I also learned to use pressure on the "dimples" on my back (not cellulite) I'm one of those people who has a dent on each side of my lower back in the space between my waist and my butt...some of us have them, some don't, unlike cellulite, we don't develop them, we're born with or without, ANYWAY I learned to apply pressure .those spots, sorta like accupressure. It would ease the cramps for awhileand I knind of learned to just flow around the cramps. These things and others helped me and then one day, it was all over and I was done with the pms,the cramps and the whole messy thing.
    What an awesome experience you had. I am so happy for you. But ;-D I gotta tell you I'm not volunteering for the cramps to come back so I can use your technique ;-D
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