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Non-comparative mind and the dance studio

BarraBarra soto zenniewandering in a cloud in beautiful, bucolic Victoria BC, on the wacky left coast of Canada Veteran
edited September 2010 in General Banter
Whoever came up with the idea of installing mirrors on the wall of dance studios probably didn't realize that this is a really good tool in developing our Buddhist practice.

For example, here is a transcript of my thoughts , watching myself and the others while exercising in class yesterday:

That woman in the back has probably never been to a dance class in her life.

See, she is not moving her arms properly, let alone her feet.

Why did I wear this oversized Tshirt? It makes me look fat and frumpy.

These capri pants I'm wearing look great with sandals, but look stupid with socks and runners.

I should get an exercise tank top like those skinny women.

I used to be skinny like them.

That woman in the back has no idea of how to do a grapevine step.

Wow, the woman in the black top is close to my age and she has a great figure!

I'm getting sweaty and working hard. I'd rather be lying on the couch eating chocolate.

I used to be so much better looking than I am now.

As the class has a yoga component, at the end of the session we were asked to cup our hands in to a mudra and ask for what we are lacking in our lives. I asked for a non-comparative mind.
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