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The Power of Directed Thoughts during Meditation
Was wondering, has anyone ever heard anything about focused thoughts having a direct effect on the world.
More than just the individuals own perception or behaviors.
An example, collective thoughts having an effect on the weather.
Example of this is how the weather after Valentines day usually is sunny and hot, even in the UK where it is normally miserable during that time of the year.
I personally think that some of the worlds bad weather could also be caused by collective mind. Could be completely wrong though. Just a theory.
Although, could be that the phenomena you describe is illusory. When we want to see something badly enough, sometimes we see it even when it isn't there. So it could appear like our directed thoughts are affecting reality, when in fact it is our thoughts affecting our interpretation of reality.
I think that part of ego death and walking the path to being awoken is tapping into the universal consciousness, thus giving us some level of control over our reality.(I use reality loosely. Reality is a confusing term to me recently)
Tsuenami after September the 11th.
Earth Quakes that happened in China after recent conflict between Chinese and Tibetans.
These are perhaps all coincidences. Although I see them as a possible reactions.
No offense meant towards anyone.
Just a theory.
Perhaps this is why figures like the dalai lama are so optimistic. Optimism breeds good fortune.
Wasn't sure if it was something inherited from Taoism.
Although, I know that Tibetan has many layman traditions that predate Buddhism that include Tibetan Shamanism.
Interesting that most ancient cultures are very similar in nature.
Native American
African JuJu
All share similarities
crazy? maybe...
I have heard of this study. Perhaps the reason the crime rate went down was because the people who were busy meditating were also the ones normally responsible for the crimes!
Just kidding, us meditators are all very nice people.
Don't we all create the universe around us? Do we not paint our version of reality within our own mind..
Physics suggests that consciousness is the fabric of the universe, without it there would be nothing
Recommended viewing for anyone who is interested the way the mind influences the physical world. The film also mentions the "Double Slit Experiment" which is particularly interesting. This describes how particles behave like waves when unobserved and like particles when observed.
hey tom, my mom owns this book:
which is exactly what you are describing. it's interesting, at the very least. they have images of the different water crystals formed under different stimulants, good and bad. why the ones that were labeled with anger like, "i hate you" always look disjointed and distraught, i could not tell you.
For sure. I believe that it is possible that as we have a physical plane of existence that is made up of component parts, varying in density, which is intrinsically connected, that we also have a "thought" plane of existence that is similar in nature to that of the physical plane,
although instead of having physical molecules it has the equivalent "thought" component parts to make up this plane of existence.
(Perhaps this "thought" energy explains the nature of "black Matter", the elusive material that makes up the atom).
I also believe that it is possible for both these planes of existence to be intrinsically linked, with one effecting the other.
This certainly would explain how such phenomena works.
But alas, this is just an unproven theory.
Although I would not be surprised to learn that the earth, its inhabitants, perhaps even the universe, are all parts of one magnificent and glorious entity.
With one aspect's of the entity actions effecting the others.
Yes I watched a documentary quite some time ago and remember hearing of this experiment on there. I must admit, I am a bit unsure on the validity of these findings. The water molecules appear to be frozen... It would be very easy to just get an image of frozen water molecules and say this has been a direct response to the blessings and positive words. But who knows...
I think the other experiment about the mass meditation and crime level drop to be more believable. I had also heard of this before and had forgotten until you brought it up actually. Interesting stuff.
but do not ask for the references, please
bad thoughts, deeds and words would affect the environment in negative way, not only collectively but individually too
If it was possible someone would have probably won James Randi challenge and made a million bucks from it because it would surely be classed as paranpormal?
oh... it also works through the internet.
:: jamming signal up ::
:: releases biotic suggestion to eat a pickle and marshmallow tuna melt ::
:type: -> :eek: -> :hair: -> :rarr: