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my attachment got the better of me

i know....i shouldn't have let it, but i got caught up in it. as stated in another thread, i've been reviewing my attachment to stuff. thought having stuff isn't a problem, i view it now, and many years ago, as a distraction.
anyway, my van went on life support last friday. when i found out the repair was @$500-$600 i went blah...of course, i didn't have that kind of money to fix it, and there were other problems with it that i was hoping to wait on to fix that were about the same. so i had to take monday off and send it to the junkyard to get the $ needed to put down on another one.
where the attachment got me was the amount of 'damn!' i felt at the thought of having to do that again. i always get cars for a year or three, then when they die, i just do what needs to be done, with no problems.
this was a van just like one i had always 'wanted' to own. all the little details that make it desirable were there: engine size, make model and colour. so i was more 'sad' than i really wanted to be about it, which really surprised me.
i also know that i should have found something in the practice to help me remember the true nature of things, but i was somehow out if it till the replacement was had.
does that make me shallow or self-somethinged? i know i shouldn't worry about other people's thoughts(?) but in this community, i value the considerations.


  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    edited September 2010
    I think as you know it isn't helpful to be reprimanding of yourself. You need only notice what is going on. Be mindful. Thats where the true nature of things is going to come from. When you know your own mind inside and out then you can have compassion for others. And that would also be knowing the true nature of things from a compassion standpoint at least. Could it be perhaps that you long for a liberation from the sadness of losing such a van? Thats bodhicitta in disguise perhaps?
  • edited September 2010
    i do notice what's going on, but for the life of me, i can't figure out why this bothered me so much....
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited September 2010
    Because you think Attachment got the better of you.....?

    You recognised it for what it was, which was pretty alert and Mindful of you.

    Many people are desperately attached to things (both the physical and mentally generated) and go through their whole lives blissfully unaware that this is what Suffering is all about.

    You instead, were aware of it, recognised it, felt it and faced it.

    I don't think Attachment DID get the better of you.

    I think you stole a march on attachment.

    This isn't a confessional thread, bemoaning your failing.
    This should be a celebratory thread celebrating your Attentiveness.
  • KundoKundo Sydney, Australia Veteran
    edited September 2010
    I don't think Attachment DID get the better of you.

    I think you stole a march on attachment.

    This isn't a confessional thread, bemoaning your failing.
    This should be a celebratory thread celebrating your Attentiveness.

    I agree. :)

    In metta,
  • edited September 2010
    now, if i can only treat my defilements and hindrances in just the same way.
  • JasonJason God Emperor Arrakis Moderator
    edited September 2010
    Yeah, I had the same problem, except I gave away my piece of shit car and moved the fuck out of Michigan to where I can walk/ride public transit to wherever I need to go. Problem solved!
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