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Rubbing hands together and seperating them

shanyinshanyin Novice YoginSault Ontario Veteran
edited September 2010 in General Banter
Hello all.

A long time ago one of my friends explained that when you rub your hands together and then separate them it feels like theres a rubber band around your hands.

Then I went to a shaman healer and he showed me the same thing and said that someone should have shown me this before.

Does anyone know anything about this little practice? Could you explain what its for?


  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited September 2010
    Well, according to Traditional Oriental medicine (TOM for short) what you are doing is activating, or "Waking up" the Chi (in Chinese, 'Qi' in Japanese) in the two Halls of Energy in the Palms of your hands, known as the "Lao Gong".
    Locate this important acupressure point by making a very loose fist and where the tips of your middle and ring finger just touch your palm - there is your Lao Gong.
    It's an important point also known as Heart Protector/pericardium 8, and it's the point that connects with another person's energy when we shake their hand, or simply rest our palm upon their shoulder.
  • MountainsMountains Veteran
    edited September 2010
    The western scientific medical explanation is quite simple - you're activating the touch sensors in your skin (Merkle's cells, Ruffini's Corpuscles, etc) vigorously by rubbing your hands together. When you suddenly stop, those nerves are "confused" momentarily and continue to fire signals to your brain. The sense your brain makes out of that, compared to the fact that your brain knows your hands are now physically separated, is what feels like "rubber bands" holding them together.

    Ask me what I've been studying in physiology this week??

  • edited September 2010
    This is something I have and am researching about... It is Chi as Federica said... And let me also tell you another technique(more effective in sensitizing your Palm Chakras(or Lao Gong, but I prefer to call it Chakra)...
    Press the Chakra of your left hand with the thumb of your right hand and then, vice versa..
    Now, Open keep your hands gently open and have them face each other...
    Now focus on the centres of your palm(you applied pressure so that you can be more aware of it)[you can think of an imaginary line connecting them]
    SLOWLY keep moving your hands towards and away from each other(you should not cover a large distance just moving them slowly will do)
    By now, you will be feeling a tingling sensation in the centre of your palm which are at times accompanied with heat...
    This is the first thing that a Pranic healer does before healing...
    I pursued Pranic healing, Usui Reiki(2nd degree) and some other Energy Work...

    After doing the above, you will be able to catch minute differences in the Chi around you... If you keep this sensitized hand over a wound and keep the other hand upturned(Letting chi come in through the upturned hand and heal through the other hand)... This is a technique of pranic healing.... But don't think pranic healing has only that!

    Love And Light,
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited September 2010
    I can generate the sensation of mildly tingling palms and "resistant pressure" between the hands, just by clenching my fists hard, once, opening my hands, then "bouncing" the hands towards one another as you describe, Nidish....
    Clenching the hands is a release trigger, that I personally find opens the Lao Gong, making my Shiatsu therapy more effective.

    I can hold my hands about two feet apart, and feel this odd sensation between my palms...It's a little like pressing on a balloon filled with water.....
    By clicking my fingers, then wiggling them, I can release from this"hold".
    My practice of Qi Gong also animates my energy to a remarkable degree.
  • zombiegirlzombiegirl beating the drum of the lifeless in a dry wasteland Veteran
    edited September 2010
    i remember in massage school one of our teachers was teaching us about chi and he said to simply focus on one of your hands. become very aware of it. think about it. after doing this for a little while, your hand actually starts to warm up. kinda weird.
  • edited September 2010
    @Federica Yeah it should improve upon practice... And yes, I have also felt that... And, I think I could use some tips on basic Qi Gong from ya.. Coz I have been searching for a master, but no one around here exactly know what Qi/Chi is ;)...
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited September 2010
    Feel free to ask away, either in a new thread (don't hijack this one), or in PM. :)
  • MountainsMountains Veteran
    edited September 2010
    BTW, just because I'm steeped in western medicine and its Cartesian mechanical explanations of everything (or at least the stuff it understands), don't get the idea I don't believe you were feeling your chi 'Cause I do! :)
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited September 2010
    Mountains wrote: »
    The western scientific medical explanation is quite simple - you're activating the touch sensors in your skin (Merkle's cells, Ruffini's Corpuscles, etc) vigorously by rubbing your hands together. When you suddenly stop, those nerves are "confused" momentarily and continue to fire signals to your brain. The sense your brain makes out of that, compared to the fact that your brain knows your hands are now physically separated, is what feels like "rubber bands" holding them together.

    Ask me what I've been studying in physiology this week??


    Wht have you been studying in physiology this week?? :D

    Having spent 4 years studying Shiatsu, TOM as well as anatomy, physiology and pathology, I completely understand the extreme difficulty in separating our curious, analytical, questioning, rational mind, from the one needed to study a medical practice that is 4000 years old and to understand the logic of something so blindingly simple, yet extraordinarily foreign.....
    I'm just wonderfully aware that much of what was originally discovered and studied then, still holds as true today as it did then. They made discoveries about the human body, the way things function and how everything depends on everything else, millennia before western medicine even began to examine such things.
    And they call that, 'alternative medicine!'
    Mountains wrote: »
    BTW, just because I'm steeped in western medicine and its Cartesian mechanical explanations of everything (or at least the stuff it understands), don't get the idea I don't believe you were feeling your chi 'Cause I do! :)

    Thank you! I appreciate that open-mindedness.
    When I taught Qi Gong in France, I had a top medical consultant, as a pupil.
    She also told me that she 'understood' the physical dynamics of Chi/Qi. But also claimed, or confirmed that she couldn't explain the warmth, lightness, course of refreshing invigorating energy she felt during and after classes.
    All she knew was that in one hour's practice, she felt rejuvenated and re-energised.
  • edited September 2010
    @Federica Thanks.. Will send ya a PM soon...
  • MountainsMountains Veteran
    edited September 2010
    Where did my reply go Fede??
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited September 2010
    I don't know. I deleted nothing.

    The only thing I can suggest is that instead of clicking on the 'submit reply' button, you forgot to do so, went to a different thread, then shut your browser...?
    I dunno, but I've done that.... but I assure you, nothing has been deleted or removed.

    As a Mod, we'd see that.
    Even though members can't......
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