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Oh Hey guys,

edited August 2010 in Buddhism Basics
I'm new here, nice to meet you! After being a woefully depressed atheist/agnostic for years, raised in an egotistical, materialist, western culture, I have decided that Buddhism is what I need. I need spiritual guidance - or just good wisdom - to make it through life without falling back into dismal despair. I like how Buddha implores you to test his teachings for yourself, and how he uses logic and tested experience to back up his claims. If there was a Buddhist temple nearby, I would go - but the nearest one to me is 2 hours away. I don't have time for a commute like that. How can I evolve into an awesomely spiritually enlightened, Buddhist person without having the spiritual temple environment, and without having a teacher? It seems very difficult. (Especially when you're living in a Christian family). I suppose that I just need to wake up early, and study for a few hours each day from books I bought at Borders - right? How did you guys become super Buddhists? Did you go to temples? Were you taught by monks, who took you by the hand to teach you? Did you just read some stuff online, or in books that you bought? Did you take an extended study-abroad to Japan? Did you become a monk? Were you taught by your parents or friends? I have read the Dhammapada, and some books about the Dalai Lama and Buddhism - but I need more.

Thanks pals, :)
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