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Synergies... amazing!

MountainsMountains Veteran
edited October 2010 in General Banter
I'm currently a full-time student living on a limited, fixed income. Well, actually it's not 'income' - it's just a given amount of money I have to get me through the next 2+ years of school and living expenses.

Given the incredibly intense nature of the current semester, I decided that I will not only deserve, but desperately need a real down time break over the holidays, so I'm going to go sit on a tropical beach for a week. True, it's a huge extravagance of money I really don't have at the moment, but I'm doing it anyway :)

Then yesterday, an old client for whom I had done some freelance graphics work emailed me and asked if I would be able to do a project for him before the first of December. Ordinarily I would have to decline, as I have zero time to devote to stuff like that right now. BUT... it turns out the project he's after is essentially just a re-do of stuff I've already done previously! What he needs is taking me about 2 hours to rejigger to his specs, and *voila* my holiday trip is paid for!

Truly, the universe works in mysterious ways sometimes!


  • ThailandTomThailandTom Veteran
    edited October 2010
    nice one ;)

    Pleasant surprises are always welcomed with open arms. Where exactly are you planning on heading for your holiday anyways?

    Where did you pick up your graphic skills..?? That is what I studied at college and university, I might intend to look for work here in Thailand but there are so many laws and restrictions against foreigners working here.
  • TreeLuvr87TreeLuvr87 Veteran
    edited October 2010
    Very cool, Mountains :-) Gotta love it when things work out like that!
  • MountainsMountains Veteran
    edited October 2010
    Where exactly are you planning on heading for your holiday anyways?

    Where did you pick up your graphic skills..?? That is what I studied at college and university, I might intend to look for work here in Thailand but there are so many laws and restrictions against foreigners working here.

    I'm 100% self-taught. Specifically, I do mostly silkscreen art, but I also do technical illustration. Here's an example of the latter.

  • ThailandTomThailandTom Veteran
    edited October 2010
    Those are quite cool. The dolphin in seagull tail is my favorite :P
    I saw a brief on a graphic design forum that was very similar to this actually. I need to create a new portfolio so I was looking around the net for decent briefs.

    I am more into editorial work and photo manipulation. My strong point is with typography though, I have a sort of passion for typography. You can create such wonderful things with simple type work.

    Belize eh, well have a grand old time won't you chap :p Everybody needs a good old break now and then :)
  • MountainsMountains Veteran
    edited October 2010
    I *LOVE* type! I'm a fontaholic. I think at last count I had somewhere around 4000 fonts on my system :) I learned typesetting before there was such a thing as a computer typesetting machine. Then I learned the first crude "computer" machines, and then they went the way of the dodo when PC's came along. I remember the first time I "typeset" a document on a desktop PC - I thought the world had surely turned a corner (and I as right). I can tell you why "leading" is called "leading" (and it has to do with the element lead, Pb), and why we say "upper case" and "lower case" for letters...
  • ThailandTomThailandTom Veteran
    edited October 2010
    LOL, oldskool type methods. There are many different terminologies within typography and I am sure most people are oblivious to the vast majority of them. After all, they do not need to know them so there is no real reason to :p

    Coming from college and university in graphic design, I was 'raised' on macs and would never consider owning a PC again personally speaking. My macbook is the one main material thing I care about. I have a phone with no colour screen, maybe 4 sets of clothing and yea that is that haha. O I forgot, I have a nikon D60 as well. There is a funny story with my laptop, I actually got drugged about 5 months ago and it got stolen along with £900. My friend had the exact same model as me and owed/owes me an amount of money so he gave me his to take away some of the debt. So all of my uni work has gone, my work I did for pleasure has gone and my copy of fotoshop :( If I had not had any experience with buddhism I probably would have cried, but I just had to laugh and walk it off really. Also I think the substance they drugged me with was still in my system for several days..

    When exactly are you heading out to belize??
  • MountainsMountains Veteran
    edited October 2010
    30 December at 0840! :)

    Mac user here since 1989.
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