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BAD Karma!

NamelessRiverNamelessRiver Veteran
edited August 2010 in General Banter
My sister's ex-husband pays her some money every month, although she doesn't really need it (because she has a decent paying job, plus she gets a generous "allowance" from my father - I use " " because he provides her an apartment and groceries, besides money. Not only that but my father gave her a car and she got her furniture and appliances mostly from her ex or from my older sister).

Anyways, as of late he wasn't paying her because he had a huge problem with his business. Apparently he got tricked by one of his employees and will have to sell his small company.

My sister thinks she is just a source of income rather than a human being so she:

1 - Deleted his phone number from his kids cell phones (they couldn't call him on father's day because she told them their cell had some kind of problem and that she didn't have the number - although she does);

2 - Got together with a lawyer (which is another sleazeball from my family) to get him arrested for not paying it, even though he is asking for a settlement, because he can't afford it at the moment.

3 - The guy is having some major psych problems, and according to the sleazeball that is helping her is cornered in his home waiting for his arrest;

4 - She and the lawyer want to file for his bankruptcy before he has a chance to sell his business, plus they want to get his mother involved in the whole story, because, in their own words, "once we get her in the crossed fire, he will find a way to pay" (his mother is over 80 by now).

Today I saw them talking over it, and I must say it doesn't surprise me, considering the two pieces of work they are, but I feel so sorry for the guy and for the kids. At one point the lawyer asked her if she would really go through with it, because there would be no return. She didn't even blink. "Yeah, of course. He owes me, so he will have to pay." Then they started talking about what a coward her ex was for acting like a cornered animal and etc.

I though that was so evil, specially lying to her kids and trying to get him through his mother :-/. She was always nasty...but it got me thinking, if there is a law of Karma, whatever comes out of this will some really heavy s***...

I wonder how many people in the world are like my sister.


  • MountainsMountains Veteran
    edited August 2010
    There are a lot of really good, decent, nice people in the world. A whole lot. There are plenty like your sister, but try to reflect on the deep samsara that they live in, and develop compassion for them. For sure she's not sowing good seeds for her future lives, but in the grand scheme of the universe, she's no Ghengis Khan or Adolph Hitler either.

  • edited August 2010
    I wonder how many people in the world are like my sister.

    Speaking of karma, if it really bothers you, I suggest working with the ex-husband in his defense. Sitting and passively watching won't do you any good either. And yes, I'm talking about taking the witness stand in court if need be. Granted, given your sister's vindictive nature, you would probably make yourself her next target.

    Of course, if we're talking about unpaid, legally mandated child support payments, this guy faces a major uphill battle from the start and there's not much that can be done. Still, some intervention on your behalf might ease the guy's burden a little. According to your description, it sounds like he could use a little help one way or the other.
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