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The Death question



  • edited September 2010
    Um. No. To quote Dawkins, “The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.”

    Christianity and Islam both arise from the old testament (indeed the 10 commandments are from the old testament so you can't tell me "oh they just use the new one now"). In both Islam and Christianity apostasy (leaving the religion) is the ultimate bad thing that angers that jealous god.

    For some more epic stuff in the bible:

    As for Hinduism I do not know - maybe the gods there are kind :)

    I concur - There is no evidence of a soul. When I die I expect to return to the same state of non-existence as prior to being born.
    Hey.. yes, in hinduism, Gods are VERY Kind.. And I din't know about that which you said... So if that were it, there is no difference between a God and a human(or even a demon)?... If God WAS that way, the religion could not have professed things like - Worship God, then you will be saved, or God is Great or God will protect you from evil... And that conflicts with what Jesus said about God right?
    AND, if God Was that way, the religion couldn't have had professed all those ethics... And can you possibly believe in such a God?

    Love And Light,
  • yuriythebestyuriythebest Veteran
    edited September 2010
    . If God WAS that way, the religion could not have professed things like - Worship God, then you will be saved, or God is Great or God will protect you from evil...
    umm why not? the Bible is basically "a great book of multiple choice" so many people select just the good bits- the Biblical God (which is actually a compilation of older syrian/babylonian/etc deities fused into one being, and as such appearing schizophrenic at times) did many things like a great flood that killed everything, and numerous genicides that he either did himself or ordered the tribe of Israel to do and "keep nothing breathing but the virgins and enslave those".
    AND, if God Was that way, the religion couldn't have had professed all those ethics... And can you possibly believe in such a God?
    I don't know - ask some Christians :)

    Also, while the question of comparing the moral merits of different religions may be an intellectually stimulating pastime, I'd caution people not to fall into the fallacy of choosing a religion just because "it seems the most reasonable/moral so it must be true" - that would be the same as accepting the most appealing story as fact instead the story you have good proof of.
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