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Where to start?

Alright, i'm sure this has been posted somewhere, but i wanted to make it unique to me.

I was raised by my mother and father, my mother of which being semi- strong believer. We went to a UCC church every Sunday until I was about 8. We stopped going because we had moved and we didn't know the area real well. We started going to a Lutheran church when i was 10. I did First communion there as well as became a member.
The years that I was attending my Lutheran Church, I didn't really believe in the idea they were teaching. I really just went along with it. I followed more of the Karma ideals. When i saw a spider inside, instead of killing it(ignoring my girlfriends screams:) i put it outside.
While disagreeing with a lot of the churches ideas and teachings i sought out another religion. I came across Buddhism and have read up a little about it.
I would like to know where to start off in practicing Buddhism and learning about it.
Books? other forums?

Where should I start? What should i know?

Thank you all Very much.


  • edited August 2010
    definitely dont start will not get anywhere. I am also new to this forum, and after reading the posts on here i have come to the realization that some of the people just like to start a fight, be elitist and share info just to make it look like they know something you dont. Its not worth my time anyway, and this is my last post on here. No one attacked me personally, but the bullcrap meter is through the roof here.My time and your time (that goes for anyone seeking info on buddhism that is new) could be spend much better just reading books on buddhism and seeking out truth there. You will only find people spreading their own opinions trying to pass it off like it is Buddha himself talking. Good luck, and may you find what you seek.
  • edited August 2010
    definitely dont start will not get anywhere. I am also new to this forum, and after reading the posts on here i have come to the realization that some of the people just like to start a fight, be elitist and share info just to make it look like they know something you dont. Its not worth my time anyway, and this is my last post on here. No one attacked me personally, but the bullcrap meter is through the roof here.My time and your time (that goes for anyone seeking info on buddhism that is new) could be spend much better just reading books on buddhism and seeking out truth there. You will only find people spreading their own opinions trying to pass it off like it is Buddha himself talking. Good luck, and may you find what you seek.

    But isn't that the whole idea behind this forum? To express your knowledge of Buddhism. There may be a few bad eggs out there trying to push their beliefs on others, but that could just be some ill-advised people. After reading some of the posts here, I believe i will stay a little longer and see how it goes.
    If that's not your choice, than I wish you luck on your journey.
  • mugzymugzy Veteran
    edited August 2010
    definitely dont start will not get anywhere. I am also new to this forum, and after reading the posts on here i have come to the realization that some of the people just like to start a fight, be elitist and share info just to make it look like they know something you dont.

    I am very sorry you feel this way. This has personally not been my experience here in the forum. I have only been on the board for a short time and I feel that I have learned so much by hearing from different people.

    Then again it is the internet, just text on the screen, so sometimes it's difficult to convey the proper meaning or emotion.
    Its not worth my time anyway, and this is my last post on here.

    Again, I'm sorry to see you go. I have enjoyed hearing your input.
    No one attacked me personally, but the bullcrap meter is through the roof here.


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    My time and your time (that goes for anyone seeking info on buddhism that is new) could be spend much better just reading books on buddhism and seeking out truth there.

    Reading different books and texts is a fantastic resource! That's how I began my quest in Buddhism, by researching different titles and studying each one as I learned about it. My search also brought me here, to the e-sangha, and I'm very glad it did. I find it's a very good place to get input on difficult topics, or just chat with like-minded individuals. So I think both reading and discussing our ideas are important facets of practice.
    You will only find people spreading their own opinions trying to pass it off like it is Buddha himself talking. Good luck, and may you find what you seek.

    Again, I haven't seen that happen on this board yet. Some people have strong opinions about things, and that is their belief. By opening ourselves up to discussion and dialogue we can learn so much from each other.

    I do hope you reconsider leaving, but if you must go I hope you find a place where you feel comfortable.
  • edited August 2010
    Hi derik123derik123

    Welcome to Buddhism! I'm pretty new to it myself, but I would suggest reading a few books on the basics. The books that really got me hooked are ' eight mindful steps to happiness: walking the buddha's path' by Ven. Henepola Gunaratana, and 'mindfulness in plain english' by the same author. You can read Mindfulness in Plain English: here

    Next, just start practicing. Start meditating a little bit each day--I started with five minutes at a time--and go from there. Keep reading and keep practicing, and it starts coming together. Stick with it, and the results will really start to show.

    Also, keep asking questions around here. There are tons of people who are willing to give you good advice. This is a great source for information and advice.
  • mugzymugzy Veteran
    edited August 2010
    I would like to know where to start off in practicing Buddhism and learning about it.
    Books? other forums?

    Where should I start? What should i know?

    Welcome derik123 :wavey:

    How much do you know about Buddhism so far? I only had a vague understanding when I started this path.

    Here's a quote from a similar thread regarding where to begin:
    sukhita wrote: »
    In the beginning of my Dhamma studies, I found it helpful to group the various aspects of Buddhist teachings under just four headings, namely the Four Noble Truths. The following is an example:

    [1] The Noble Truth of Dukkha
    - Dukkha: ordinary meaning and the deeper philosophical meaning.
    - The Three Marks of Existence (Anicca, Dukkha, and Anatta).
    - Dependent Origination (Paticca-samuppada).
    - The Five Aggregates (Khandhas).
    [2] The Noble Truth of the Arising of Dukkha
    - Tanha (thirst), craving, ..
    - Kamma and the Fruits of Kamma (Law of Khamma).
    - Samsara and Rebirth.
    [3] The Noble Truth of the Cessation of Dukkha
    - Elimination of the cause of dukkha.
    - Nibbana.
    [4] The Noble Truth of the Way leading to Cessation of Dukkha
    - Right View/Understanding.
    - Right Thought/Intention.
    - Right Speech.
    - Right Action.
    - Right Livelihood.
    - Right Effort.
    - Right Mindfulness.
    - Right Concentration.
    (and meditation guides)

    Considering that the Four Noble Truths is (imho) the CORE teaching of the Buddha, it makes sense to view everything else in relation to these Truths. It had helped me, perhaps you may find it useful too. :)

    [In case you don't know, the different spellings (dhamma / dharma, nibbana / nirvana, etc) was also discussed in another thread - different translations between Pali and Sanskrit texts.]

    Meditation is at the heart of Buddhist practice. Most people start with basic breathing, which is a form of placement meditation. We place our mind on the breath and keep it there. If there are thoughts, acknowledge them and return your mind to the breath. There are many books on meditation and many include it; this simple technique is an excellent place to begin.

    If you haven't already, check out the Recommended Reading thread. I know there's a few pages to go through, but it'll give you a good selection of books to start.

    So that's a little bit of a starter, hope it didn't overwhelm you too much. I would highly recommend you pick up an introductory book on Buddhism and read up on it if you haven't already. If you want to ask more specific questions please do!
    Thank you all Very much.

    Thanks for joining us :om:
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited August 2010
    definitely dont start will not get anywhere. I am also new to this forum, and after reading the posts on here i have come to the realization that some of the people just like to start a fight, be elitist and share info just to make it look like they know something you dont. Its not worth my time anyway, and this is my last post on here. No one attacked me personally, but the bullcrap meter is through the roof here.My time and your time (that goes for anyone seeking info on buddhism that is new) could be spend much better just reading books on buddhism and seeking out truth there. You will only find people spreading their own opinions trying to pass it off like it is Buddha himself talking. Good luck, and may you find what you seek.

    So nobody attacked you personally....
    It would help if you gave us an example of what you consider to be 'bullcrap'....

    No matter.
    in other factors, you are probably quite right...lthough your post is impolite, tactless, ungracious and frankly, somewhat offensive.

    Thanks for that.

    Nice of you to stop by.
    Leave the key on the hook, as you won't be needing it again, apparently.

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