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Glad to see a place like this

edited December 2003 in
Good evening all (?)

Just want to say that while I have always been interested in buddhism, nobody has made me think about it seriously as a way of life more than Brian (whether he knows it or not).

I have recently through a friend joined a temple and I look forward to discussing everything I learn.

Blessings to you all



  • BrianBrian Detroit, MI Moderator
    edited December 2003
    Thanks for signing up, mondi. You will probably have as many questions as I did (and still do), so maybe we can all learn from each other here :)

    One of the hardest things for me, attending this temple here (the MBMC), is bridging the culture gap. The MBMC is a temple that celebrates the Thai tradition of Theravada. I love the Thai culture and the Thai method of practice, but it has been difficult for me to wrap my western mind around what I experience here.

    One of the monks at the temple, Achahn Pimol, has been very very helpful in explaining to me which parts of the temple experience are "buddhist" in nature and which parts are "Thai culture" in nature. He said to me, "If you don't understand something you see or hear while you are here, please ask me if this is Thai, or is this Buddhist" :D It has been very helpful.
  • edited December 2003
    Brian; if anyone has made me think about my life, and reflect upon it greatly, it has been you.

    I find it almost odd considering the circumstances that I came to know you; the destroying of Icrontic. I hadn't even realized you were a member until Dan told me two days after we learned the fate of our home. You, with Dan and Doug took the reigns and shuffled us all back into a working order.

    And simply as a user of a website, one does not often come to know and be inspired by an administrator that makes it tick. Not only have I been blessed with getting to know Dan so well, and having many conversations with him that I place much value in.. I know two administrators, and the second, you Brian, have made me look back on my life to realize what I am at heart, a Buddhist.

    And although I'm very new at this, and struggling to wrap my mind around it, I work at it every day because it is something that I feel in my heart that I know I must do. I need the balance Buddhism offers, that I cannot find on my own, and I need a philosophy to take from and add to.. And, I need to identify with something, I need to feel I'm part of something important. It's not a desire, per se, but moreso a deep-seeded wish.. To have the ability to advance myself, and my beliefs, which have paralleled Buddhism since I became cognizant to the philosophical world.

    I'm indebted to you, and I look forward to learning from you. I sincerely feel that this is a major turning point in my life, and I feel it amazing that other people from Short-Media are finding Buddhism at such a rapid rate due to you and your gentle urging in this direction.

    Already people have been very interested in learning what little I know of Buddhism in the few times I've had the opportunity to mention what I now am, what I am learning, what I am working towards. I'll tell you that each time I've been the only Buddhist in the room, and I always field interested questions from people of other religions.

    Buddhism still remains mystical to people, even though it doesn't have to be... And I've begun to spread the teachings that I know to other people, because I feel everyone would benefit from learning and understanding what I've begun to. Bit by bit, I hope people come to understand and realize Buddhism as a wonderful choice in life, something that resonates with all types of people, something that can brighten your mind, set your mind alight with thoughts, bringing questions, and just generally a path that can change the way you look at the world and the way it works.

    Thank you.
  • JasonJason God Emperor Arrakis Moderator
    edited December 2003
    well brian was my only friend i had that was buddhist. i am glad that i had the chance to run into him again. i have been living at a monastery in perry, mi to study to become a monk. if all goes well by this time next year i will be in thailand. i have to thank brian for his support and encouragment of my decission. my entire family and few other friends have all been a great source of dukkha. not one understands me or my need to be apart of this. this dhamma is clearer to me than anything i have known. it is nothing but the truth. i appreciate brian's interest and effort in buddhism-from help with the mwmc, raising a family with buddhism, and being a good friend when needed. i think this site was a great idea and i hope many people benefit from it. if i can help anyone to understand any of these ideas or topics feel free to ask. although i am just learning i have learned a great deal already.
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