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time management

edited September 2010 in General Banter
Hey there wise Buddhist friends,

so how do you go about getting everything done?

I make a to-do list almost every day, but alas, rarely finish it. The things I need to do seem to be growing like weeds. :p

Any tips?


  • fivebellsfivebells Veteran
    edited September 2010
    Why do you believe you need to do these things?
  • TreeLuvr87TreeLuvr87 Veteran
    edited September 2010
    pearl, I'm a reader of a ton of blogs on productivity, time management, organisation - and I used to be obsessed with lists. I would make lists of the lists I felt I needed to make! I would feel guilty when I didn't get to check everything off. Recently, I've been more accepting of myself and startening to loosen up this perfectionist, overacheiving SELF that the stories in my mind build up, and things are still getting done. So right now, I just do something when I see that it needs being done. If I feel lazy, I plan to do it later, and it sometimes takes a few days, but I get it done. Above all else, I'm accepting and loving with myself, so that I won't get frustrated and let it turn into the reactive cycle that it used to - usually ending in a wretched house, lots of fast food, and depression.
  • edited September 2010
    fivebells wrote: »
    Why do you believe you need to do these things?

    I started grad school about a month ago, so the things on the list are just really basic stuff like: keeping up with the classes, spending time with my partner and friends, living healthy, etc.

    The first thing to go was healthy eating and exercising. Now my weekends are becoming more like workdays, but at least I get to work at home. I'm only a month in, but I'm feeling the drain physically. I feel frustrated at being tired because the work still needs to get done regardless of how I feel.
  • edited September 2010
    TreeLuvr87 wrote: »
    Recently, I've been more accepting of myself and startening to loosen up this perfectionist, overacheiving SELF that the stories in my mind build up, and things are still getting done. So right now, I just do something when I see that it needs being done. If I feel lazy, I plan to do it later, and it sometimes takes a few days, but I get it done. Above all else, I'm accepting and loving with myself, so that I won't get frustrated and let it turn into the reactive cycle that it used to - usually ending in a wretched house, lots of fast food, and depression.

    It sounds like a healthy and mellow groove. Very cool!

    Yeah, I'm a sad lump of tired right now and my laundry basket could explode at any moment. :D
  • MountainsMountains Veteran
    edited September 2010
    Pearl - baby, I'm right there with ya. I just started Nurse Anesthetist school (a clinical doctorate), and I find I don't have time to vacuum the house, play with the dogs, or almost anything else besides studying. My clean laundry is sitting in the dryer from a week ago. At least I get some exercise by going up and down the stairs every time I need a clean pair of underwear!

    My favorite saying: This too shall pass...

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