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How do you overcome slander?

Imagine this scenario.

You live on a small 7 by 9 miles island, population of under 90,000.
Everything well connected and easily accessible.

You were married for a short period, but you split up with your ex-wife shortly after being violently assaulted by your ex-wife only days after your only siblings funeral.

Your brother died of an overdose, following a highly stressful period of which he fails to cope with vicious slander that was spread about him.

Your marriage was strained at the best of times due to your ex-wife's religious beliefs (Jehovah Witness) and her infidelity, which was encouraged by her sister who is a malicious, compassion-less sociopath con artist who's only talent in life is her skill at using sympathy ploys and lying.
She is also into pseudo "black Magic" and views herself as a witch....

Using slander as her primary method she contacts people who you are involved with in order to ruin your relationship with them.

She contacts the various people and makes up that you are a covertly mistreating your wife using domestic violence and psychological bullying labeling you as a wife beater / rapist / peodefile / heroin addict / Drug Dealer / Racist / Neo Nazi / Communist / Capitalist / bigot / Christian Hater / Buddhist Hater (What ever will make the targeted person hate you).

In real life you are none of the above.

All is done covertly and "in confidence". You start getting picked on by everyone that you have contact with apart from perhaps your family and your closest fiends.

Eventually you break up with your wife.

Even once you have broken up, the malicious parties continue to follow you and continue to ruin your relationships. Worse still, your ex-wife who is bitter and twisted starts to join in with the malicious slander, which has even greater potential to damage your reputation as she works for the children's service.

Your ex-wife's sister also gets married and her new husband and all their acquaintances all help to further their cause of ruining your life.

They even go to the extent of using sniperspy spyware to stalk you online and follow you to even internet forums and continue to spread their vicious slander to ruin any chances you have of making new friends.

Haven all ready ruined you marriage, most of your relationships with your old friends, they continue to ruin your present with their slander.

The police aren't interested in any complaints you make, perhaps because they can't be bothered.

What do you do?
I know Milarepa went through much the same on his path to enlightenment.
Still, the whole process is less than enjoyable.
What would you do?


  • ShiftPlusOneShiftPlusOne Veteran
    edited October 2010
    That sounds awful. I don't see an easy way out other than moving overseas... even that's not a guaranteed exit.
  • edited October 2010
    Hi De-void

    The victim must first learn to disarm his own sense of hatred and anger for it will stop any possible positive outcomes from occurring.

    He must recognise that this is a ripening of his previous karma and not just theoretically, but from his heart, recognise this and develop a sense of acceptance.

    He can practice tong-len to aid self-healing emotionally. And recite prayers to heal all parties involved. At no time should he try to hit back or take revenge, or even leave anyone out of his healing because he hates this person. It will only compound the karma. When the practice of tong-len deepens, it is possible to give rise to compassion instead.

    He can appreciate that even though his situation is bad, there are many people who are in worse situations than his and in greater suffering... from this develop appreciation and also give thanks and also take it in perspective to see the truth of Buddha's words in the first noble truth... the suffering in samsara.

    These steps if well taken, can help this person to develop beyond his present limits and spiritually he will progress. Instead of letting the situation make him stew in his mental poisons, he can transform into fuel to go further on the spiritual path.

    It is all up to him...
  • GuyCGuyC Veteran
    edited October 2010
    If people slander us, that is their kamma. If we get angry and retaliate, that is our kamma.
  • edited October 2010
    Hi De-void
    He must recognise that this is a ripening of his previous karma and not just theoretically, but from his heart, recognise this and develop a sense of acceptance.

    Thank you for your advice, however, I personally am not completely convinced that this is how Karma works.

    I do not believe that people doing bad to others is always the fault of the person subjected to the abuse.
    This theory is subject to abuse. Especially if the victims are dogmatic idealists.

    For example, if I knew you were a dogmatic believer in Karma from past lives, I may manipulate this belief to my favor. Do something bad to you and then blame you!

    For me to believe in Karma, it would take complete knowledge of all Karmic transactions from the point of origin of the universe to recent activity in this life in order to be able to reconcile all transactions and to prove that I the Karmic transactions that are happening to me in this life is due to my past actions.

    With out this complete knowledge, the concept of transmigratable karma is only a theory.

    I do not believe in reincarnation and am not convinced in life to life karma.

    I do believe in cause and effect and I do believe in the interconnected nature of the net of cause and effect.

    With these belief's, I understand that the world of human relationships are very much like the physical world in that actions cause a positive or negative reaction, which in turn, potentially cause additional reactions or chains of reactions.

    As with the physical world, I believe that the world of human relationships is similar in the way that one reaction from within the net of cause and effect can effect other parties who had no part in generating the cause.

    Without a blueprint. Karma is nothing more than an abstact theory. One that is malipulated by malicous parties.

    For example, if you were living happily with your wife, minding your own business, and another man turns up and wedges you apart using any means necessary.

    He may tell people that this is your karma for being such a bad person and portray himself as the innocent hero although all the negative causes have been generated by him.
  • edited October 2010
    Hi De-void

    The victim must first learn to disarm his own sense of hatred and anger for it will stop any possible positive outcomes from occurring.

    At no time should he try to hit back or take revenge, or even leave anyone out of his healing because he hates this person

    I don't think the issue is his hatred but the Hatred and maliciousness that he is being subjected to.

    The issue of taking revenge isn't isn't mentioned either, this issue is more about finding a practical solution to protecting himself from these anti-buddha's (the opposite of buddha's), as although one may find it in their heart to forgive the malicious parties, and perhaps even cultivate compassion for them, this compassion and forgiveness will not protect him from their malicious activity.

    Some may argue to endure such persecution and to rejoice in such fruitation of karmic seeds, however, to do so would to put a lot of blind faith on reincarnation and the law of karmic retribution and potentially allow malicious parties to ruin your life.

    I would prefer to refraim from any dogmatic belief, and would look for a more practical solution that could work during this real life.
  • edited October 2010
    GuyC wrote: »
    If people slander us, that is their kamma. If we get angry and retaliate, that is our kamma.
    sure, thanks for the advice.
    However, if it is their karma. then why is it effecting my life and not theirs.
    When you live in a small islands, gossip spreads like wild fire, and before you know it, the gossip based on slander has become fact and the whole island are treating you like an outcast.

    Not many people are all compassionate Bikku, giving out love unconditionally. In fact, most people in the west are materialistic selfish egocentric hedonists with little time for people with problems.
  • ZaylZayl Veteran
    edited October 2010
    Forgive them, for their hatred will only harm them in the end. I know it is difficult, but you must not worry so much about what other people think of you. After all, you know that the things they say are not true, and you should be able to look these people in the eye and say "That is not how I am, It is not my way."

    They may not believe you, but you must believe yourself. In the end, it will all work out one way or another.
  • edited October 2010
    Zayl wrote: »
    Forgive them, for their hatred will only harm them in the end. I know it is difficult, but you must not worry so much about what other people think of you. After all, you know that the things they say are not true, and you should be able to look these people in the eye and say "That is not how I am, It is not my way."

    They may not believe you, but you must believe yourself. In the end, it will all work out one way or another.

    Thank you for your advise. I agree.
    However, this scenerio is tough as I know that many people are not kind and many will believe anything negative said as the gospel truth, perhaps this is a method of protection, just in case the slander is true.

    One must be very strong when faced with such circumstances as how people see you does effect your journey in life.
  • ValtielValtiel Veteran
    edited October 2010
    What exactly have you done so far in terms of contacting the police? What have you taken to them to prove that she is doing this? Have you contacted a lawyer? I would leave your more descriptive terms of the sister and ex off message boards.
    sniperspy spyware...

    That would be illegal if the computer is not owned by her. Can you prove that she did this? How did she get access to your computer/information to set this up?
    Your ex-wife's sister also gets married and her new husband and all their acquaintances all help to further their cause of ruining your life.

    This honestly seems pretty farfetched and unlikely to me unless there's something you've forgot to mention. What has made them act this way, even if you feel it's an unjustified response?
  • edited October 2010
    Yes, very well put. I also might add that it may be important to feel genuine compassion for the people doing this. This is harming them also. Samsara is suffering, and it sounds like you are doing an awful lot of suffering. It may help to keep in mind that this situation is only temporary. Eventually, by not reacting to the slander, people will lose interest and move on to another activity.

    Hi De-void

    The victim must first learn to disarm his own sense of hatred and anger for it will stop any possible positive outcomes from occurring.

    He must recognise that this is a ripening of his previous karma and not just theoretically, but from his heart, recognise this and develop a sense of acceptance.

    He can practice tong-len to aid self-healing emotionally. And recite prayers to heal all parties involved. At no time should he try to hit back or take revenge, or even leave anyone out of his healing because he hates this person. It will only compound the karma. When the practice of tong-len deepens, it is possible to give rise to compassion instead.

    He can appreciate that even though his situation is bad, there are many people who are in worse situations than his and in greater suffering... from this develop appreciation and also give thanks and also take it in perspective to see the truth of Buddha's words in the first noble truth... the suffering in samsara.

    These steps if well taken, can help this person to develop beyond his present limits and spiritually he will progress. Instead of letting the situation make him stew in his mental poisons, he can transform into fuel to go further on the spiritual path.

    It is all up to him...
  • edited October 2010
    Valtiel wrote: »
    What exactly have you done so far in terms of contacting the police? What have you taken to them to prove that she is doing this? Have you contacted a lawyer?
    The Police where I live have been known to victimize.
    In my experience, the police treat some people with complete favor, letting them off all offenses, while others get hammered without reason.
    Police are human beings and are subject to corruption, as much as any other human being in Samsara.

    The majority of the police are men, who are also subject to their own weaknesses.
    If I was female, had big breasts, was able to flutter my eye lashes and was good at fake crying, the police would be more helpful.
    Valtiel wrote: »
    That would be illegal if the computer is not owned by her. Can you prove that she did this? How did she get access to your computer/information to set this up?

    Sniperspy software can be used to gain access of almost anyones computer, it is delivered via email and can be used to gain access to peoples computers, their email, the websites that are being accessed, pretty much everything that the person uses the computer for.

    It is illegal, although the internet laws are presently insufficient and are pretty confusing at the moment. Even if you had loads of money, and had a good lawyer (which is hard to find) this would be hard to follow up.
    Ex-wives often have access to their ex's home through keys to door.

    In extreme cases, people may even break in, as locks on rented accommodation are often yale knight latches which are easily forced and easy to replace with out detection.
    Also hard to prove, especially to police who don't want to prove it.
    Valtiel wrote: »
    This honestly seems pretty farfetched and unlikely to me unless there's something you've forgot to mention. What has made them act this way, even if you feel it's an unjustified response?

    Not far fethched. These things happen all the time.
    May be hard for you to understand but still true.
    We all have lived different lives and have different experiences.
    People who have led sheltered lives may not believe the things that some people living around scum bags have been through.
    Does not mean that such events can not happened.
  • ValtielValtiel Veteran
    edited October 2010
    The Police are pretty useless. If I was female, had big breasts, was able to flutter my eye lashes and was good at fake crying, the police would be more helpful.

    The police are not always objective. In fact, where I live, they are seldom objective and their i live, that are a law onto themselves.
    That isn't what I asked. I asked what evidence you've taken to them, and what you've told them.
    I have not put any description of my ex-wife or her malicious family.
    I'm talking about things even like this: "which was encouraged by her sister who is a malicious, compassion-less sociopath con artist who's only talent in life is her skill at using sympathy ploys and lying."

    I am making this suggestion for your benefit.
    It is illegal, although the internet laws are presently insufficient and are pretty confusing at the moment. Even if you had loads of money, and had a good lawyer (which is hard to find) this would be hard to follow up.
    They are not insufficient. It is straightforwardly illegal to use such a program to spy on someone else. It is illegal to install such software on a computer that is not your own without the owner's permission. Again have you taken proof of these things to the police or a lawyer?

    I know what SniperSpy is. How did it get installed on your pc? Did you confirm the e-mail or did your ex install it?
    Ex-wives often have access to their ex's home through keys to door.
    Change your locks. Regardless of whether she has a key, if she entered the home without your permission and she isn't on the lease/mortgage, then she broke in and was trespassing. Did you call the police?

    Did you call the police when she assaulted you?

    In extreme cases, people may even break in, as locks on rented accommodation are often yale knight latches which are easily forced and easy to replace with out detection.
    Also hard to prove, especially to police who don't want to prove it.
    Not far fethched. Lots of things left out. All abuse at the hands of the idiots. May be hard for you to understand but still true.
    We all have lived different lives and have different experiences.
    People who have led sheltered lives may not believe the things that some people living around scum bags have been through.
    Does not mean that the events have not happened.
    I have far from lived a sheltered life. I'm not saying this isn't happening. I'm saying that there is clearly pieces of the story missing because so many unrelated people would not normally get involved in something like this. Why are aquantences of the sister's husband involved and slandering you?
  • seeker242seeker242 Zen Florida, USA Veteran
    edited October 2010
    Imagine this scenario.

    You live on a small 7 by 9 miles island, population of under 90,000.
    Everything well connected and easily accessible.

    You were married for a short period, but you split up with your ex-wife shortly after being violently assaulted by your ex-wife only days after your only siblings funeral.

    Your brother died of an overdose, following a highly stressful period of which he fails to cope with vicious slander that was spread about him.

    Your marriage was strained at the best of times due to your ex-wife's religious beliefs (Jehovah Witness) and her infidelity, which was encouraged by her sister who is a malicious, compassion-less sociopath con artist who's only talent in life is her skill at using sympathy ploys and lying.
    She is also into pseudo "black Magic" and views herself as a witch....

    Using slander as her primary method she contacts people who you are involved with in order to ruin your relationship with them.

    She contacts the various people and makes up that you are a covertly mistreating your wife using domestic violence and psychological bullying labeling you as a wife beater / rapist / peodefile / heroin addict / Drug Dealer / Racist / Neo Nazi / Communist / Capitalist / bigot / Christian Hater / Buddhist Hater (What ever will make the targeted person hate you).

    In real life you are none of the above.

    All is done covertly and "in confidence". You start getting picked on by everyone that you have contact with apart from perhaps your family and your closest fiends.

    Eventually you break up with your wife.

    Even once you have broken up, the malicious parties continue to follow you and continue to ruin your relationships. Worse still, your ex-wife who is bitter and twisted starts to join in with the malicious slander, which has even greater potential to damage your reputation as she works for the children's service.

    Your ex-wife's sister also gets married and her new husband and all their acquaintances all help to further their cause of ruining your life.

    They even go to the extent of using sniperspy spyware to stalk you online and follow you to even internet forums and continue to spread their vicious slander to ruin any chances you have of making new friends.

    Haven all ready ruined you marriage, most of your relationships with your old friends, they continue to ruin your present with their slander.

    The police aren't interested in any complaints you make, perhaps because they can't be bothered.

    What do you do?
    I know Milarepa went through much the same on his path to enlightenment.
    Still, the whole process is less than enjoyable.
    What would you do?

    Practice loving kindness for those that do you harm and wish for them to get enlightenment and be free of suffering. All the while feeling compassion for them because they are sowing the seeds for the continuation of their suffering.
  • edited October 2010
    Valtiel wrote: »
    That isn't what I asked. I asked what evidence you've taken to them, and what you've told them.

    I'm talking about things even like this: "which was encouraged by her sister who is a malicious, compassion-less sociopath con artist who's only talent in life is her skill at using sympathy ploys and lying."

    I asked a question with regards to a scenerio.
    This is subjective opinion doesn't identifies anyone and represents fictitious individuals who may or may not be similar to people in real life.
    Valtiel wrote: »
    Again have you taken proof of these things to the police or a lawyer?
    This is a scenario.
    If this scenario was about me, I would not disclose any action taken.

    Also. Please note that the police and the Law system works differently compared to what area you live in, as do lawyers.
    Valtiel wrote: »
    Did you call the police when she assaulted you?
    This is a scenario.
    Valtiel wrote: »
    I have far from lived a sheltered life. I'm not saying this isn't happening. I'm saying that there is clearly pieces of the story missing because so many unrelated people would not normally get involved in something like this. Why are aquantences of the sister's husband involved and slandering you?

    Some people will get involved in such things if they have been given a reason to, if they believe that the person they are damaging is a bad person.

    Not everyone is nice. Some people are sadistic and will pick on someone, if they feel they are justified.

    For example, if Mrs. A told everyone that she knew that she was being bullied by Mr. X, the friends of Mrs. A may start bullying Mr. X without evidence and Mrs. A may have made up everything because she is nasty.
  • robotrobot Veteran
    edited October 2010
    Even if your story is a fabrication and even more so if it is true, I believe that you need to sit down with a counselor or a therapist rather than looking for help online with strangers.-P
  • edited October 2010
    robot wrote: »
    Even if your story is a fabrication and even more so if it is true, I believe that you need to sit down with a counselor or a therapist rather than looking for help online with strangers.-P
    Thats a bit offensive,
  • robotrobot Veteran
    edited October 2010
    No offense intended. Your recent threads include imaginary scenarios that are dark and sort of pointless. I don't think you are getting closer to understanding karma. I could be wrong, its just that it looks that way to me. That you think I'm a what, sniperspy(?), makes my point.
  • GuyCGuyC Veteran
    edited October 2010
    sure, thanks for the advice.
    However, if it is their karma. then why is it effecting my life and not theirs.
    When you live in a small islands, gossip spreads like wild fire, and before you know it, the gossip based on slander has become fact and the whole island are treating you like an outcast.

    If you read the small print on the contract, you'd know what you signed up for when you became a human being. Right at the bottom it says "All human beings are subject to the Eight Worldly Winds: praise, blame, pleasure, pain, gain, loss, fame and disrepute". It might help to know that we aren't the only one that this happens to, it happens to all of us from time to time. Sometimes we are falsely accused, unfortunately this is just the way of the world.

    There is a Zen Story about this:
    Is That So?
    <!-- Stop displaying title --><!-- Display story -->
    The Zen master Hakuin was praised by his neighbors as one living a pure life.

    A beautiful Japanese girl whose parents owned a food store lived near him. Suddenly, without any warning, her parents discovered she was with child.

    This made her parents very angry. She would not confess who the man was, but after much harassment at last named Hakuin.

    In great anger the parents went to the master. "Is that so?" was all he would say.

    After the child was born it was brought to Hakuin. By this time he had lost his reputation, which did not trouble him, but he took very good care of the child. He obtained milk from his neighbors and everything else the little one needed.

    A year later the girl-mother could stand it no longer. She told her parents the truth - that the real father of the child was a young man who worked in the fishmarket.

    The mother and father of the girl at once went to Hakuin to ask his forgiveness, to apologize at length, and to get the child back again.

    Hakuin was willing. In yielding the child, all he said was: "Is that so?"
  • edited October 2010
    what is this sniperspy talk? That has to be installed on the computer one is using to track anything.(I just googled it to find out what it is)
  • ValtielValtiel Veteran
    edited October 2010
    I asked a question with regards to a scenerio.
    This is subjective opinion doesn't identifies anyone and represents fictitious individuals who may or may not be similar to people in real life.

    This is a scenario.
    If this scenario was about me, I would not disclose any action taken.
    This Thread is pointless. Is this about you or not? Is it true or not? Do you want help or not?

    You asked "What would you do?"

    Did you call the police on any of these occasions?

    Or are you going to refuse to answer again?

    Ok then my suggestion is to call the police, if she assaults you, if they come into your home, if they harass you, if they stalk you... and don't go to them and talk in hypotheticals and not take any proof of your claims. My suggestion is to not continue to allow these "scenarios" to arise: change your locks; don't open e-mails unless you were expecting them and are absolutely certain as to what they are.
    Also. Please note that the police and the Law system works differently compared to what area you live in, as do lawyers.
    Ok, how do the police, law systems, and lawyers work where you live? where do you live so I can look up the laws?
    This is a scenario.
    I have no idea what you're trying to say. Why won't you answer these questions? You're wasting our time.
    Some people will get involved in such things if they have been given a reason to, if they believe that the person they are damaging is a bad person.

    Not everyone is nice. Some people are sadistic and will pick on someone, if they feel they are justified.

    For example, if Mrs. A told everyone that she knew that she was being bullied by Mr. X, the friends of Mrs. A may start bullying Mr. X without evidence and Mrs. A may have made up everything because she is nasty.
    If this is what people are like on the island you live on, or that the imaginary character in your OP lives on, then I suggest that you or the imaginary character you created move ASAP.

    So is this story true or not?
  • ValtielValtiel Veteran
    edited October 2010
    Well never mind; it seems by "scenario" you mean you've wasted my time writing bullcrap thinking you were doing us a favour and blowing our minds and changing our perspectives...

    Well that was 10 wasted minutes of my life, thank you.
  • edited October 2010
    Have to agree with Valtiel.I think the forum for someone like myself who after a few weeks of trying to find out about Buudhism is still wondering if it is really for him.Doesn´t really need to be reading about a `What if` story..This is confusing enough as it is.
  • AllbuddhaBoundAllbuddhaBound Veteran
    edited October 2010
    I think we are forgetting about compassion and understanding for DVOM or for whoever it is that is suffering. We can get angry at DVOM for bringing something to light that we may not be comfortable with, but that is part of the journey. To be willing to go to the places that scare us.
  • ValtielValtiel Veteran
    edited October 2010
    I think we are forgetting about compassion and understanding for DVOM or for whoever it is that is suffering. We can get angry at DVOM for bringing something to light that we may not be comfortable with, but that is part of the journey. To be willing to go to the places that scare us.

    The point is that no one is suffering. This was supposed to be a hypothetical "what if?" scenario that we were to ask ourselves and... well something big, mind-altering, life-changing, was supposed to happen as our true selves were revealed or... well I don't actually know what the point of this stuff is. But quite honestly if someone is going to post things like this, they should make it blatantly clear that the story isn't true and what the purpose of posting it is, because clearly a lot of people took it to be true and about the OP. It's not that I'm "not comfortable with it," it's that I found it misleading and a waste of time.

    Again, what was the point of this Thread exactly?
  • FyreShamanFyreShaman Veteran
    edited October 2010
    It may be compassionate to prevent that person from committing acts which are negative karma. It is very important that your motivation is Compassion and not Anger in pursuing them.

    In the UK we have the Harrassment Act. Prove that on 3 occasions this person has caused you distress in this way and they may be prosecuted, and even face jail in some cases.

    Simply advising this person that for their own good the slander must cease, and advising them of the local law where you are, may be a solution.

    If their defamation has had negative consequences you may wish to take legal action under defamation law. If anything appears as libel (in permanent form) on the internet you may prsecute using ther laws of ANY country where the libel may be seen. of course, just waving this under their noses may work.

    Being compassionate and reducing suffering does not necessarily equate to 'nice'.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited October 2010
    I think the question has been answered.
This discussion has been closed.