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World Peace and Health Org

edited October 2010 in General Banter
Hi Everyone,

I'm new and haven't posted much- I've been reading many interesting threads though.

I was wondering if any of you have ever heard of this group-
World Peace and Health Organization. They are opening centers within traveling distance and I was wondering if it would be a good source for classes. Holy Master Ziguang Shang Shi is the head of the group. I'm unfamiliar with any Buddhist groups or teachers and any feedback from you would be appreciated. Here's a link:

Thank you.



  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited October 2010
    The words "bargepole" and "I wouldn't touch it with a 10-foot" spring to mind.

    Why do you need an organisation like this to do any of the things it encourages you to participate in?
    here's what the requirements are:
    You have aspiration for a better world.
    Yup. Got that already
    You’re longing for peace and pursuing health.
    Already in place....
    You’ve gifted with talent, professionalism and potential.
    What do they want this for, exactly...?
    All what you need is just an opportunity!
    I have countless thousands of those every day...
    World Peace and Health Foundation is running a well-designed global volunteer program
    Really? What is it they do, exactly?
    What you’ll get…

    You will:

    Receive free course of Guang Huan Mi Zong Health Dharma

    ..What the heck is that, exactly?
    Enjoy full exploration of your potential and wisdom
    Revitalize your body, mind and soul
    Increase your adaptability in a multicultural environment
    Have a golden chance to contribute whatever you can to world peace and human health

    We are looking for competent and motivated persons from a vast range of backgrounds. Please send your resume with a cover letter to: .

    Free meals and accommodations will be provided to successful candidates.

    They want your money.
    Trust me, this is not something you want to get involved with.
    And I suspect it's in China, anyway....
    Sounds suspicious to me.

    Edit: I've just trawled my way through several pages, and basically, they're not saying anything groundbreaking or awe-inspiring. They're just repeating the same stuff over and over.
  • MountainsMountains Veteran
    edited October 2010
    It's odiferous...
  • edited October 2010
    federica wrote: »
    The words "bargepole" and "I wouldn't touch it with a 10-foot" spring to mind.

    I was worried that they were some kind of cult but I wasn't sure because I'm so new to Buddhism. I guess that Buddhism has weird offshoots like Christianity and the other religions do. I just hope that they don't give a bad impression of Buddhism- this area isn't the most open minded.
    federica wrote: »
    They want your money.
    Trust me, this is not something you want to get involved with.
    And I suspect it's in China, anyway....
    Sounds suspicious to me.

    Edit: I've just trawled my way through several pages, and basically, they're not saying anything groundbreaking or awe-inspiring. They're just repeating the same stuff over and over.

    I think you nailed it- they are a little too light on the details. People have told me that this group is buying up properties and plan on making that city a destination for spiritual seekers. So far they bought a Catholic retreat house on an historic site, two Catholic churches, a number of homes, and are bidding on more properties. This just piqued my curiosity. I fell for some new age teachings years ago and don't want to do it again.

    Thank you, federica, you confirmed my suspicions. It's probably best that I don't get on their mailing list.:)

  • edited October 2010
    Mountains wrote: »
    It's odiferous...

    Yeah, and it's not the fresh flowers I just picked.:smilec:
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