Today and yesterday have been some awakening like days. There were two things, that followed closely (as time period) one another. In fact, there is one thing. Death. For example yesterday morning, while going to school ,I saw in a bus station the carcass of a dog. From the distance it was like ' Oh, look a dog's dead body! It's nothing special ! I see these dead things by the side of the road smashed with their organs spread on the highway ! So, move on!". But one thing made me think again, at 7 a.m. in a cold, dark, rainy morning : the dog itself. It was a small dog, with black curly hair, and had black eyes. When I passed by that body, The thing that struck me the most was the look. Empty, but at the same time so ... full of life. The dog was just lying down, without moving an inch. It was staring into nowhere. I was beginning to feel afraid. 'Why, why like this ?'. I couldn't answer the 'why' questions that day, vecause I was distracted by the useless things developing very rapidly in my school.
Today, as usual, I arrived home,I was greeted by some of my dogs. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. But was one of the dogs, who didn't come to greet me. I thought that nothing happened. I passed by that dog ( which has white fur) and saw some blood stains. Again, nothing out of the ordinary. But, when I was about to enter the house, I saw something lying on the pavement: the body of a freshly killed cat. iwas a bit terrified, because I didn't know what to do. I was asking myself if I should let the cat there for a few more hours, for my parents to see it, and to bury it (well, I , when I heard abut picking up dead things, I refused to do this, because it made me feel really sick), or if I should throw the body at the trash can. I chose to bury it in my own quick style. Got home, changed my clothes, covered my mouth with a rag, grabbed some plastic bags used for storing garbage, and used them to cover the dead body. For me , the whole 'ritual' made me rethink about what bodily life is. When I was trying to cover the dead cat with four sacks but the damn wind was blowing pretty hard, making the 'funeral' a pain in the...rib. I finally managed to bury it into the trash can. Now, today was for me the time I 'touched death'.
I am asking : what is death ? Why did those creatures died that way ?
all I know is that I do not worry about death. My death, will come when it will come. I will not fight it (of course I won't stand in traffic)
My advice to you? sit down, alone, and in a quiet and dim room. Think very long and hard about everything you experienced that day, and try to relate it to yourself as much as possible.
Forget that, what is life?
Forget that, where's my beer?!
forget that, where's my BEAR??
If you did not exist at some point, then something stopped you from not existing. At every point in your life events have taken place to prevent such a thing from happening, which makes a little more sense than some sort of non-existing you waiting around in hyper space.
Imagine a brain with billions of cells in it. Each cell is aware that it has a finite lifespan. One of them goes 'oh crap, I'm done for' not knowing that it's part of the rest of the brain. Now this cell eventually dies, but it's part of the whole and a new one comes along. It goes 'oh crap, I'm done for' unknowing that the same thing has happened over and over.
It's a bit like in that new film moon where... oh wait maybe you've not seen it yet?
I mean it's not like you'll be around to worry about it.
As for death, you'll never truly appreciate it until you watch something die. It's a process, not an event or a state of being. There's no such thing as a dead dog.
Dacă vrei, putăm să vorbim romanește.
Bine, hai să vorbim româneşte !
Mai corect era : "Dacă vrei, putem să vorbim româneşte."
Iartă-mă, asta e prima oară că am utilizat programul de limba română. Nu cunosc bine "keyboard"-ul. Și n-am vorbit românește foarte mulți ani!
Aşa, on-topic : oamenii aceia din satul meu nu sunt normali, pentru că nu prea au auzit de bun simţ. Parcă nu există aşa ceva în sat. Bine, cu câteva excepţii.
2. Am învăţat limba engleză la şcoală şi, în paralel cu şcoala, la nişte cursuri particulare.
(You know, that almost sounds like Finnish and/or Baltic. If you faked it, you did a good job. )