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A dream that is upsetting me... (kinda long)

edited September 2010 in Buddhism Basics
I know this isn't a dream forum but I need to get this off my chest. I'm not used to having these types of dreams.
I do consider myself Buddhist, atleast a beginning one. I go to a Catholic school. A guy I have been seeing has cancer. He went to the hospital recently because he's in tremendous pain. I cried in the morning and then at school I was upset but I just kept ssaying to myself (in my head) that he's going to be fine. I can't visit him because I have a cold and I don't want to make him or anyone at the hospital sick. At my school there is a chapel thing and people can have prayers said for friends and family members. I thought about doing this but decided it wouldn't really be right.
At home I passed out for a bit and had this dream:
My dream didn’t make perfect sense, like in the dream I was visiting my family in another province but yet the guy was there. In the dream I prayed for him not to die. Then at school a guy spilled water or something on his phone and everyone was worried it was going to catch on fire. (Earlier today someone in my school threw a stuffed animal in the air and it went into the lights. Everyone thought it would catch on fire. So that could be why I dreamed of that.)
Later, I am with the guy. He is having a hard time and he needs me to get something for him (toilet paper or something) He decides to come with me. Something happens to my cell phone outside and it starts sparking then bursts into flames. Somehow (this is a dream, so it doesn’t make much sense) the fire spreads to a girl in a car parked down the street. We freak out and rush towards her screaming. A fireman rushes past her and over to the fire, ignoring her. The girl is practically burning to death, it was so graphic and awful. I open the door and unbuckle her and pull her out.
Later I get an anonymous message on one of my favourite websites saying how brave him and I were for helping our ‘sister’ out of the car and that she died afterwards and that I’ve been given a gift or something like that. This girl was not my sister and I’m definitely not related to him so I’m not sure about this part. I was upset that I caused her death and got rid of my cell phone, feeling depressed.
There were other odd tidbits in my dream but they don’t really stick out as much and don’t make much sense. If I really wanted to analyze this dream I think I’d say that the anonymous guy was God or something (who else would know the whole situation and call the girl my sister) and that the cell phone thing represents my unhealthy attachment to material things. I also think my friend was being given another chance but in his place the girl was taken. Very morbid dream.. but I do watch a lot of weird movies lol.

Has anyone else had strange dreams like this? What do you think of it?

To what extent do you think liking material things is ok? When is it unhealthy?


  • edited September 2010
    starfishh wrote: »

    Has anyone else had strange dreams like this? What do you think of it?

    To what extent do you think liking material things is ok? When is it unhealthy?

    Hi starfishh,

    We all have strange dreams at some time or another. I've certainly had some unusual ones in the past, though I don't seem to dream any more these days.

    Don't pay any attention to dreams, they're just a jumble of things that happen in the waking state mixed up with our hopes and fears.

    As for material things, we all need some of them in order to survive. What we shouldn't do is obsess over them and get attached.

    Here's the first of a Buddhist meditation series you might find helpful.

    Kind wishes,


  • edited September 2010
    I am a new Buddhist myself, so I am coming at this from a standpoint of just being human.

    It was just a dream honestly. I have had bizarre that upset for months (I dreamed I ran over my infant sons head with a car. very graphic and upsetting) me but in the end it is just a dream.

    As to liking material things it is OK to like them. I like my car, but if I wreck and total it tomorrow that is OK. I like it but don't obsess over it.

    When the like / fondness becomes desire and consuming passion is when things go wrong. When objects have more importance than your own health or more important than loved ones it gets unhealthy.
  • ChrysalidChrysalid Veteran
    edited September 2010
    starfishh wrote: »
    To what extent do you think liking material things is ok? When is it unhealthy?
    I don't really know much about dream interpretation, but could it be possible that you're not facing your boyfriends illness head-on? So that the emotion is being expressed via the dream, images of death and people being engulfed by fire could represent your fear of the cancer winning? I don't know, that was just my first thought.

    Liking material things is fine, we're material things so it's natural that we enjoy interacting with other things in the material world. It gets unhealthy when your desire to use or own an object crosses the line from 'take it or leave it' enjoyment, and becomes a "need". If you get upset when you're deprived of your favourite thing, that's when you know you've developed an unhealthy clinging.
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