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Love developing for Buddhism....Tibetan or Zen does it matter?

edited July 2010 in Buddhism Basics
<meta http-equiv="CONTENT-TYPE" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"><title></title><meta name="GENERATOR" content=" 3.1 (Win32)"><style type="text/css"> <!-- @page { margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } --> </style> For years every time I've meditated it's always for a goal i.e. For health, to gain knowledge either of oneself or the world around me, even enlightenment. For the last two week however I've done nothing but watch Buddhist documentaries and listen to talks I've downloaded, and for the first time I'm happy with just meditating and having no goal, just simply being. I've found myself drastically reducing my thoughts on the past or future and I've actually just lived in the now for very long periods, well a couple of hours, that very long for me lol.

Everything seems softer, the tension out of my chest has released, I feel compassion and love for everyone and I have this deep desire (I know I'm still in my ego) to visit a Buddhist temple, even maybe it sounds a bit new agey but a love pulling me there.

All the Buddhist temples are Tibetan and I have more of an interest in Zen, does it matter?. I'm not interested in Gods and rituals etc all I want to do is sit in peace and learn more about Buddha.

Here are some links to Buddhist retreats/temples, sorry I don't really know if they're temples, retreats I'll just call them centres.

And here's one I really like. They used to have a clip of there garden with water features and little stone paths and statues of Buddha's with music playing in the back ground. It looked sooo peaceful:

And there is also one which is not really a centre but they do go on retreats called the western Chan fellowship, supposedly an ancestor of Zen:

What does everyone think. Being interested in Zen is there a massive difference in Tibetan?

Thanks very much in advance.



  • edited July 2010
    I started out with Tibetan many years ago but in the past couple of years I think I have more of an affinity for Ch'an. If you're not into symbols and rituals and deities you probably wouldn't feel much connection with Tibetan.
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