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A frightening dream

RichardHRichardH Veteran
edited October 2010 in General Banter
I had a dream last night that evoked a primal fear. Several years ago I was walking ontop a glacier in New Zealand. The surface was rough and dirty, but the intense blue of the ice could be seen in the clear spots. Then, I came across an area about the size of two tennis courts that was wet and glass smooth. It was a giant funnel that was almost flat at the edges and then gradually steepened toward the centre, until it was amost vertical, before disappearing down a hole that could have been no wider than three feet. That hole was crystal blue into pitch black, and there was the muffled sound of thundering water coming from deep inside. If I had made one misstep, I would have begun a slow unstoppable slide toward that hole. That slide would have gradually increased in speed until I just dissappeared.


Last night after all these years I dreamed I was on that glacier again with a group of people. A man and his freind walked close to the edge and one started to slide, frantically grabbing at the smooth wet ice as he slipped away, while everyone looked on helplessly. He just slipped.

I could feel his nervous system flaring as he slipped away, along with his friend's, and then I woke up.... feeling that.:eek: I haven't been rattled by a dream since I was a kid.

Just sharing..


  • MountainsMountains Veteran
    edited October 2010
    Aren't those awful? You wake up with your heart pounding, in a puddle of sweat. Have you had any unusual stress going on recently? A close call in traffic? Things like that will often set off fear dreams like yours. School currently has me very stressed, and I have dreams like that much more often than I usually do.
  • TreeLuvr87TreeLuvr87 Veteran
    edited October 2010
    Man, I can see how that shook you up! Did you feel a lot of guilt in the dream about not being able to help the falling guy? Could be coming from feelings of helplessness in your life, watching things go badly but not being able to intervene. Glad you woke up!
  • RichardHRichardH Veteran
    edited October 2010
    Mountains wrote: »
    Have you had any unusual stress going on recently? A close call in traffic? Things like that will often set off fear dreams like yours. .
    Nothing in particular...just the steady...drip...drip....drip of old age disease and death:). Usually I do not experience fear or anxiety, but practice has been intensive lately and dead fish are, I am told, likely to float up.
  • RichardHRichardH Veteran
    edited October 2010
    TreeLuvr87 wrote: »
    Man, I can see how that shook you up! Did you feel a lot of guilt in the dream about not being able to help the falling guy? Could be coming from feelings of helplessness in your life, watching things go badly but not being able to intervene. Glad you woke up!
    No guilt, just his horror. There may be feelings of helplessness. When talking online it is easy to focus on the insights and practice, but I think my attachments, and the depth of ageless habit energy I am working with is not something that just ups and vanishes with the occasional "taste of freedom" . I find there are long periods when the mind is stable and non-grasping, then suddenly there will be a flash of anger, or absurd impatience, that takes me by surprise. This path is not a simple progression.
  • edited October 2010
    I had many dreams since i was young and there were many dreams, dreams of different kinds.
    There were dreams consisting of only sounds. For example when you sleep with a person who snores you'll get it. Its the fear of that noise. Its weird and unexplainable.

    Another kind of dream are those based on images and motion. There are those dreams that lack clarity and and will be forgotten once you woke up.
    There are those dreams that are so clear they seem real and you'll never forget it.

    I still remembered some silly dreams I had once I was a kid and I could still remember them vividly :D

    1st: Riding a bicycle then fell down a cliff (perhaps this dream was triggered when i started cycling)

    2nd: A micky- vampire bat flying into my window at night. ( scared of the dark)

    3rd: I dreamed of having powers as I hold on to something special. (Like a eraser which gives me super powers etc)

    These are some weird dreams I had. What about yours ? :)
  • GuyCGuyC Veteran
    edited October 2010
    Last night I had a dream where I was walking across the road at an intersection just as the traffic lights were changing. Three lanes worth of cars were headed towards me and I thought there was no way to avoid death. I was full of fear at this point. Then all of a sudden I flew out of the way to safety. But as I was flying I was wondering "did I just die or am I still alive?"...can't remember what happened after that.

    I don't know what any of it means, but I sure hope it isn't prophetic...I will be looking both ways before I cross the street.
  • andyrobynandyrobyn Veteran
    edited October 2010
    GuyC wrote: »
    I don't know what any of it means, but I sure hope it isn't prophetic...I will be looking both ways before I cross the street.

    Always a good idea :)
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    edited October 2010
    I always have dreams that I am going back to college (because I failed out of grad school when I went nuts) and it starts I am living with some weird people maybe some from my past and I am doing something with homework. Tonight I was explaining how electrons conduct in a metal only in my dream it was totally wrong I realized when I woke up.

    Then part of the dream I am going around the college town looking to find my way back home. I am always either on skis or rollerskates/blades. Often I am being persecuted by the hideous terrain or the people.
  • edited October 2010
    Richard H,

    I agree that those kinds of dreams are hard to handle, and I 've had a few myself. One that sticks out is a dream I had of a friend who was chasing me with the intent to kill me:eek:(he had his .357 revolver from the security guard job he worked in his hand and would take potshots at me when I was within range). What's more, all through the dream he kept coming.
    It was frightening to the extreme, but in time I realized why I was having it.

    Aside from the psychological side others have mentioned, Is it possible there is a physical problem causing this, such as for example, sleep apnea perhaps?

    Just a thought.:om:
  • TreeLuvr87TreeLuvr87 Veteran
    edited October 2010
    Richard H wrote: »
    No guilt, just his horror. There may be feelings of helplessness. When talking online it is easy to focus on the insights and practice, but I think my attachments, and the depth of ageless habit energy I am working with is not something that just ups and vanishes with the occasional "taste of freedom" . I find there are long periods when the mind is stable and non-grasping, then suddenly there will be a flash of anger, or absurd impatience, that takes me by surprise. This path is not a simple progression.

    Very true man. Dreams are an interesting window into what we need to see sometimes, but it sure is a foggy window! They're so interesting, though. I'm constantly amazed at the forms certain people or ideas take in my sleeping mind.
  • edited October 2010
    It's not necessary to try to analyse dreams or to speculate if they're prophetic or whatever. It's just that ol' monkey mind working overtime again.

    Gently let the dream thoughts go - relax, and be aware of the present moment. ;)

  • RichardHRichardH Veteran
    edited October 2010
    Dazzle wrote: »
    Gently let the dream thoughts go - relax, and be aware of the present moment.

    Thanks Dazzle, I'll write that down.:lol:

    Dreams can have meaning, sure.....or not. Conditions are conditions. Someone here put their finger on why the dream in the op popped up. Sleep deprivation. I've been working till 2am and getting up at 7am to help get the kid to school. Morning rush hour traffic in this town is a bottomless funnel of doom. Not a nice prospect.
  • edited October 2010
    Richard H wrote: »
    Thanks Dazzle, I'll write that down.:lol:

    Dreams can have meaning, sure.....or not. Conditions are conditions. Someone here put their finger on why the dream in the op popped up. Sleep deprivation. I've been working till 2am and getting up at 7am to help get the kid to school. Morning rush hour traffic in this town is a bottomless funnel of doom. Not a nice prospect.
    Cut that out.:D Do you know that extreme sleep deprivation can cause psychosis?
  • seeker242seeker242 Zen Florida, USA Veteran
    edited October 2010
    I had a dream the other day that some guy was trying to sell me revolutionary cleaning products that were not even sold in stores, all for 19.99. And If I bought one right then, I would get one free! :lol:
  • GuyCGuyC Veteran
    edited October 2010
    seeker242 wrote: »
    I had a dream the other day that some guy was trying to sell me revolutionary cleaning products that were not even sold in stores, all for 19.99. And If I bought one right then, I would get one free! :lol:

    Truly a horrific nightfomercialmare
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