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Interesting finding about anxiety...
As some of you know, I've just started anesthesia school. As if that's not stressful enough (about a 246 on a 1-10 scale), I managed to get a UTI for the first time in my life. Went to the doc-in-the-box who spent about 45 seconds with me, and gave me an Rx for Bactrim (trimethoprim & sulfamethoxiaole). Never having had a UTI before, and never having taken said antibiotic before, who was I to argue?
So today, after five days of taking it, and four days of having a more or less constant dull headache, blah feeling, not being able to sleep, and being *very* anxious, all of which I put down to the incredibly overwhelming volume and depth of material that's being thrown at us in school, something made me do a little pharm research on Bactrim.
Lo and behold, some of the major side effects include (wait for it...) constant dull headache, blah feeling, insomnia, and anxiety! Well whaddaya know? Fortunately I only have one more day of the stuff.
No real message except know what you're putting in your mouth. I should have known better, being an RN and all. Sigh...
eat dandelion salad.
I used to suffer from monthly UTI's and it's miserable.
I hate it, and it is so debilitating.
But drinking a couple of alka selzers a day, plus these teas does wonders. particularly if you mix nettle and goosegrass together....
full kettle of water, about 20 nettle tops and a good bunch of rich green goosegrass. Boil kettle. Place cleaned herbs into a large heatproof jug, pour boiling water on herbs, stir, allow to infuse for 5 minutes. Drink as many cups in one day as you can take, keep saturating herbs with boiling water.....
It's really very good for you.
No side effect.
oh, except a clear bladder.
Love it.
You've been taking Alka Selzer plus!