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Lucid Dreaming

edited September 2010 in General Banter

I'm one of those persons who remembers my dreams every night, and enjoys talking about them.
I had a lucid dream last night and it was awesome. I had a dream I was flying ( I always know when i'm lucid dreaming, because i'm always flying) and I found a beautiful temple in on a large island...and I woke up wondering, do you have lucid dreams? (dreams where you know you know you're dreaming and are able to control them) If so, what are they about? Are they in color?

I'm quite interested to hear of your unconscious adventures if you'd like to tell!!


  • edited August 2010
    for me lucid dreaming just happens once in a while and never when I actually try to. the last one I had i had noticed something that did not make sense which led me to believe i was dreaming. lol I was so happy to have finally done it that I turned to my friend hysterically and said i can't believe it. He replied dude thats awsome, and than I woke up pissed.
  • edited August 2010

    I'm quite interested to hear of your unconscious adventures if you'd like to tell!!

    I am one of those people who rarely, if ever, remembers dreams. Last night I was reading 'Awakening the Buddha Within' and the author was talking about lucid dreaming being something that some of his teachers taught. He said that when he was studying with them they just took it for granted as something everyone did and they taught him techniques to do it himself. He didn't go on to teach the technique in the book (or I haven't gotten to where he does yet), but did mention that during his training he would sleep in a box in a sitting meditation posture as part of it.

    I am not sure what value there is in lucid dreaming, but perhaps there is some.
  • edited August 2010
    my favorite quote about dreaming, "i once dreamed I was a butterfly, but once I awoke I wondered if I dreamed of being the butterfly, or if I am the butterfly dreaming of being human".
  • seeker242seeker242 Zen Florida, USA Veteran
    edited August 2010

    I'm one of those persons who remembers my dreams every night, and enjoys talking about them.
    I had a lucid dream last night and it was awesome. I had a dream I was flying ( I always know when i'm lucid dreaming, because i'm always flying) and I found a beautiful temple in on a large island...and I woke up wondering, do you have lucid dreams? (dreams where you know you know you're dreaming and are able to control them) If so, what are they about? Are they in color?

    I'm quite interested to hear of your unconscious adventures if you'd like to tell!!

    Well, technically, a lucid dream is a conscious adventure and not an unconscious one yes? ;) I used to be very interested in this and this book is what did it. I must have read this book about 30 times, lol. Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming I used to have lots of them when I was interested in it. I used to "practice lucid dreaming" as a spiritual type of thing before I came across Buddhism. They were always in color. If fact, they were exactly the same as waking life sometimes, so much so that I would sometimes forget that it was a dream after a while. They were about all kinds of things. I always aspired to go to the top of some mountain and meet the "wise man" and ask him questions, etc. but I usually met some scantily clad women along the way and never made it to the wise man, LOL...
  • edited August 2010
    Brandon wrote: »
    my favorite quote about dreaming, "i once dreamed I was a butterfly, but once I awoke I wondered if I dreamed of being the butterfly, or if I am the butterfly dreaming of being human".

    What a beautiful quote!!!! LOVE IT.

    Seeker, you're right, in a sense, it is conscious, obviously if you know that you are doing it.

    There may not be matirial benefits, or even physical benefits to lucid dreaming, but I believe there's an emotional one. It gives one the opportunity to do things they can't do in the real world, such as flying, or seeing things they may never get to see in their life awake. If I catch myself lucid dreaming, I always try to see people that have passed in my life, like my dad, or great grandmother, I know it doesnt fill the void I have when I awake, but as long I am careful not to get addicted to it, its a benefit for me. Emotionally anyway.
  • edited August 2010
    BTW Brandon, I totally stole your quote to add as my FB status...heh. Very cool.
  • edited August 2010

    There may not be matirial benefits, or even physical benefits to lucid dreaming, but I believe there's an emotional one.

    I was giving this thread some thought after my first post and I recalled a lucid dream I had as a child. I wasn't in a position to benefit from the dream at the time, but now that I am working to cultivate mindfulness and put and end to attachments I can see where it could have been a very valuable teaching experience for myself.

    As a kid what I wanted most was a dirt bike, the motorized kind. I longed to ride it all over the place having great fun. My parents were not keen on the idea. One night I had a lucid dream where my father brought me a dirt bike. I could not have been happier. I drove it all over the place and was in heaven. Then I woke up and was seriously depressed. The dream was so lucid that waking up was the same as if I had really gotten the dirt bike and someone stole it from me.

    Back then I simply experienced the suffering of depression. Today I would value the experience as it would have identified something I was clinging to and would have seen how that clinging was causing me to suffer.

    In other words I think that lucid dreaming has the potential to teach us things about ourselves that we may not spot as easily while awake.
  • edited August 2010
    yeah I love that quote I can't believe you stole it! lol well I stole it from one of my books so i have no room to talk.
  • edited August 2010
    is it really stealing if I told you? We are SHARING! lol...i dunno, If I keep the quotes its alright, right?

    Hehe, Mkay. Lunch time. :)
  • edited August 2010
    Brandon wrote: »
    yeah I love that quote I can't believe you stole it! lol well I stole it from one of my books so i have no room to talk.

    wait...i really like your avatar too....maybe you should share that too... :ninja:
  • MountainsMountains Veteran
    edited August 2010
    I rarely remember dreams, and when I do, they're almost always attributable to the current stress going on in my life. I'm getting ready to start a very rigorous graduate program next week, and last night I had the "Oh my god I have to take the final exam and I've never been to class" dream. Classic. Hmmm... color or b&w? I don't know.

  • edited August 2010
    haha yeah its a quetzal the bird of guatemala. and Im sure its ok to share since it was posted in google images haha. ok i agree we can share the quote:p
  • fivebellsfivebells Veteran
    edited August 2010
    I had a lucid dream once. I'd been meditating a lot, and was about to move away from the city I'd lived in for the past nine years. In the dream, I walked up the stairs to my apartment, and where my apartment should have been, there was a precipice. I sat down on the steps in consternation and thought "It's a dream. It must be a dream. I got up to walk down the stairs, but my attention faded and before I reached the floor below, I was back in dream state. I found a party there, and found someone to have sex with.
  • edited August 2010
    fivebells wrote: »
    found someone to have sex with.

    iv been lucid up to this point, and than I lose awareness lol it sucks
  • edited August 2010
    fivebells wrote: »
    I had a lucid dream once... I found a party there, and found someone to have sex with.

    Ahem! We are discussing lucid dreams here, not wet dreams. :p
  • edited August 2010
    whats the difference the second hes lucid hes gonna conjure up the olsen twins lawl
  • edited August 2010
    umm hmm...yeah, imma have to agree with 5 here, naughty guy! >.<
  • edited August 2010
    It's always interesting to hear the differences in the ways we each experience dreams. From as far back as I can remember almost all of my dreams were lucid, with varying degrees of control. I'd always know it was a dream, but sometimes I was able to control much more than other times. Not knowing any different I assumed it was normal, and thought this was how everyone dreamed. I have vague memories (it was a long time ago) of being quite suprised to find out that there was a specific name for this type of dream, and that not everyone experiences it.

    These days I still get the odd spontaneous lucid dream, but nowhere near as many as when I was a kid. :( But I've always been, and still am the type of person who remembers a lot of their dreams. When they're not lucid, most of the time they're vivid - if not more vivid - than waking life. Always in colour - I find it weird to imagine dreaming in black and white. I have short phases where I don't remember many of my dreams at all, and it always feels like a part of my life is missing.
    There may not be matirial benefits, or even physical benefits to lucid dreaming, but I believe there's an emotional one. It gives one the opportunity to do things they can't do in the real world, such as flying, or seeing things they may never get to see in their life awake. If I catch myself lucid dreaming, I always try to see people that have passed in my life, like my dad, or great grandmother, I know it doesnt fill the void I have when I awake, but as long I am careful not to get addicted to it, its a benefit for me. Emotionally anyway.

    Well there may be a physical benefit, in a way... I read about it in a book on lucid dreaming a few years ago (unfortunately I don't remember the name of the book). Bascially some experiments were done which suggest that if you practice something during a lucid dream, you actually become better at it in waking life as a result. People were practicing things such as sport, public speaking, etc.

    It may come as no surprise that I've always been really interested in dreaming, and consciousness generally. My dream job would probably be a dream or sleep researcher (no pun intended). :lol:
  • zidanguszidangus Veteran
    edited August 2010
    I sporadically have lucid dreams, and sometimes they can be great and other times a bit weird, and a lot of the times I get a deja vu kind of feeling when I am having them. I guess its just our subconscious trying to sort through and unravel the thoughts and feelings we are going through at the time.

    Metta to all sentient beings
  • ThailandTomThailandTom Veteran
    edited August 2010
    I often have these lucid dreams and they seem to affect my mornings as well. The flying business I can relate too also. It is not ina plane or an aircraft, I literally run and float frm the ground and fly away lol. I travel to my kindred soul who moved away back to her home country a year ago and meet her, I fly to mystical places or to friends long lost, it is great. One time in a lucid dream I could only fly if I had this gem in my hand. It glowed green or purple and was a very vibrant colour. A few other people in my dream had them but only a few.
    There is one place in my lucid dreams that is repeated over and over. It is a very scary and dark place that you can enter if you go through this section of fields, into the edge of a forest, follow a path down through the trees and it gets narrower and narrower and darker as you go. The fields actually exist in reality back in england where I was brought up and lived for most of my life but this trail I have never been down. I keep having this lucid dream though and it always ends with this trail...
  • edited August 2010
    i just had a dream this morning that POOF! Sogyal Rinpoche was with me and I would beg and beg and beg for him to be my master but he would just sit there quiet. and than all off a sudden he and I are going to tibet but he would sit there quiet, and not teach me a thing. not a lucid dream but thought it was interesting
  • edited August 2010
    Nice Brandon, Nice. LMAO

    ThailAndTom, sounds like your dreams are trying to tell you something...when I have bizarre dreams like that, I always try to meditate on them. Maybe that will help??
  • ThailandTomThailandTom Veteran
    edited August 2010
    Maybe they are trying to tell me something, something in my sub conscious. There is also something that often happens, I have been living in thailand for about 6 months and in my dreams I am often somewhere else, maybe back in England or somewhere in Europe and I always become anxious and feel the need to get back to thailand. I always say to myself or whoever I am with, 'I need to get back to thailand'. When I wake up I forget where I am for a few seconds lol. But thanks, I will get around to meditating on them soon enough
  • mugzymugzy Veteran
    edited August 2010
    I have had crazy dream experiences for as long as I can remember. I have had intensely lucid dreams, dreams of clarity, and dreams that I cannot explain. I frequently forget that I am dreaming.

    I have night terrors and what I like to refer to as "Tyler Durden Syndrome." I sit up in bed, open my eyes very wide and talk to my partner about bizarre, disconnected things in a strange voice or accent, then lie back down. I have no recollection later on of the things I've said, none whatsoever. Last one that happened was yesterday when I sat up and told my girlfriend that "the super super fun rubber bands are a great toy for children to play with" or something like that.

    I have intensely frightening nightmares, sometimes for months or years without end. I'm currently in a cycle of bad nightmares now. Just this morning I woke myself up screaming. So maybe when I'm having better dreams I can expound on the positive points better, but right now the negative experience is fresh in my mind.
  • ThailandTomThailandTom Veteran
    edited August 2010
    I watched a documentary once on sleeping disorders and what you spoke of came up in it. A woman use to swear and shout and kick her boy friend in her sleep, she appeared totally awake but she wasn't, waking with no recollection of what took place. I saw my sister once sleep walking and she appeared awake with her eyes open, but she was actually in an unconscious state of mind, very freaky.

    There is also a very rare phenomena where people are awake, but they cannot move or speak or anything like that. Then a figure comes into the room and walks towards them inducing great fear. This figure climbs on top of them and proceeds to strangle them until they properly wake up. This is actually a real event and is documented throughout history. The person who had this problem on the documentary experienced this figure strangling her 2-3 times a week and she said it never gets any less scary even though she knows what is going to happen!
  • mugzymugzy Veteran
    edited September 2010
    According to my girlfriend, this morning I was saying all kinds of strange things in my sleep. What stood out to her most is when I said, "Teach us, o wise one!" :eek:
  • ThailandTomThailandTom Veteran
    edited September 2010
    lol, maybe you thought your girlfriend was buddha or something.. Don't tell her that though!
  • mugzymugzy Veteran
    edited September 2010
    I wasn't talking to her though, she heard me from another room :eekblue:
  • ThailandTomThailandTom Veteran
    edited September 2010
    lol, I was joking around, but do you remember any of the dream content of that specific situation? Interesting though, I think you have enlightenment on the mind :P
  • mugzymugzy Veteran
    edited September 2010
    Nope I don't remember dreaming this morning at all, and I certainly don't remember any significant clarity or insight. I have had a few very special dreams like that, I'll have to post them some other time.
    I think you have enlightenment on the mind

    That's a good thing right? :p
  • ThailandTomThailandTom Veteran
    edited September 2010
    lol, well good in one sense, and bad in another I guess. Having intent to be enlightened is attaching oneself to the notion is it not? I am sure this is a hindrance. I think it was ajahn chah who said to ever become enlightened you should have no desire to do so in the first place... lol, something quite difficult but also very easy to do :p keep dreaming mugzy he he he
  • still_learningstill_learning Veteran
    edited September 2010
    Lucid dreaming is fun, but doesn't happen to me very often.

    My earliest lucid dream was when I was a kid and it was nightmare with giant monsters chasing me. I realized I was in a dream somehow, and then I turned to face the monsters and told them to go away, and I banished them.

    Flying feels great in a dream. But sometimes I'm bad at controlling it and I end up crashing and I get that falling feeling and wake up.

    More recently when I dream and I realize I'm dreaming, I'll try to control it, but I end up trying too hard and waking myself up. I can only get partial control of my dreams.

    I would like to learn how to lucid dream on command, it would be fun.

    Dreams can "feel" very real, but I've never had that confusion between dream and reality. I think that's because most of my dreams are outrageous enough that it would not make any sense at all.
  • Mr_SerenityMr_Serenity Veteran
    edited September 2010
    I had a lucid dream just last night. I was with my brother scurrying across a ghetto and ragged down looking building and we had loaded guns. We were running through and gazing through the second story windows. And we could see someone stalking us from across the buildings windows. I couldn't tell why we had the guns, or who we were trying to find, but we were looking for someone, and someone also had an eye on us. It was interesting, but it was just part of the dream (which I mostly forgot all the details).

    Then the next part of the dream I was on an excavation team in the Himalayan mountains. We were in a cold and dark cave surrounded with many pieces of ice. And in that cave we found a yeti frozen in ice. It was a fantastic specimen. It really felt real and amazing that we found it. We began to thaw it out and we got it to be alive again. It was that well preserved.
  • ThailandTomThailandTom Veteran
    edited September 2010
    lol @ ^ I have violent dreams often.

    Last night I had to head south of thailand and stay in a hotel awaiting a trip to burma today. The bed was not very comfortable to say the least and I had a lucid dream. Many of the details have left me now, but in the morning I could recall them, but 2 stand out vividly. Firstly I stole a car which belonged to an old friend of mine who I haven't spoken to for over 2 years lol. Then I got stabbed in the lower part of my spine by somebody, I remember waking up with back pain also. I think the bed caused the pain which induced the stabbing in my dream, not the other way around lol. But I have been stabbed in my dreams quite a few times :/
  • ThailandTomThailandTom Veteran
    edited September 2010
    I had a very strange dream last night which also happened to be very lucid. It was in 2 parts if I recall correctly, the first was situated in some town/city and I needed a new shirt as mine was dirty. I couldn't locate one but I had HH dalai lama's phone number in my phone, so I txtd him lol. At first I got a reply which was just a quote, a small bit of advice, then I txtd him again and he said he would be able to help me with my problem. I was waiting at the door to a building, these buildings looked italian, somewhere in that area of europe anyway and were quite high, maybe 6 stories high. Ancient style architecture, anyway I saw the dalai lama poking his head out of one of the windows high up and I was about to txt him when 3 monks came to me as he had sent them to help with my shirt situation lol. So I ended up with a new white collared shit, then I THINK it ended..
    The second part took place in greece and I have now forgotten most of the details, but I was in a tour group on a coach and there were many different coaches full of people going to different places. Then I heard this explosion and there were a succession of explosions throughout the country. I heard from somebody that it was ETA, the terrorist group, which is weird because they are spanish and have little to do with greece.. lol. But it was all a bit scary seeing as I thought it was all too real :(
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